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In a fiery speech that had her conservative Colorado audience cheering, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann railed against the dangers of health care reform and other Democratic initiatives, warning the proposals “have the strength to destroy this country forever.”

“This cannot pass,” the Minnesota Republican told a crowd at a Denver gathering sponsored by the Independence Institute. “What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing. This will not pass. We will do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn’t pass…”

In a speech filled with urgent and violent rhetoric, Bachmann — who proudly acknowledges she is the country’s “second-most hated Republican woman,” behind only former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin – drew a clear line on health care reform…

“Right now, we are looking at reaching down the throat and ripping the guts out of freedom,” she said. “And we may never be able to restore it if we don’t man up and take this one on…”

The inmates are thoroughly in charge of the Republican asylum.

Thanks, Mr. Justin

  1. ECA says:


    So what can be done to make Companies DO what they SHOULD have done.
    When 60% of USA Citizens end up without MEDICAL coverage. When corps would rather send jobs to other nations, insted of paying for a USA citizen?
    IN your post on 71. Im sorry. But I was raised under the impression that IF’ you say something that you should be WILLING to follow thru. Blood oaths arent that BAD.
    I would FIND it serious IF they threatened to cut off a NOSE/FINGER/HAND/HEAD even if it was their OWN.

    What I WISH is for these folks to READ the 1000+ page document they are PREACHING about.
    THEN I wish them to read the Practices of MEDICARE/MEDICAID(which should keep them busy for the NEXT 2 years, and SHUT THEM UP).

    and what does that have to do with THIS discussion?

    So what, that our politicians have FORGOTTEN how to run a country..
    did you know that you can FIRE THEM ALSO??

  2. Named says:

    78 AlfredENewman,

    You’re blathering again. Take your meds and calm down.

    No one can understand what the hell you’re trying to say.

  3. MikeN says:

    >your maxist candidate Obama fooled many into thinking he was pragmatic

    He is.He’s already dropping the public option. Now how do you blame this on Republicans, when Democrats have such solid majorities?

  4. Common_Sense says:

    As a Minnesotan, allow me to apologize for the conduct our our representative to the US congress. Some of our north suburban voters evidently can’t see that she’s unstable. There are crazies all across the political spectrum, but this woman is really out there.

    That said, the strategy she’s employing is sound, because it was invented by the evil politicians (no, I don’t think that’s redundant, but I admit it’s tempting) rather than the crazy ones. To defeat Obama in 2012, defeat the largest initiative his administration tries to accomplish, causing no political support for much of whatever else he does, and blame him later for failing to do something about the rise in health care costs. Sad part is, America is probably stupid enough as a voting mass to fall for it – and I do hope I’m proven wrong about that.

    Nearly every republican will privately admit that we can’t “stay the course” on health care costs. The projected costs for Medicare and Medicaid pretty well speak for themselves. We have to find a way to decrease the cost of healthcare. If Republicans were serious about anything besides just winning another turn, they’d not be beating the drum against reform, they’d be beating THEIR OWN DRUM for THEIR VERSION.

  5. ECA says:

    “#79 The discussion is not about health care per se…”
    What?? Please clean your ears. ITS NOT the person delivering the speech, its the WORDS coming out of her MOUTH.

    it doesnt MATTER what she said?
    and you are on HER side.
    so we dont need to CARE what you say?
    Thank you.
    If you told me that you were going to PISS your pants in the middle of the freeway..Should I believe you?? Or just consider you are using a euphemism..
    Im sorry, if she is willing to CUT herself to make a Political point, shouldnt we listen to her?
    BUT, the point comes as…
    1. DID SHE READ THE REPORT, or was it REPORTED to her, WHAT SOMEONE ELSE “SAID it contained”. Which is an assumption on HER PART.
    2. There are to many that dont have/NEED/WANT/REQUIRE medical CARE. And just BECAUSE the RICH folks dont want to pay for it as a WORK RELATED TAX DEDUCTION…they will pay for it ANOTHER WAY.

    If you listen, she throws to much information out to confuse Everything she is saying.

  6. noname says:

    # 90 Alfred1

    20% of the postings here are yours.

    I guess I still trying to understand your reference source in #43 posting. Hopefully the reference isn’t from one of your child hood memories.

    Regarding your # 52 and # 62 post I will just point out, Alfred1 you and your buddy pedro never comment when your buddy GWB does worse. Does that make you an hypocrite??

    # 62 Alfred1 said,

    Then in # 61 you say “If you go before Christ, and say I supported Obama care ….
    You are going straight to hell…”.

    It’s not for me to judge, but; I find it difficult to believe someone who speaks such evil against people can even know what Christ is about.

  7. right says:

    “Any politician who supports Obamacare will be looking for new work in 2010 or 2012, or in the case of some Senators 2014.”

    Now that’s sad that someone actually takes time out of their day to write drivel like that.

    The US pays double what the rest of the world pays for health care and gets rated 37th with 47 million without care.
    The ones against Obama want to keep these statistics! Unbelievable.
    Anyone who supports real health care reform will be lauded, not the other way around.
    Those who do not support HCR will be shown as the health insurance shills they are and be ousted from office.
    70% of Americans want change and the 30% who don’t, like Benjamin and Alfred1, are completely ignorant (by choice) of the facts.
    Alfred, though, has problems so we can actually discount him from any normal measures.
    I’ll bet that they’re the first ones in line for the public option, mark my words.
    Then they’ll say that they were for it all the time but were misinterpreted.
    “What I actually meant was……”
    You know, like a typical Republican.

  8. Named says:

    Oh ALFIE!!!!!

    You know your buddy that got his finger bitten off?

    Yeah… Medicare. Same night.

    Would you please now demonstrate the death panel for everyone here? Yes. With yourself.

  9. ECA says:

    KJV was written to sooth the feathers of Catholics and protestants in ENGLAND.. do you really want to use that source, and not something better/older.

    WOW, a follower, that doesnt question what he is fed.
    AS a Representative I BELIEVE you must believe what you say, and DO what you say. she stands before you and WONT do what she says?? isnt that a Lie? a fabrication??
    This is like the Major in a war, that tells his people to fight and runs from the battle. Until she is willing to follow thru..I cant believe her. AND YOU SAID SHE WOULDNT. should I believe you?
    I dont think either of you have read EITHER. The bill nor the Statues the Medicare has to live by..

    I LIKE YOU..
    Independent and a thinker. Dont you love making a decision for yourself?

    93, good points.

    So whats the problem. TO MANY SUFFERING that need medical.
    CORPS that shipped services over seas. and CUT employees and benefits.
    RICH person making FORTUNES off the back of the poor.
    For you religious folks, IF we had religious persons leading these corps DO YOU THINK we would be in this problem?
    For the rest of you. IF we had BELIEVERS as our representatives, do you think they would be better persons??

    Our solution is infront of ALL of you. CUT COSTS, CUT UPPER wages, CUT rep WAGES. We have grown to fast and need to take a step BACKWARDS. STOP/SLOW the growth and PROFIT MONGERING.

  10. qb says:

    Republicans are such graceful losers

  11. Dee says:

    I am still trying to understand one thing…what does freedom have to do with government health care????


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