George F. Will, the elite conservative commentator, is calling for U.S. ground troops to leave Afghanistan in his latest column.
“[F]orces should be substantially reduced to serve a comprehensively revised policy: America should do only what can be done from offshore, using intelligence, drones, cruise missiles, airstrikes and small, potent special forces units, concentrating on the porous 1,500-mile border with Pakistan, a nation that actually matters,” Will writes.
Will’s prescription – in which he recalls Bismarck’s decision to halt German forces short of Paris in 1870 – seems certain to split Republicans. He is a favorite of fiscal conservatives. The more hawkish right can be expected to attack his conclusion as foolhardy, short-sighted and naïve, potentially making the U.S. more vulnerable to terrorist attack.
Ya think this might be a tad controversial?
Hey Loser==the question you pose is a favorite of existentialists. One school says do whatever floats your boat. Another branch says you cannot choose to take anothers life no matter what the circumstances–ie, the actual choice to “take” life will actually be made by other people, ie==those forcing “you” to choose.
But assuming one really loves one’s wife, and assuming nothing more is known about the 10 strangers, who but a LIEBERTARIAN would choose his wife?
Wow, I agree with George Will.
I am encouraged that Obama does seem to understand that Bush’s military-only strategy was a formula for slow defeat.
Obama seems to understand that rebuilding and reconciliation is the only thing that ultimately works against the radicals.
But, I guess I think Afghanistan is too broke to fix in any time-frame acceptable to the American public.
#35–Greg==don’t you think your wanting to fix Afghanistan is too close to me wanting to fix your religion?
The ugly American is defined by those who honestly can’t conceive of anyone being any different than themselves.
We are all entrenched in the way we have grown up and very resistant to change. Change can only be made thru very subtle techniques.
We should leave Afghanistan NOW–and just leave behind satellite tv’s for every family with free subscription service to American tv. They’ll be converted in 10 years if the Taliban doesn’t go thru and trash them all, which I am sure they would.
36 posts in and… Afgahnistan?!?
Did you mean: Afghanistan
#37–Chris–yea, its called “an idiot trap.” But even most idiots can figure out why.
If you are going to pull out just pull out. If you don’t have forces on the ground you can’t tell what’s going on and your ability to control events is non existent.
Of course the focus of the war will then return to blowing up Americans.
# 33 LibertyLover
“Would you let 10 strangers die to save your wife?”
I let you know when the situation happens, meanwhile I’ll ask my wife to fetch me a beer.
I got my bear now, first let me adjust my self…oh oh that nice.
Ok, where was I, oh yeah, to further respond to
# 33 LibertyLover, intelligent babel,
“Put your money where your XXXL mouth is:”
I am offended, my mouth is not XXXL, in fact it is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXL!
Please get your facts straight Mr!
# 33 LibertyLover,
In case you missed it (you seem rather dim witted), I said “LOUD MOUTH” not XXXL mouth.
#40-42, It could be a genuine question, if the positing person first answered it themselves, then ask others.
You suggested if I answered the question, it would be genuine.
Well, I answered it and you still snivel away from it. Just like the Obamessiah — say one thing and then do another.
Are you a man or not? Answer the question:
Would you let 10 strangers die to save your wife?
# 43 LibertyLover,
As I said in #40,
“I let you know when the situation happens”
I don’t foolishly claim what I would do in such an extreme and unlikely “Auschwitz-Birkenau” like hypothetical.
Call me what you will, it’s reality, something you seem to have lost touch with in your hypothetical thinking.
#44, Typical wingnut. Say one thing. Do another. Or should I say, “Say one thing, expect someone else to do it for you.”
Come on. Man up. Get your balls out of your purse. You don’t have a problem answering with an anal dump to every other question under the sun.
Would you let 10 strangers die to save your wife?
# 45 LibertyLover,
I see you haven’t read my answer to your silly question, let me re-post.
As I said in # 40,
Answer:: “I let you know when the situation happens”
I don’t foolishly claim what I would do in such an extreme and unlikely “Auschwitz-Birkenau” like hypothetical.
It’s the reality, something you seem to have lost touch with in your hypothetical thinking.
To help you, I will be happy to keep re-posting until the cows come home.
President Johnson got us into the Viet Nam war and it took president Nixon to get us out. Then the leftist press went full war mode to discredit Nixon.
President Obama is getting us heavily into Afghanistan. The Republican president after him will get us out. The leftist press will go to war with the Republican president to discredit her.
#46, That’s not an answer. That’s avoidance — something every liberal that’s had the question posed to them has done.
Please be a man and answer the question.
Would you let 10 strangers die to save your wife?
Answer:: “I let you know when the situation happens”
I don’t foolishly claim what I would do in such an extreme and unlikely “Auschwitz-Birkenau” like hypothetical.
It’s the reality, something you seem to have lost touch with in your hypothetical thinking.
To help you, I will be happy to keep re-posting until the cows come home.
#49, Quit avoiding the question.
Would you let 10 strangers die to save your wife?
# 50 LibertyLover,
Answer:: “I let you know when the situation happens”
I don’t foolishly claim what I would do in such an extreme and unlikely “Auschwitz-Birkenau” like hypothetical.
It’s the reality, something you seem to have lost touch with in your hypothetical thinking.
To help you, I will be happy to keep re-posting until the cows come home.
#51, Answer:: “I let you know when the situation happens”
That is not an answer, it is a response. That is avoiding the question until a later time. That is the same thing as saying, “I am not answering now. I’ll answer later.”
It is a yes/no question — it does not require an explanation. This is something all little kids are taught in school. How old are you? Perhaps you are not married and therefore this question doesn’t apply. If that is the case, please state so and quit pretending to be an adult.
Your wife is sick. There is a cure but it will cost $10,000 to save her. You have that money in your pocket. She wants the cure. Just as you are about to get into the car, 10 husbands walk up and ask for that money to save their wives. That $10,000 will save all of their lives.
Would you tell those 10 husbands to get lost or would you look your wife in the eye and say, “The good of the many outweigh the good of the few or the one?”
# 52 LibertyLover
Like or not, it’s my Answer, plus I don’t see any real purpose to your question:: “I let you know when the situation happens”
What exactly do you believe a yes response means and a no response??
To help you, I will be happy to keep re-posting until the cows come home.
#53, I have no opinion one way or the other. It’s a thought experiment, one I was challenged to answer and did.
As for what your answer will tell me — not a whole lot. It will tell you quite a bit about yourself if you were to actually answer it instead of avoiding it.
Do all liberals go through honesty avoidance classes?
Would you tell those 10 husbands to get lost or would you look your wife in the eye and say, “The good of the many outweigh the good of the few or the one?”
# 54 LibertyLover
“#53, I have no opinion one way or the other. It’s a thought experiment”
Well good, because my opinion and answer is still the same. I guess you just don’t understand all possible answers, given you continual display of GWB Black/White limited thinking approach.
Answer:: “I let you know when the situation happens”
Like or not, it’s my Answer, plus with no purpose or opinion on your own question, what’s the point you are so hung up on?
To help you, I will be happy to keep re-posting until the cows come home.
#55, BWAHAHAHAHA! What does GWB have to do with this? Is that you Mr. Poison? You sure look the same. You think because I don’t follow the Obamessiah I just HAVE to be a GWB supporter. Again, BWAHAHAHAHA!
In any case, once again you display a lack of understanding for the English language. A question is posed. You can either answer it or avoid it. Why do you continue to avoid it?
Do you not know what you would do? Any man worth the name would answer this. Are you ashamed of your wife? Did she run off with your best friend? Your father? What?
Here is a real life scenario quite a few people have actually had to decide on.
Scenario 2:
You are shopping with your wife. A fire breaks out in the store. You see your wife down the aisle. The fire is about to spread to her and she has no escape. Luckily for her, there is a fire extinguisher on the way to save her. Just as you get to the fire extinguisher, you notice a group of kids trapped by a different branch of the fire.
In a moment of clarity, you realize you can either save the kids or save your wife, but not both.
Your wife is screaming for you to save her. The kids are screaming for anyone to save them. What do you do? Save your wife, save the kids, or sit there confused because you refuse to make a decision while the fire consumes all of them?
# 56 LibertyLover said,
answer:: “I let you know when the situation happens”
You are pointless and pathetically boring.
You have my answer, live with it.
#57, You are pointless and pathetically boring.
Why, because I force you to reconsider your attitude on life? Your statement is the standard for any illumination scenario. You attack the questioner instead of thinking logically about the situation. You refuse to vocalize your true feelings because that would be admitting defeat. So instead, you fight the inevitable.
You may not know it, but your outlook has already started changing. You can no longer look across the dinner table without thinking of this question from time to time. And you will always come up with the same answer. This answer will soon start to affect how you look at other things in life.
Scenario 3:
You and your wife are out in a ski-boat with another couple. The driver of the boat hits a log and flips the boat, killing himself. Your wife and the female friend are both unconscious, floating the water. You are unable to tell which one is wounded the worse.
Which one to you pull to shore? Your wife or your friend?
# 58 LibertyLover,
As you said::
“answer will tell me — not a whole lot”
Yet you go on.
It proves my point.
#57, You are pointless and pathetically boring.
# 58 LibertyLover said,
Which one to you pull to shore? Your wife or your friend?
Answer: Both
#57, Yet you go on.
I am trying to help you.
#58, Both
OK, you got me. I didn’t specify that you could only get one to shore at a time and the second one would surely drown by the time you got back.
Scenario 4:
Your wife and you are out for a country drive. Somehow, you end up in an accident with a school bus full of kids. The car is mangled but you could easily get your wife out. The bus is on it’s side and the driver is crushed.
Suddenly, both vehicles catch on fire. You can either save your wife or the kids, but not both.
Which do you do?
# 61 LibertyLover,
Let it go.
I answered you in #60, Both
You agreed in #60, “you got me.”, that I answered you.
It’s on record, I have fulfilled you request, Let it go.
#62, Let it go.
So, let me get this straight — because you stuck your nose in another conversation and made comments on a question posed to someone else, I should leave you alone because of it? PUH-LEAZE.
You want to challenge someone else but you don’t want to be challenged in return? I answered your question directly and without avoidance. You are the typical Liberal. I am always hearing how selfish and self-centered Libertarians are. Prove to me you are the avatar of altruism and I’ll leave you alone.
I admitted a mistake on my part. I didn’t pose the question as it was intended. Do you really think you are going to get off that easy, though? Funny.
As I have stated, I would let the entire world die to save my wife and I would do it because I love her. Would you?
I took vows on our wedding day to forsake all others. Did you and if you did, did you lie about it?
Would you choose to save your wife’s life over others?