Not sure what to make of this. But it is catchy!

Found by John Ligums.

  1. bobbo, the stench of wet straw rises to my nostrils says:

    #29–do-ill==”You know how to tell someone totally partisan to the point they are completely blind to reality with an absolutely closed mind from somebody that is open to reason and cares about facts?” /// Read one of your posts?

    “Somebody criticizes the government and what its being doing for the last, oh, lets say 30 or so years, and the partisans say really stupid things like the person is a Bush/Palin supporter.” /// Nobody said that until just now, YOU.

    3. “There is nothing in that recording to suggests this person supports any party or any person though I wouldn’t be shocked if they were a Libertarian.” /// Don’t you contradict yourself here or are you divining your LIEBERTARIAN suspicions from “nothing?” Also, I said the same thing and did give “something” at Post#7 & 10.

    Do-ill your continue your style of being excessively wordy while saying nothing except to contradict yourself.

    Good Job.

  2. bobbo, I love the links. says:

    Noname #–31 thru 34==I CANNOT CONNECT TO YOUR LINKS.

    This “may be” the editor reforming the long url into a short one?

    The main reason I come here is to blow hard, but the second reason is to read the links others thoughtfully provide. I hope that functionality is not lost like the “recent posts” feature as this blog continue to improve the service.

  3. algore says:

    So True…..

  4. noname says:

    They work when I click on them?

    Shit, if it’s true.

  5. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #39–noname==still not for me. First time links have not worked. Firefox 3.0.

    I get Error 403. “Must connect to website and not directly to an imbedded video or image.”

  6. noname says:

    # 36 bobbo,

    It works seamlessly in Firefox.

    I tried explorer, it’s clunky and awkward but works with some effort.

  7. noname says:

    # 40 bobbo,

    Shit, I guess I will need to learn and start using short URL stuff.

  8. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #41–noname==MY firefox 3.0 continues to work on all other links so far==yours is the first and only one not to work “for me.”

    I prefer the long url. It can be read for a clue as to what it is linking to as some express hesitation to going blindly to a site.

    My own long urls have only within the last 2-3 days been modified by the Editors to the “contextual reference” which does’t bother me at all, assuming they work.

  9. RRD says:

    Tim Hawkins, the star of this vid (and others, some funny, follow his link) is almost exclusively sponsored on his tour by and plays mostly at evangelical churches.

    I’ll give you one guess as to his political and social leanings

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42 & 43

    The links are a “403” error. “noname” can link to them because he has the links cached on his computer. Others can’t.

    These “bits” are for download only, they aren’t linkable.

  11. bobbo, the devout evangelical anti-theist says:

    #44–RRD==so what you’re saying is the first version of this song was “The Jesus Man Can?” Hah. Once again, the dim bulbs get singled out for pandering.

  12. bobbo, not an economist says:

    Reference my own post #25==darn, Katrina Vanden Heuvel was only on for 3 minutes to introduce the panel.

    One Nobel Winner in Economics ((how is that even possible??)) made the point I’ve heard before that Japan is still in its own Real Estate/Banking collapse from 15 years ago? The Japanese did NOT bail out the banks and they have been stagnant ever since. His main criticism of our Bail Out/Stimulus is that it hasn’t been big enough.

    Speaking of bias/pandering/ and things religious and political===do any of us know the workings of large scale international economics so well so as to belittle *any* given position ((other than to fault it for its bias/pandering/and things religious and political?)). I don’t think so. Thats why economics is called the Dismal Science. Very dismal, not too much science===too many variables.

    As a liberal, a flaming liberal, yet still a fiscal conservative, I do laugh when anyone posts conclusively one slice of BS or another. Still BS. No one knows.

  13. Number6 says:

    #22, Bobbo

    As to what is meant by ‘heated’ I’d point to the back and forth in between your last post and this. More seriously and to the point it’s my characterization of the importance people place on the political tribe they associate with, and the ease with which opposing tribes are dismissed.

    I actualy have little to disagree with in your post. Given it is, as you say, a thin distinction you draw. It just isn’t a distinction that makes any differance to me. Personal choice more than a difference of opinion – or possibly I’m just obsessed about the part, as you put it:

    “Both parties lie to their base”

    Well said. And being obsessed about that, I just don’t concentrate on the demographics of the people being lied to.

    Although actually I do cringe when I hear Birthers speak. Since you mention that example, it is one where I worry for the gene pool.

  14. Phydeau says:

    #44 As Gomer Pyle would say… “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”


  15. bobbo, if heated, its in minus Kelvin says:

    #49–No6==we have different filters for this world:

    “As to what is meant by ‘heated’ I’d point to the back and forth in between your last post and this.” /// Well, I don’t feel heated at all. Seems to me that analyzing words for bias/possible partisanism is an intellectual engagement for those who engage their intellect and is heated only for those who are partisan and engage their emotions. Perhaps that is why you didn’t see the partisanship to begin with???

    2. “I actualy have little to disagree with in your post.” //// Good, meaning you changed your mind right? I posted Yes the Repugs have a stupid base they pander to that you have no comments on and NO with a distinction you think is without difference===so that leaves us with you agreeing with what you first disagreed. Always fun to grow and change. Makes you feel alive doesn’t it???

    3. Well said. And being obsessed about that, I just don’t concentrate on the demographics of the people being lied to. /// Perhaps, but that is the point of the thread on which you pose neutrality. Neutrality in the face of positive evidence to one side is not neutrality, it is negative to the evidence presented. And you quibble at post 21–“So the distinction that gets everyone so heated against them is that they lie to a stupider (in your opinion) group of people?”===”””In your opinio”–leaving your opinion neutral.

    4–“Although actually I do cringe when I hear Birthers speak. Since you mention that example, it is one where I worry for the gene pool.” /// More quibbling and implied rejection of positive evidence: you imply you don’t cringe at Deathers, Death Panels, Astro-turfers and practically every other thing that comes out of a Repuglican spokesman mouth???? Its not something a thinking person would view neutrally==the whole point of this thread.

    Taking temperature—colder than before. Just analysis. Check yourself if your temperature does go up==its just a conversation with a stranger.

  16. BitBass says:

    #52 Bobbo==you may not be heated yourself but you take great joy in trying to heat up others. You’re type is as old as the Internet itself. You’re a troll. Eloquent perhaps, but still a troll.

    You say the things that will get people fired up all while feigning innocence. “Its not something a thinking person would view neutrally” implies that anyone that disagrees with you is stupid.

    “the whole point of this thread.” was to discuss a message on out of control government spending. Lib’s like yourself prefer to ignore that and make it about the messenger. Or about where the tea-baggers (another derogatory and intentionally inflammatory phrase) were during the Bush administration. Or about the “Deathers, Death Panels, Astro-turfers and practically every other thing that comes out of a Repuglican spokesman mouth” which are all fringe elements and not worth discussing. Except by individuals looking to deflect discussion to the absurd. Like what temperature we’re all feeling at the moment.

    And if it makes you feel any better:

    “sometimes I will respond to a person who doesn’t have my position” – Sometimes? Har!

    “what I said quite right, but YOU are just making shit up.” – precisely what did I make up? You didn’t seem to address that.

    “If you have any continuing interest in what I actually said, copy and paste the sentence, respond to what was said, and we can debate.” – debate like a politician? Where you don’t answer the question and you deflect to other topics you can blather on about with big words? Where everyone is left saying “huh?” not because they didn’t get your meaning but because you made no sense at all.

    “I’ll show you how not to argue with yourself in my response to do-ill.” – really? That was fairly unimpressive. I mean “Read one of your posts?” was funny. Pot meet kettle. And the thing about him being the first to bring up Bush/Palin, did you even read post #5? I guess you glossed over that because it was someone that agreed with you. Even “Which party has a plank of “tax cuts for the rich?”” in your post #7 had me puzzled. I don’t recall that being a topic of the video. I guess you “inferred” that.

    I have no doubt you’ll have some form of snarky response that you’ll call level headed and even civil. Fire away. Sorry, I meant “ice” away! No, that doesn’t work.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #53, Bassy,

    So, what is your point? I’ll be damned if I could follow your train of thought.

  18. Somebody_Else says:

    This guy describes himself as a “clean Christian comedian” from what I can gather. Not sure what to make of that (cough)…

    I understand (and even agree with) the message, but I didn’t hear any republicans seriously complaining about wasteful spending during the Bush administration. Fiscal conservatism is going to stay dead to both parties as long as the boomer generation is running the show.

  19. Bitbass says:

    Mr Fusion – sorry. I probably should have made it clear that all of that was directed at Bobbo.

    Anyway, the point of all of this, the video. Somewhat humorous but kind of dumb at the same time. Yep, it’s fun to poke at the government’s nature of doing everything it can to redistribute wealth. Yippee. It’s not about parties, it’s about ALL politicians though. Reps, Dems… It’s all the same. It’s troublesome to see people vociferously defending one party or another when it really doesn’t matter. It’s all a diversion.

    As long as each party can “energize” the base then you all waste time squabbling over which party’s less corrupt. Who cares. People should be looking at that video and saying “yes we think spending and wealth redistribution should be curtailed”. Instead people like bobbo make it all about party politics. And he thinks the others are sheep! Hah!

  20. bobbo, our opinions reflect our biases says:

    #53–BitBass==well done. Much better.

    So, in your mind a troll is someone who eloquently disagrees with a post, gives the reasons why, demonstrates better responses by way of example, and invites further discussion? Hah, Hah.

    “You say the things that will get people fired up all while feigning innocence” /// I did not feign innocence. You continue not addressing what is actually said. You totally make shit up, or take tangents from what is said. Mighty righty of you to do so. Not a stupid thing to do, just not effective unless aimed at stupid people.

    ““Its not something a thinking person would view neutrally” implies that anyone that disagrees with you is stupid.” /// Well, fairly, it implies many things that among them. But the comparative value I named was emotions. Do you think any emotive person is stupid?? Once again, you don’t respond to what I said.

    ““the whole point of this thread.” was to discuss a message on out of control government spending.” //// No. #5&6 made the thread that found purchase about bias/pandering/partisanship and how to spot it. -OR- the thread is about whatever people post about and neither you or I control the freedom/willingness of others to contribute as they wish. Good job of trying to define the topic at hand to what you think is your superior position, but once again, your audience isn’t that sheeple. Hurts don’t it?

    “And the thing about him being the first to bring up Bush/Palin, did you even read post #5? I guess you glossed over that…” /// Not exactly a gloss over, but I did not have it firmly in mind and I take your correction. The value of an eloquent troll is greatly appreciated only making my next argument stronger. Thank You.

    As no one is reading this anyway, good time to stop.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #56, Bassy,

    Mr Fusion – sorry. I probably should have made it clear that all of that was directed at Bobbo.

    Hhmmm, I guess in your rage against Bobbo, you didn’t realize this is a public forum.

    You want to know a troll? Look at #58, that is a troll. Bobbo, on the other hand, is analytical and explains his positions. He may be contrary, or even inflammatory at times, but he is not a troll. He is expressing an opinion.

  22. jccalhoun says:

    I know I’m way late on this but I’d like to point out that this is a total rip off of Greg Morton


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