1. bobbo, points in a vacuum are not interesting says:

    I believe that the more intelligent leaders in Washington would indeed avoid meeting Waters AND that kicking out the top .5% of our own wealthy would give the economy a good worthwhile stimulus.

    So, seems like everything she says is valid.

  2. Weary Reaper says:


  3. Wretched Gnu says:

    Another brainfart gem from Guilherme.

    I have no idea what the headline is trying to say. She “insinuates revolution”? WTF does that mean? She insinuates that it did occur? That it should be done here? Is that what she said?

  4. Cirdan says:

    We have this idiot in our congress? Wow. Lets all become impoverished, homeless, jobless, and have no education! Yes! Great ideas all from a brilliant man.

    People like this need to…..disappear.

  5. Floyd says:

    Is she planning to revolve clockwise or counterclockwise?

  6. Cursor_ says:

    This woman has no idea what she is talking about.

    Guevara was only PART of the M-26-7. The leader was Fidel Castro. It was he that led the insurrection against Batista.

    Then it was Urrutia that was made president and started to close down all the corrupting influences of Bastista until he stepped down and gave up the presidency to MirĂł. These men were hand picked by Castro. So Castro WAS the power.

    It was never an issue that they had to go find Fidel. He was there pulling the strings. Guevara didn’t even care about the day to day workings of government. His position was mainly to train the armed forces and handle various positions that no one else had been found suitable for. By 1965 he left Cuba.

    This is total hogwash.


  7. bobbo, points in a vacuum are not interesting says:

    #2–Bryan==does your company employ people in the top .5% of wealth horders in America? You know, that .5% that owns freaking 20% of the worth of the USA. Now, I’m not saying it is “logical” or fair or legal or constitutional or even doable=====all I said is that doing it would act as a stimulus.

    The only failure in logic here, if it could even rise to that level, is your own silly application of the statement.

    But even in your case, yes, if you distributed the salaries/earnings of your own little company to the other 99.5%, that too would act as a stimulus. True, your company might go out of business as a result, but an initial stimulus none the less. I recommend you bring it up at your next board meeting.—-Just for grins.

  8. Miguel says:

    Don’t worry, the US will always be led by filthy rich pigs. No way THAT sort of revolution will ever happen there 🙂 We’re not talking small fish mobsters as in Havana, the US is ruled by THE big fish. They got the money. Uncountable loads of it. Period.


  9. chuck says:

    The purpose of the Cuban revolution wasn’t to “kick out” the rich – it was to murder them, and take their money and land.

  10. Cursor_ says:

    #11 Chuck

    No the purpose of the revolution was to overthrow the government and install a new one with Castro and his cronies in control.

    It was no more different than any fight over who will have power. From Ancient times to now. No change.


  11. Cursor_ says:

    #12 Pedro

    If you believe there is a difference between democrats and republicans more than a name, then you are naive.

    They both use twisting of knowledge to their advantage. That is what they all do.

    Truth is the enemy of the power hungry.


  12. Miguel says:

    #12 – That was not my point – the richest person in Kuba 8you know who) is still small fish.

  13. noname says:

    # 6 Cirdan,

    “We have this idiot in our congress? Wow. Lets all become impoverished, homeless, jobless, and have no education! Yes! Great ideas all from a brilliant man.”

    Sounds like # 12 pedro agrees with you wholeheartedly.

    Beside you and pedro who can determine the gender of the congresswomen, I will have to agree; the idiot in congress are RePUCKaTons.

  14. noname says:

    I’ve allays wonder how the rich plan on holding on their riches when they keep expanding the voting pool with outsourced people?

  15. SN says:

    Did Castro insinuate or instigate? I’m too bored to listen to the audio to find out.

  16. LDA says:

    # 4 Weary Reaper

    Typing “NO COMMENT” is like saying you are speechless, i.e. “NO COMMENT” is a comment (like saying you are speechless proves you are not).

  17. Carcarius says:

    #19 – exactly. Why post anything? Issuing a “No comment” works only when one is questioned and are expected to give a response of some sort.

  18. Wretched Gnu says:

    How dare this woman report that she found Castro to be “one of the brightest” leaders she’s ever met?

    That must mean she’s calling for violent revolution!


  19. N74JW says:

    Someone needs to learn their history.

  20. clancys_daddy says:

    was it Lenin who said kill all the lawyers?

  21. Troublemaker says:

    The reason this country has completely gone down the shitter is because the assholes at the top are taking all the fucking money for themselves.

  22. The Ox says:

    Why does Guilherme have this video rigged to only play the last 45 seconds?* Watch the whole thing for some context, people. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6XwEiy60P0

    I must say that Guilherme has not done much of anything good for this blog with his posts. Damn if I can see why he is even getting to post as a contributor.

    *If you do watch this short video and get the context of what is being said, Waters says nothing the least bit out of the way. The reason for setting it up to skip the first two minutes can have no explanation other than attention-seeking dishonesty.

  23. chris says:

    My understanding is that Castro is a very bright man, or at least was in his prime. His flaw, management wise, is that he micromanaged everything to an almost comical level. Little farms were afraid to make planting decisions because Fidel might ride up on a jeep and toss everyone in jail(or worse).

    If you look at the living standards in Cuba vs. the rest of the Caribbean you’d likely conclude that the average Cuban doesn’t have it that bad.

    There are very nice resorts on other islands or communities organized around banks, but also masses of people who are DIRT poor.

    Cubans are generally poor, but they are also literate, healthy, cultured, and proud. They are, by and large, not seeking to return to a pre-revolution style of governance.

    I don’t think that Cubans believe their government is perfect, by any means. The region’s long experience with USA supported strongmen just happens to be scarier than a sputtering cold war relic.

  24. noname says:

    # 27 chris,

    I would say the Cubans are why better off then the Haitians, who we’ve helped a few time.

  25. bill says:

    Go back there if you love it so much.

    Oh, and how much do congress people make?

    I would say they are wealthy.

  26. thecommodore says:

    When is the 35th district gonna wake up and get rid of this chick? California hasn’t exactly flourished under her inspired leadership. Better candidates MUST have presented themselves over the years???

    Now, anybody want to bet that Cuba becomes a US state by 2100? Heck, China took back their island possessions, right? Makes it seems less far fetched anyway.

  27. Steve Canuck says:

    After Obama takes all your property for the state, institutes the thought police and finds one good attorney to run the USofA, you all are welcome up here in Canada.

  28. algore says:

    -more evidence proving how stupid and ignorant liberals really are- This bitch would be chopping sugar cane or doing Castro’s laundry if she were cuban. I guess the thousands that have died trying to reach this country from cuba were only doing it so they could come to the US to share with us the benefits of living in Cuba under such a great leader. What a dumb bitch.

  29. algore says:

    Why are all the black women in the congress so damn stupid (Watson, Waters, Lee, etc, etc)?

  30. Dallas says:

    I agree, she makes Republican role model George Wallace look good.


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