Humanists protest against Noah’s Ark Creationist Zoo — Looks like a must see to me!!
If you think private, multi-million dollar monuments to Creationist-themed education are the sole property of First-World nations with Third-World levels of religiosity (IE: the United States), well, think again. The Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm is located in the lush countryside of Merrye Olde England, just 7 miles from the city of Bristol… and it has outraged the British Humanist Association who are urging British tourism boards to stop promoting it and asking the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums to take action against it.
Here’s some unique commentary.
“[at the museum] I learned,” he says, “that while birds sing to ‘sound warning’ and ‘mark their territory’, they also do so in order to ‘praise their Maker’. In fact, so wonderful is the ability of birds to sing that the necessary features clearly ‘go far beyond what is biologically an advantage, and point to a musically minded Creator.’”
I’ve heard it said as deep insight that religion and science are not inconsistent, that they address different areas of reality, that they supplement one another.
Like so much that allows society to get along, its may or may not be a nice idea, but it’s simply not true.
It takes about 3000 words to set up, but this is just another example of what does indeed allow people to be religious, for science and religion to co-exist as they do, for society to function at all: hypocrisy.
If anyone “really” thought god existed as described by 99% of the god believers, as described in the bible, I mean REALLY believed, they would be on their knees in prayer and communication 24/7. Learning ancient Arabic to read directly the words of god.
They would also be completely random in what they believed and what they thought, said, preached. None of us can “live” a book as contradictory as the bible. The most we can do is take a few passages and spend a life trying to understand/live according to that. Do you smite the sinner, smite while loving, forgive and love alone, leave it to god? We aren’t god, we can’t do all these things as the bible commands.
No, its hypocrisy that is the heart and soul of religion==and every other belief system out there. Most worst than others, few even striving for their own main tenets.
Hypocrisy. Many passages command believers to spread the word, and to kill non-believers, but its the parts that say be quiet that are actually correct.
Belief in God is a private affair—quietly between YOU and your MAKER. Religion happens when you open your mouth or take actions related to your beliefs with reference to your fellow man. Politics, the religion of Man.
2×2 up the plank into the boat, or Darwin? Religion or Science? Both?
Oh Duh!vorak is just trying to get somebodies goat, or in his case probably a few sheep for late night forays.
The only thing third world in this country today are our leaders, grasping money muckrackers, and all the induhviduals like Duhvorak that are looking for a free ride. He’s retired, or at least acts like it, and has nothing to live for, other than being a grouchy old man. So what does he do, like any atheist he attacks God and anyone that has faith in God. I’d rather have faith in God that Duhvorak any day.
The Dark Ages are about to begin, and Duhvorak will feel right at home. It’d be nice if Duhvorak could loose his head and go to a Muslim country and repeat all this type of garbage, but just like his family which has never ever served this country in the military he’ll remain here sniveling about, ripping everyone else off while producing nothing but stall air.
It is ancient aramaic, not arabic.
I’ve been told it was The Snake who wrote Genesis because Adam and Eve were illiterate.
Is that true and if so, did The Snake write it in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek – or maybe in Dinosaur?
I’ve always enjoyed seeing the magical world of Christian belief and must say Moses parting the ocean was a favorite.
I know why there isn’t a movie on Noah’s Ark.
Not even high tech special effects wizardry and animation can simulate the bizarre script described in the holy book.
Hey, don’t harsh my mellow.
I know I’m right, don’t confuse me with facts.
Who cares if there is a Creationist zoo, it doesn’t hurt anything and people find comfort in it.
What’s next, trashing the crazy Christian private schools in this country for the strange things they teach? Who cares, let people find comfort where they can. Life is too short.
#12–McRowan==”Who cares if there is a Creationist zoo, it doesn’t hurt anything and people find comfort in it.” //// It results in people posting just like Alfie ((HEY ALFIE!!!!)). Well, probably not THAT bad, but anything approaching it certainly limits one’s success in life.
#9 Alfred1
#8 No…but the Snake was the first one to “change the subject” to lead others into error, as you just did.
That’s a really first-rate non-answer. I’ll keep it in mind for future reference. Thanks!
By the way, I’ve been told it was The Snake who wrote Genesis because Adam and Eve were illiterate.
Is that true and if so, did The Snake write it in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek – or maybe in Dinosaur?
I do feel some “obligation” to recognize your existence. I just so completely disagree with what you post. I mean, there should be “something” of value in it for me? Yet, you corrected my language reference. Said point was irrelevant to my theme, but nonetheless, it was worthy.
So, Alfred1==there are many, many websites FILLED WITH carefully documented inconsistencies in the bible. You are saying they are all wrong huh? The only question that raises in my mind is what you use for authority? How do you resolve ambiguity as when the original aramaic has several different acceptable meanings? Or if there is no contemporary word?
Your logic as always is faulty. First you must establish that this “god” thing exists. Second, you must establish that it cares about the singing from birds and after all that you must establish that specific birds are in fact singing to this deity and not just random noise.
The are *many* contradictions in scripture for those that are able to read what is actually written instead of what they want it to say.
Here’s one example:
1 Corinthians 7:12-14
2 Corinthians 6:14-17
Is it ok to marry non-believers?
#13 Alfred
Please brush up on your Hebrew before stating things like worldwide flood. Hebrew is a contextual language and the word for earth used was erets. Which when taking the whole of scripture and the knowledge of history means land or region. Not the entire globe.
People shouldn’t cherry-pick scripture now should they?
Most biblical time lines place the flood at 2348 BCE. That would mean that the fifth dynasty of the old kingdom of Egypt would have ended then. And that the last pharaoh Unas would have died in 2348. But he died in 2345, three years later. And he has a tomb to prove it. It would have also stopped there being a sixth dynasty from ever coming until Noah’s descendants repopulated Egypt.
Also that would have meant that the Golden Age of Ur, which started in 2474 BCE a scant 126 years later, would have been the rebuilding age and not a golden one IF the flood had been worldwide.
Not to mention it would mean that everyone one on the entire planet would be Jewish. I think that would be a hard sell to Asians. Especially seeing how pork is so often used in Asian cuisine. Not to mention crustaceans and other non-kosher products.
#22 Alfred1
Don’t spam me…pick the “contradictions” you believe the best…and I’ll respond to those…
I’ve been told it was The Snake who wrote Genesis because Adam and Eve were illiterate.
Is that true and if so, did The Snake write it in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek – or maybe in Dinosaur?
#22–Alfie==HEY ALFIE!!!! I did read both sides of the contradictions websites. I have to say, reading both sides puts me to sleep. I just don’t care. You are right==as a non-believer, I happily believe the bible is full of contradictions, and as a believer you don’t.
Nothing new there.
Its what this post demonstrates that is actually relevant==the bibles inconsistency with science that I find more interesting, subject to proof. But I use science for proof, whereas you use the bible. Once again, a standoff.
I guess I could go more general and just reference George Carlin–his whole routine about god up there, condemning people to hell, “but he loves you.”
Case closed.
#19 Thomas
You don’t read very well do you. The verse in 1 Corinthians 7:12 says that PAUL is speaking and clearly states NOT THE LORD.
This is Paul’s opinion, of which he often gives in his letters, and therefore you have to read carefully.
He does it about divorce as well.
Now Paulists abound in the faith and some would rather follow him that Christ. Why? Because like most humans, they seek loopholes and half say things or cherry-pick to get their way. This is why they are more believers in Judaism and not Christianity.
HEY ALFIE!!!!!!!! ((Whats it all about?))
All good things come to he who waits, but I’ve given you my best. In the end, on the most important issues, the Gordion Knot will simply be cut, the final action taken.
I’m comfortable (now) regardless of the outcome. From what I understand, whatever we understand, will all look pretty foolish once we are on the other side. Wouldn’t that be grand??
HEY ALFIE===#29 I doubt that was your best…” /// Well, thats quite a compliment, and like a sucker, I rise to the bait. The problem is, I’m not a zealot. I read the bible conflicts websites, and I think “That sounds like a conflict” and then I read the bible conflicts explained and I think “That sounds like it gets explained.”
The problem is I don’t want to put in the effort to decide for myself which one is being more accurate/correct or whatever. Arguing about what god said when I don’t believe there is a god doesn’t make any sense. Arguing the bible is inconsistent to someone who’s dogma is based on its being correct also doesn’t make any sense. Many very religious people don’t believe the bible, you do. There is a flavor of ice cream for every taste.
So, I go large context. George Carlin. You say I am babbling. I agree. Pretty much covers the topic doesn’t it?
By that logic, purple leprechauns exist because “all creation testifies it does”. You are using a classic “beg the question” argument. You know of logic, but you haven’t the foggiest clue to how to apply it.
#28, #30
Since the entirety of the Bible is supposedly the word of their deity, it is a contradiction for it to state one thing in part of the book and another later on even if written by two different authors. There is no “opinion” in the Bible when the entirety is considered the word of their deity.
Go through all 948K links and then we’ll talk.
On the contrary, the Bible contradicts itself often. To recognize it, you have to read what is actually written and not what you want it to say. Since you have proven, even in this thread, that you do not possess the requisite skills in logic, there is no point to the discussion. You have the mind of a child. You need to grow up and learn how to actually apply logic.
Noah’s Ark Zoo, another example of mental health being stretched to the limit.
A small quote from an article in The Guardian in England:
“There are signs that in the western world (including the US) religion is, indeed, beginning a long, slow – although accelerating – decline. All the statistics show that congregations are falling, mass attendance is diminishing and Christian knowledge is passing inexorably from our culture.”
Rational thought is becoming the norm, excellent news.
#36–Thomas==it seems to me if I (or you) say the bible has many inconsistencies that it becomes our burden to choose 1-2-3 by way of example. Now, I didn’t ever say that directly, close but not that. Nonetheless, I took up Alfies challenge and went to the web. Took about 20 minutes, then went to the conflicts explained and then posted as I did at #35.
So, Thomas==which contradiction do you find persuasive AFTER you have also read a defense of it??
Thats why I went larger context. I used how can god put you into hell and still love you. Even that conflict can be explained away by “blaming the believer.” I think that is bogus, but believers accept it. ONly final judgment will cut that Gordian Knot.
Most religious people think the old Testament of the Vengeful Violent god contradicts the loving jesus of the new Testament. Supposedly god wrote the two books for different people at different times. I call BS on that, but believers believe. Same Gordian Knot.
So, give me a good contradiction to use the next time I run into a thumper or for Alfie now.
#36 Thomas
You have possibly been led to believe that it is solely the word of God. But IF you read it, it is not entirely that.
Only fundamentalists and people too lazy to read the bible would get the idea that this is solely God speaking. Paul made many statements of his own accord. Of his understanding of how God’s commands are used within the human context.
That doesn’t mean these statements of his are God’s and he makes that clear by saying I and not God. He had opinions, big deal, so do many.
All of scripture is absolutely useless if a Jew doesn’t follow all 613 commands and Christians follow the two given to them. There is no profit in any religious text if you do not follow their rules. Just as there is no profit in protecting a nation’s constitution while you hold yourself above that document.
As is clear to any thinking person, all existence is testimony to the creator … the Great Spaghetti Monster. Anyone who denies his noodle appendages must post positive proof of his non-existence. Failure to convince ME, based on shifting requirements that I’ll let you in on as you post, on the dvorak blog is of course failure of the argument and will lead to well deserved ridicule.
While considering your feeble arguments against the great PerfectPasta, check out the following.
#45 I trusted in your ability to follow a link, read English and think about … oh, sorry now I see my mistake.
You are right. That is sad. My condolences.
Fewer and fewer people are becoming or staying religious.
A life free from woo hoo (and Noah’s Ark “museums” in particular) will liberate so many who are shackled and dragged down by religion.
#47, right
Good article, thanks for the post. Well worth reading for those capable of doing so.
Well Afred, I’m no bible expert but I found the following discrepancy:
1SA 17:50 David killed Goliath with a slingshot.
1SA 17:51 David killed Goliath (again?) with a sword.
Did David kill Goliath with a slingshot or with a sword?
I read two defenses of this and neither one made sense. Maybe you can do better.
Holy shit. Noah’s Arc really set off Alfred1 !
It’s a filibuster!!
Alfred–yea, I read that on the interwebbitudes. Doesn’t make any sense does it. Just calling it the overview doesn’t remove the INCONSISTENCY. The other defense I read compared it to the truth of Dali’s paintings of clocks that no one would disagree with the image of them being melted–they were still clocks. That made not one lick of sense to me either.
Nope. I have to score that ONE for the inconsistency side unless you can save it with anything that makes the case.
Cripes! The greatest contradictions in the Bible continue to be the moral ones. The deity depicted as the source of all goodness and love did some of the most hateful things to the humans he created.
Many celebrated heroes in the various stories of the Bible were mass murderers by any objective standards. The problem is, the Bible wasn’t written according to any objective standards, and that’s why Gentiles’ lives had so little value that they were often slaughtered on a wholesale basis. The frequent excuse given was their wickedness (on a mass scale, not individual), but even the innocent children were not safe from this ultimate source of “love.” They sometimes suffered terribly at his hands.
Of course, none of these moral contradictions disproves the existence of a Creator. They merely disprove the Bible as his true story, unless you are sociopathic enough to believe that intentionally killing someone’s child is somehow an act of love or justice. It always surprises me to see people worship a deity who supposedly did things that, in any other context, would match even their own definition of pure evil.
Thankfully, most courts don’t recognize “God’s will” as a legitimate defense for murder, but Yahweh’s frequent permission for his followers to commit murder throughout the Bible makes a mockery of his earlier commandment, “Thou shalt not kill.”
The worst contradictions aren’t the factual ones. Instead, it’s the moral contradictions that make the most compelling case for all but the most sanity-challenged individuals.