1. mcosmi says:

    they really never stop liberal mission do they. they make me wanna puke, shower and brush my teeth…all at once.

  2. Jim w. says:

    otherwise known as “Lessons not learned from the Wellsotone Memorial”

  3. Robart says:

    Obviously paid for and organized by big mortuary.

  4. noname says:

    You have to be a gut less wonder to call this propaganda.

    A genuine pray is now considered propaganda by Fox news.

    Really, the gut less wonders of Fox news and the the people who will not send their own kids but will keep other family’s torn apart by stop loss orders in IRAQ are trying to tell me this is propaganda.

    There really is no end to the depth of depravity these gut less wonders (RePUCKaTons) will go.

  5. And I thought that every American already head FREE access to health care, just like EVERYWHERE else in this milky way galaxy… The great irony is that the guy who was baffled the propaganda of 2 kids talking nothing but sense and the other one eho piled on his keyboard while wathing this clip ALREADY pay for FREE healthcare to every Iraqi and Afghan citizen.

    I would suggest that if you want to puke, you should go to see a doctor. Ooops, I forgot, you are fu5&@)&&ng poor and you cannot afford even a single visit to the doctor… Terribly sorry.

  6. Zybch says:

    That second kid sure needs a haircut. What a fugly git.

  7. The Warden says:

    That’s all DEAD TED is good for. To pimp the type of health care that would keep people who have cancer like Ted from getting the same high end treatment he got. The Kennedy’s can go to hell. I can’t wait to go take a big turd on Ted’s grave at Arlington.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Warden,

    I can’t wait to go take a big turd on Ted’s grave at Arlington.

    Spoken like a true Deather.

    Can someone be a Deather and a Birther at the same time? Only the right wing nuts know for sure.

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    no, No, NO!!! Wretchedly disgusting.

    I’m so sure these kids were giving a “genuine prayer” while reading a professionally written speech.

    No teary “we love you grandpa” or “I’ll miss you uncle” here!

    How far will the Democratic Party humiliate itself, when exploiting children and debasing a funeral?

  10. bac says:

    Warden, neither the Democrats or Republicans have a health care plan that would allow more people to have the high end cancer treatment that Ted received. In fact the number of people that can not afford such high end care will probably increase with either plan. So your argument about Obama’s plan is mute. Why the fear mongering?

  11. bac says:

    Alfred the Nazi hater has entered the discussion. Welcome.

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Now I know why it was a closed casket funeral.

    With such blatant propaganda, exploitation of children, and soulless posturing…

    It would have been too distracting with him spinning there in his casket for all to view.

  13. bac says:

    Alfred, you have a spelling error in sieg heil (correct spelling). Just thought you should know. I am guessing you will use that phrase a couple of more times.

  14. chuck says:

    There was a piece in thehuffingtonpost saying that we should all have the same kind of health-care that Ted Kennedy had access to during the last years of his life.

    The problem is, if we all had the same kind of health-care that the U.S. Senate and Congress give themselves (and we pay for), the country would go bankrupt tomorrow (instead of next year).

  15. bac says:

    Well, it is shameless for any parent to force political/religious propaganda on their children. This funeral is an example as well as kids holding up signs during rallies and kids being spoon fed the parent’s religion then causing prayer demonstrations at schools.

    Children should learn everything then draw lines when they are older.

  16. Chimp Alert says:

    Seeing these comments; I’d be happy to pay for your Health Care. In most, long standing Mental Health Care.

  17. Dr Dodd says:

    @13-Ah_Yea-I know why it was a closed casket funeral…

    Actually there was a closed casket because they didn’t want people to see the stake that was pounded in his heart.

    Hope they dipped it in holy water first.

  18. Howard Beale says:

    I only saw prayer religion propaganda, surprises me that would upset posters like Alfred1 would be upset its part there show.

    As to the rest of it Ted was a showman he probably wrote some of this and its his party so good for him.

    Ted: No. No, you can’t get away. From hell’s heart, I stab at thee. For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee

    Sen McConnell: KeNNNNNNNedYY!

    oh Guilherme no complaints this time keep working on it you’ll get better

  19. fuckkennedy says:

    Democrats will not even allow death of a loved one to stop the drive for power and money. His family was just as fucking phoney as he was…

  20. fuckkennedy says:

    How fitting, two terrorist in the back ground came to show their appreciation for Kennedy’s support…I hope this drunk, woman killing, treasonist bastard is burning in hell right now…

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    Dr Dodd, LOL!!

    I think you’re right.

  22. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh wait!!

    I missed it before, it’s all so clear now!

    It’s a clip from Fox News! All us CRAZY libs KNOW Fox cannot tell the truth, so they must have voiced over the funeral to make the Dem’s look BAD!!

    Damn those Repubicans.

  23. deowll says:

    Teddy Kennedy would have approved. His other brothers were less fond of much of what Teddy fought for.

    It may have had something to do with their ability to figure out that you need to think of a way to live up to the obligations you have already made before you make more of them. I don’t think Ted understood that. The money was just going to be there.

    Of course I have been told that the family figured out some way to get around those nasty death taxes so he or his accountants weren’t completely clueless.

  24. StormyDay says:

    If he had the health care he was supporting he would have been dead years ago. The only health care plan I support is some with no government involvement. The government cannot run anything at or under budget. Private insurance rates are outrageous because of government mandates. Doctors charge so much because the government screws them. I work with 100s of doctors and there is only 1 that I know that supports this. Why does he? He is salaried and his adult kids are too lazy to get a job, rely on him for food and shelter, and keep having kids. Every other doctor I know cringes at the idea of this. Some are even looking to go to other countries to work or other professions.

  25. Thomas says:

    WTF names their kid “Kiki”? She’s not in the circus?!

    A: TK did in fact champion the cause of everyone being covered by health care. So, the kid reiterating what his uncle espoused is ok by me. That doesn’t mean it is reasonable or that the details are pratical, but I’m ok with the kid restating it.

    B: Just about anything you say about a person that ends with “so we pray to the Lord” sounds disingenuous at the least and hilariously primitive at the most.

    C: No prayer for people learning to swim?

  26. raster says:

    Wow, DU, has anybody reading your blog ever been to a Catholic mass?

    To wit:
    Next Catholics stand together and recite “the Creed” our profession of faith.
    Following this, the prayers of the faithful or general intercessions are the prayers voiced for the Church, world leaders, those who are poor or oppressed, local community, for the sick and the deceased. Each of these prayers end with these or similar words, “we pray to the Lord” to which the response is, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

    I suppose this may be a surprise to some of your readers, but what you’ve seen is a common weekly occurrence at Catholic services, and not an attempt at propaganda.

  27. noname says:

    It so ironic all the rePUCKaTons protesting at Sen Ted Kennedy’s funeral.

    What where the same self righteous rePUCKaTons saying about people protesting the WAR at fallen solders funerals.

    Hypocrites through and through.

    Welcome America to the new Neo NAZI deather/birther group. Alfred1 is their self elected leader. I think they are here to stay.

  28. Weary Reaper says:


  29. MikeN says:

    If they really wanted to honor Teddy’s legacy, they would work out a bipartisan compromise, which he did so many times on so many pieces of legislation. It’s what made him one of the most important Senators of all time.

  30. Dr Dodd says:

    #32-noname-It so ironic all the rePUCKaTons protesting at Sen Ted Kennedy’s funeral.

    Who said they were protesting? Did it ever occur to you that maybe they were celebrating. I know some showed up just to make sure he was dead.


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