Are they that desperate and afraid of losing that they have to resort to something so blatantly stupid that even morans should be able to see through it? Take a look at the survey.

Apparently the death panels myth wasn’t enough for the Republican National Committee. They’re apparently trying to start a whole new one — now, it won’t just be old people who will be refused care under Democratic healthcare plans, but all Republicans.

The RNC sent out a fundraising mailer recently. Couched as a survey, it contained one question that reads, “It has been suggested that the government could use voter registration to determine a person’s political affiliation, prompting fears that GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical treatment in a Democrat-imposed health care rationing system. Does this possibly concern you?”

This would be laughable if it weren’t so shameless, so irresponsible and so dirty.

  1. pokey says:

    Thank goodness Democrats are above that kind of behavior.

  2. bobbo, this is why Repugs don't fund education says:

    “This would be laughable if it weren’t so shameless, so irresponsible and so dirty.” /// That wouldn’t matter at all, and it wouldn’t be done at all, except it works. Thats just how dumb, hateful, paranoid, and willing to follow the base of the Repuglican Party is.

    The “real ” concern should be that those answering “Yes, I am concerned” should be screened for required mental health services==but such health care is not funded.

    Tricky those Regugs.

  3. Toxic Asshead says:

    It may be a “dirty trick”, but it only induces fear because it’s believable. Look clearly at Obama, Reid, Pelosi and some of the czars. It’s easily believable they would try something like that.

    Hell, If I were Obama or Biden, I would be terrified that Pelosi were plotting my assassination since she’s 3rd in line.

  4. Thinker says:

    Oiy! How can you believe anything that comes in a letter from a political party?? It can be humerous though…

  5. amodedoma says:

    The Repugs have been working up the fear factor on the propaganda machines since the first mention of social medicine. Everybody agrees that there’s a very serious problem. But since the solution is gonna cost money they don’t want to hear about it. Decades and decades of presidents promising lower taxes left us ill prepared and convinced that taxes are a bad thing. Meanwhile somebody’s granny just died because she was careless and didn’t have insurance, and her children were unsuccessful at competing in America. Who cares as long as it’s not your granny, right!?

  6. derspankster says:

    The really scary thing to me is that there are so many MORONS out there that actually believe shit like this. I mean, there are literally millions of people in this country that hang on every word people like Glenn Beck say…My God, that’s frightening.

  7. badtimes says:

    #3- I think you’d have to be pretty gullible to find this easily believable- hence UD’s comment “even morans should be able to see through it.”

  8. MrMiGu says:

    As opposed to the insurance companies who refuse service regardless of political orientation

  9. Dallas says:

    I get this sort of shit surveys from my Republican congressman all the time.

    They establish a premise as fact and then ask what you think about it.

    It has been suggested in numerous internet sites that gay marriage will result in the end of love and cause blindness in children. Does this concern you?

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    This is very very good.

    Talks in detail about Republican dirty tricks.


  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    If this is relegated only to the stupid Republicans then I wouldn’t have a problem.

    Oh, wait, the stupid Republicans, that is pretty encompassing. How about we narrow it to “stupid Republicans who have affairs while preaching ‘Family Values'”.

    Nope, that is still almost all. How about just the stupid, ‘Family Values’ Republicans who themselves, or have an eligible parent / grandparent, NOT collecting Medicare?

    Damn, we’re still at almost 100%. Bring on the “Death Panels”.

  12. MikeN says:

    Of course I expect party to be a factor in government decisions with regard to corruption investigations. I don’t want it, but I expect it to happen, and we are seeing it now with dropping investigations against the Black Panthers and Bill Richardson.

    We have seen allegations of this with regards to closing down car dealers, and helping out Clinton friend McLarty.

    I would expect that any system of rationed care would have a factor of people pulling favors for each other, just like in the Soviet Union or with the National Guard in Vietnam.

  13. lionsfan54 says:

    Well… that is pretty far fetched, but when you have clowns like Waxman going on “fishing” expeditions with his committee’s subpoena power to insurance companies that oppose him… well, that’s scary.

  14. Weary Reaper says:

    There was a time when people wouldn’t vote for a candidate or an organization who blatantly lied or twisted the truth into a pretzel for their own nefarious purposes. There was this thing called accountability

    …wasn’t there?

    Maybe not.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    It has been suggested that the government could use voter registration to determine a person’s political affiliation, prompting fears that GOP voters might be discriminated against for medical treatment in a Democrat-imposed health care rationing system.

    Ridiculous! Obama said that they would use the voter registration to determine if you need mental care or not. I’m sure the world will sleep better, knowing that Republicans are cared for.

  16. billabong says:

    Its spelled Moron….moron.

  17. Benjamin says:

    There is no way Obama would reveal this plan in advance of actually getting Obamacare passed. Before civil service reform was started, the victors in all elections picked the civil service jobs. If I worked for the post office (for example), I would lose my job if my party lost. The new guy would appoint his cronies. (Read Plunkitt of Tammany Hall to see how this patronage system worked.)

    I am not saying that the groups who approve and disapprove treatment would use the voter’s registration roles to determine who gets care. However, if you are denied care and you write a letter to your congressman, would he be more likely to pull strings for you if you were one of his voters or better yet, worked on his campaign?

  18. Hugh Ripper says:

    Who’s driving this ridiculous scare campaign against universal health care? and why? Sure the Democrats cant be trusted but the arguments against are becoming more ridiculous by the day.

    The rest of the world looks on all this with incredulity.

  19. Uncle Dave says:

    #18: You didn’t click the moran link, did you? It’s a well known meme at this point.

  20. FRAGaLOT says:

    hey what happened to the EU video about “calling the prime minster a devalued prime minster, for a devalued government???”

  21. Ranger007 says:

    #16 said “There was this thing called accountability…

    …wasn’t there?

    Maybe not.”

    Only when (if) you get caught!

  22. FRAGaLOT says:

    I think it’s very hard to disagree that this country has NO MONEY to spend on free universal heath care, or anything else for that matter.

    This is why everyone is in a panic since if the US’gubment offers free health care would totally undercut private medical insurances. This is why these companies are going apeshit at town-hall meetings during the congressional summer break. They just can’t compete with that. But then again most of these larger private companies are just as evil, corrupt and incompetent as any government ran institution. So would the net result be moot?

    Sp, the medical care we would end up with would be rationed, since everyone’s health care would consolidated into a single administrative body, which sounds like a clerical/administrative nightmare to organize. Talk about prime opportunity to expose incompetence, and exploit fraud.

    What DOES need to be done is health care REFORM, to get the ridiculous costs down, and THEN maybe we can talk about free universal health-care. But Obama wants to do this on one fell swoop so he can be put into the history books that he did it (yay!) and not take the time to fix the economy first, which he won’t be able to do even if he does serve two full terms. So he going all for broke… literally.

    All these talking heads keep throwing the phrases “universal health-care” and “health-care reform” as if it’s exactly the same thing, IT IS NOT!

  23. smartalix says:


    While possibly worth investigating, your comment has nothing to do with the question. What is your answer to the post?

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #18, billy,


  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, Benji,

    I am not saying that the groups who approve and disapprove treatment would use the voter’s registration roles to determine who gets care.

    Not only does every other industrialized country have universal health care, they do so in a fair and non-discriminate manner. There is nothing to suggest there would ever be any type of panel to ration health care.

    It is the right wing nuts that insist upon coming up with these paranoid ideas in order to discredit Democrat initiatives.

  26. Mr Ed says:

    This actually sounds like a great idea. Imagine how great the world would be if we could “off” all the Repugs?

  27. jbenson2 says:

    With the Obama administration, nothing is certain except for death panels and taxes.

  28. Benjamin says:

    #30 “…the ration covertly by delaying procedures…or overtly by denying whatever they consider too expensive or a waste if the person is collecting social security.”

    There is always medical tourism in India and eventually the back alley abortion clinics (that have been put out of business by legal abortion clinics) will re-open as full service medical clinics to provide care for those who the death panels deny coverage to.

    Afred1, you need to learn to trust capitalism. No matter what the problem is, no matter how dire a problem seems, capitalism will always find a way to solve any problem.


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