This is an excerpt from a show airing tomorrow night (8/31) on the National Geographic channel that examines the conspiracy theories about the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

  1. Rabble Rouser says:

    That’s funny. Yes, jet fuel burns at between 800 and 1500 degrees F., about the same temp as that of kerosene. There are kerosene heaters that burn kerosene, and are made of metals that are weaker than structural steel, and they never become weak or break! I have owned one such heater for more than 10 years!

    Furthermore, to reach the maximum temperature, one must have a concentrated source of oxygen.
    The Popular Mechanics hypothesis is flawed in many ways. Diesel fuel also burns at about the same temperature as jet fuel, and you don’t see the internal structure of iron engine blocks, whose melting point is considerably lower than that of structural steel melting.

    This is fake science, where they designed a computer model to fit their hypothesis. The data that was used in NIST’s report for these models is not publicly available for peer review. They have hid behind a veil of secrecy and lies to come up with a conclusion that simply does not bear out the real science.

    We need a new, truly independent review of the incident, with publicly available data, that can be shared, and peer reviewed, to get to the real truth of this.

  2. Stoner says:

    Bobo…can’t see anything with your head in the sand.

  3. Postman says:


    Incorrect, we had been attacked the prior October by Al’Queda, which is also one of the main reasons that Dick Clark found it inconceivable that they were ignoring the threats.

  4. smittybc says:

    Conspiracy theorists live for their conspiracies just as heroin addicts live for their drug. Literally there is no amount or piece of information that will have them change their minds.

    When you add that to the existing leftist meme that the right is not only wrong in their positions on policy, but are in fact evil people, then you have a conspiracy that will live on for many years. Simplistic “black and white” thinking, but that’s what you get on the left today.

  5. bobbo, I also respect paying attention says:

    not to warrant diversion

  6. bobbo, I also respect a well constructed criticism says:

    #35–smitty==I’m a leftist who thinks the right is wrong on policy. THEN if I think a little longer, I think the effects of their wrong policy results in some pretty evil consequences. I mean, THAT is why they are wrong policies.

    How do you separate policy consequences from those that advocate them?

  7. YouTube has a feature, encountered for the first time here, restricting access by country. As a Canadian, I get treated as a subversive alien, not entitled to view it. Looks like I have to go on believing the conspiracy trash.

  8. jccalhoun says:

    “Yes, jet fuel burns at between 800 and 1500 degrees F., about the same temp as that of kerosene. There are kerosene heaters that burn kerosene, and are made of metals that are weaker than structural steel, and they never become weak or break! I have owned one such heater for more than 10 years!”

    There are so many things wrong with this line of reasoning it is difficult to know where to start.
    strength does not equal melting or even weakening point.

    Let’s say that everything is right with that statement though. That still doesn’t explain why they didn’t just make up some other story claiming that terrorists also planted explosives in the building or make the buildings fall down in such a manner that they would conform to our ideas of what a falling building would look like.

    This is just like creationism: evidence against one theory is not evidence for another theory.

  9. WmDE says:

    Falling speed must be measured at the center of mass of the falling object not the highest point. As each floor was destroyed on the falling section the center of mass of that section would move up half a floor.

    Diesel fuel also burns at about the same temperature as jet fuel, and you don’t see the internal structure of iron engine blocks, whose melting point is considerably lower than that of structural steel melting.

    Radiators, coolant pumps and coolant get a great deal of the credit for maintaining the internal structure of engine blocks.

  10. chuck says:

    Adam Curry blew up WTC 6 and faked the moon landings.

  11. B.Dog says:

    That was nice. Give more grant money for simulations of Building 7 and the Pentagon.

  12. juju says:

    How could they possibly know exactly how and where the plane made impact? This is bullshit. They destroyed and carted away all the evidence in a matter of hours.

  13. smittybc says:

    Well you are making my point. You characterize the policy results in general as evil, when you simply don’t agree with them. It’s simplistic and lazy.

    Take for example tax cuts. This always gets branded by the left as “Tax cuts for the wealthy” as if to say that the right wants tax cuts because everyone on the right is greedy. This is in fact a liberty issue for the right. We do not believe that that government has the right to confiscate money whenever policy makers “think” they have come up with a good idea. The right believes individuals have the right to make decisions about what can help their community and can do it better than government.

    So it’s not a greed issue, but a freedom issue. Additionally as groups those that describe themselves as conservative give to charity far more (both as a percentage and in absolute terms) than those who describe themselves as liberal.

    Why don’t you compare the amount of charitable giving from Biden to that of Cheney, or Obama to the “evil” Bush. Hell I make less than Biden and give to charity much more than Biden does.

    The irony is that it’s a total brainwash (coming from academia to pop culture to movies to music to major news organizations) to believe a certain track of ideas, in order to come to what seems like a logical conclusion. But it’s in fact a non-understanding and intellectual laziness of the left to understand conservative values.

    Sorry about the thread drift.

  14. Gawdmachine says:

    WTC7 & nano-thermite are all you need to know that we’ve been lied to.

    To watch building 7 go down in less than 7 seconds & not have any suspicion is very curious.

    WTC7 is a textbook controlled demo, only it was performed cleaner & with more precision than any building I’ve watched implode in Las Vegas.

    Whatever helps you sleep at night though.

  15. Postman says:


    Don’t forget the oil!!! Without oil to lube the thing it takes just a short amount of time to break the crank shaft and send a piston through one of the headers.

  16. jccalhoun says:

    Why would they bother to demolish WTC7? What does that add that destroying the main two buildings doesn’t? There doesn’t seem to be any reason to destroy an additional building that isn’t a landmark.

  17. Carcarius says:

    We’ll never get a satisfactory conclusion to the questions surrounding the WTC destruction. I applaud the conspiracy theorists that continue to question and highlight the inaccuracies and ambiguities of the report. Let’s not forget the important financial and CIA records that were destroyed as another possible motivation for the destruction.

    There are enough flaws in the official report to keep the questions and doubts alive.

  18. Troublemaker says:

    Yeah, floors of a building that pancake one against another, without any resistance, falling at free fall speeds… makes perfect sense.

  19. Somebody says:

    We don’t have to worry about conspiracies anymore.

    True, most of recorded human history was rife with conspiracy, deception and skulduggery but somewhere around the end of 1913 that all just stopped.

    I’d wonder why, but, like you, I’m just not curious.

  20. Somebody says:

    #38 — Robert T McQuaid said

    “As a Canadian, I get treated as a subversive alien….”

    What, not as a “a debased race of poltroons”?

  21. Obamaforever says:

    From: Obamaforever
    To: All

    I may be the only one here that has done any modeling. My modeling was not as involved (i.e. modeling buildings’energy consumption) but the basics are the same.

    If your modeling is to be accurate your must have accurate information on your parameters.

    Question: when they were doing the modeling on the tower what parameter did they have to fudge (i.e. not enough information on a parameter so they had to do a s.w.a.g. (scientific wild ass guess))?

    Please answer the question!

    Full disclosure: I believe they had accurate information on all the parameters.

  22. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    To everyone who says the burning jet fuel (with the addition of tons of paper, carpets, furniture, etc) could not cause the steel to fail, I respond with the following: there have been numerous instances of good, structurally sound bridges brought down because a tanker truck crashed and caught fire beneath them.

    For instance, an overpass on I-40 twenty miles from my home in NC collapsed from the heat of the flames when a gas tanker truck wrecked and caught fire underneath the overpass. After a couple of hours in the heat the overpass to the west bound lanes collapsed under its own weight because the steel beams failed in the heat.

    I also refer you to this link.

  23. eaze says:

    #47 because that was the only condition under the insurance policy that allowed the owner to rebuild the building himself. Did you also know that he managed to claim twice earning double the policy payout because he managed to argue that the two planes were two seperate events?

    My personal view is that anyone that believes the attacks were not part of an inside job after are naive to the extreme and are likely the ones queueing up for voluntary swine flu vaccinations. Educate yourself people this is like the most basic of conspiracies to understand.

  24. bobbo, how to frame an argument says:

    #44–smitty==lets see what is lazy? How about ignoring the casual links I made and think that once you label an issue as “freedom” that no further analysis is needed? Simple? Yes indeedy. Results in Evil? Again Yes.

    Lets take the Corporate CEO in his Trump Tower HighRise not paying taxes on his offshored $100 Million bonus because he laid off a bunch of hourly employees who now are looking for other employment before residing in cardboard boxes without healthcare and without medical care. Yes, it certainly is a freedom issue==but guess what? That freedom issue applies at the taxation level, at the penthouse level, and at the cardboard box level.

    Your problem, the problem that makes you and your ilk EVIL, the problem that applies to all LIEBERTARIANS, is you only care that you got yours, you deserve it all because you did it all by yourself with no help from anyone else, and everyone else can just go screw themselves otherwise you are being oppressed, in fact, turned into a tax slave.

    Now, it just might be a simple minded objection to the use of the word evil. Ok. Call it an inequitable distribution of the benefits and duties of labor and citizenship. Feel better?

  25. jccalhoun says:

    “because that was the only condition under the insurance policy that allowed the owner to rebuild the building himself.”

    and why did they want to rebuild the building? So you are saying the owner of the building orchestrated 9/11 attacks in order to commit insurance fraud? If it wasn’t the owner of the building who did it then why would the perpetrator care if the building owner got insurance money? The perpetrator didn’t mind killing thousands of people but wanted to make sure that the property owners were financially ok?

  26. algore says:

    If you think the same government that cant even manage a car rebate program can plan and implement a successful conspiracy involving hundreds or even thousands of people requiring complex technical calculations and keep it secret then you are one dumb son of a bitch who needs to call me so I can sell you video tape of Barney Frank and Michael Jackson fucking women.

  27. Father Tomb says:

    Models do not prove anything. A model is a mathmatical construct that replicates known behaviors. If an outcome is expected, but not known, the model will tell you the answer it knows, but this is not a proof of anything.

    Having said that, steel becomes softer the hotter it is heated, with an end product being liquid and eventually a vapor. Hot steel loses its strenght.

    NO ONE suggests the possibility that the aluminum skin of the aircraft autoignites in the fire. Was this a possibility?

  28. zorkor says:

    I find it very very hard to believe that “a guy living in a cave” could have pulled off something this big. All things point to inside job. The terrorists leaving notes in their cars…saudi passport being found from all the burnt building. Etc….you need to be dumb to believe your government.

  29. zorkor says:

    Also lets not forget it was a lucrative deal for the Bush and Co. Destroy two building which were old anyway and occupy 2 countries, One for oil = Iraq so we dont need the Saudis and the 2nd = Afghanistan to show the world we want to stop the qaeda’s big head “the big O” which they never did and never will as long as hes being used to lengthen to occupation.

    US gains more from all this mayhem than the terrorists themselves…something fishy here…


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