A British man has complained to candy maker Haribo about a candy wrapper he described as sexually charged.
Simon Simpkins of Pontefract, England, said the Haribo Maoam wrapper depicts a “male” lime character engaged in a “sexy clinch” with a cartoon lemon, The Sun reported Tuesday. Simpkins said in his complaint to the company that the lime bears a “lurid and distasteful” facial expression, the British tabloid reports.
The candy maker said the image was not intended to be interpreted as sexual.
“At no point was it intended to create sexual images,” a representative said.
What with England turning into a police state, I assume the candy maker will get life in prison for this outrage. Can’t have cartoon fruit doing such things… in public, anyway.
Last week, and still, I don’t see the pornography aspects of the cropped phallus picture and I can only “just” understand how other could see it.
But this picture is intentionally sexually charged. The tongue has long been used for sexual purposes and most limes don’t have one. Additionally, the lime’s limbs are not properly clothed and he appears to me to be having sex with a quadruple amputee. Very disconcerting.
What he said.
Damned kinky citrus…
Que the Barry White music.
You know, I’ve looked at a lot of limes and a lot of lemons on my life and somehow, I missed seeing the genitals.
Apparently Simple Simon Simpkins of Pontefract, England has better eyes than mine – or the most lurid and distasteful imagination about sexy clinches I’ve yet encountered.
Rename it to LMAOIAM.
This year we had a Summer squash and a cucumber mate in our field. The lady across from us at the Farmers Market sells Beefalo a cross between cow and Buffalo.
What about those poor children. They might actually learn that lemon and lime mixed are awesome. Protect the Kids I say.
September first 2009 no more flavored cigarettes. Oh wait Menthol is still legal, that is an approved flavor.
Simon sounds like he needs to get laid.
I’m a little aroused by this too but being liberal, I did not feel a sin was encouraged.
Since they are fruit, does that make it gay sex?
#5 C’mon… he’s clearly f# the lemon
The UK police state is such a strange kind of totalitarianism.
You can’t call it conventional, because Muslims seem to have more rights than Anglo-Saxon-Celtic people, as seen in the fact that Sharia law is being taken so seriously.
It seems the overlords have devised a new and clever variant of fascism that ostensibly resists the old labels. The $20 million question is, what is THEIR label for it?
#5–Weary==course, that is the very safe harbor than soft porn uses.
Looks like Bill O’Reilly is right on this one. The War on Marriage is leading to all kinds of disreputable demands for conjugation.
Do you think any child would notice this? This is a candy example for the 9 dolphins illusion.
If we took the bones out, it wouldn’t be crunchy, would it.
Why be upset about it… Hershey’s turds have been on the market for years, and no-one is complaining…
#12 Fruty
#5 C’mon… he’s clearly f# the lemon
Simple Simon Simpkins of Pontefract, England? Is that actually you?
I’m pleased to see they finally came to their senses and released you. All better now?
This is as disgusting example of the left’s blatant promotion of extra citric sex. The goal is nothing short of the total destruction of citrus purity and our beloved traditional British society.
Once our revered citrus products are thoroughly intermingled there will be no going back. Ask yourself, “Who in their right mind would want to munch on a Tangerlime?”.
That sort of thing can end only in scurvy, death and more national health care.
We’ve got to act now. Because next they will be portraying orgies of grapefruit, limes, oranges, mandarins and what-have-you as normal! And once that becomes accepted behavior and the Kumquats start joining in it will be too late for us all!
So Brits Unite! Let’s take it to the streets and show them that we’re true Limeys and not just a bunch of yellow Limorangerinemons who can be pushed around!
Amusing that it is an entry regarding citrus fruit that has the limeys all contributing today. Holy Crickets!!
… and there’s also the hidden sexual message when you read the name of the gum backwards.
#17 Jager,
That’s because Americans will eat sweetened shite if they are exposed to enough marketing.
This one reminds of me Cherry Pie:
#23 – Angel H. Wong
Very true. Hershey’s chocolate is awful compared to most European brands.
#24 – Angel H. Wong
LOL – I’m sure that candy sells in the gay community… 😉
I must be becoming a prude as I age. I’d find the lemon to be a lot more exciting than a two-fer with two cherries. Whats happening to me?
Jag==its a good thing you post so many links to supplement your posts. I thought sure you were refering to some kind of chocolate covered nuts that kiddies use to float in punch.
Its all individual taste. Nothing wrong with Hersheys==almost like American Beer on a hot day when what you really want is a glass of water. European Chocolate with its listed cocoa butter content is a bit cloying sometimes. I know its “better” but I’m an American!!!!!
Somebody should be locked up for having a sick mind. The person that complained. ?;^)
That’s a male lemon if ever I saw one
…Put the lime in the coconut, you drank ’em both up.
The cherry one is disgusting. Depicts 2 fruits engaging in oral pleasure while the other one watches in glee.
Whats next, put in a dominatrix grape?