Not sure what to make of this. But it is catchy!

Found by John Ligums.

  1. KMFIX says:

    This is about a year late…

  2. David says:

    Very entertaining. Funny, and true!

  3. Number6 says:

    Brilliant. Very well done, catchy tune, entertaining and educational at the same time.

    I don’t know about ‘a year late’. It certainly would have been a good thing to view several years ago. Oh well, better late than never.

  4. Higghawker says:

    Tim Hawkins is hilarious!! Check out all his stuff!!

  5. Red says:

    A regular Bush/Palin supporter to be sure.

    Abhors government spending to curb economic collapse and reform health-care, but doesn’t blink an eye about about two unnecessary wars that have cost taxpayers almost $4 trillion (part of which includes universal health-care for every Iraqi and Afgani citizen). It’s as if that useless spending never happened.

  6. Number6 says:

    #5 Red,

    I didn’t actually get that from the video – what makes you think it’s a partisan thing? I took it as just generally anti-government. Mind you this is the first thing I’ve seem from Tim Hawkins, so I don’t really know where he stands on things.

    For myself, I couldn’t care less which party is stealing money and spending it wastefully, and even harmfully. I just want them to stop stealing stuff and harming people.

  7. bobbo, clothing evil in stupidity says:

    #6–6==”what makes you think it’s a partisan thing?” /// Which party has a plank of “tax cuts for the rich?”

    The law of declining returns in action: Repuglicans trying to find someone dumber than themselves to lie to.

  8. Nugget Coombs says:

    Obviously this Tim Hawkins is a Right-Wing Fascist Cretin.

  9. Number6 says:

    #7 Bobbo,

    “The law of declining returns in action: Republicans trying to find someone dumber than themselves to lie to.”

    Too true. Well put, of course it seems true of politicians in general. Both parties will lie to us because it isn’t about us. It’s about power, and they (both parties) will say/do whatever it takes to get and keep power.

    Looking over the video again I’d agree, it would have been stronger and less open to criticism if at least one point had been something about “waging wars” with the stolen money.

    Mind you the inclusion of the bailouts was a hit on handouts to the rich.

  10. bobbo, not too subtle a shift says:

    #9–6==if we have left your issue of partisanship, then no need to mention that the video could easily have been from a LIEBERTARIAN as they too have planks against taxes, or it could have been from a GODLESS COMMUNIST as they have planks to simply undermine any form of better government.

    But you transition to the equivalency of the parties. There are indeed many similarities if not mostly similarities, but on the notion of appealing to the dimmest of the electorate, that partisan activity does belong to the Repuglicans and their running dogs.

    Your close is a quibble. Always bad form when contained within an admission. Perfection is not a requirement of partisanship, just makes it easier to identify, but thats the nature of an ambiguous task. How many points of similarity qualify less how many points of difference can there be to loosing apply labels???

    A partisan only needs ONE, a liberal THREE, and an objective observer needs a difference of FIVE to really nail it.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, bobbo, picking up on the subtleties,

    Very true sir.

    80% of Americans know the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. Of the rest, 5% make up the extremeist Liebertarians, communists, anarchists, Nazis, Aryan Nations, Native American nationalists, and Lyndon Larouches. The remaining 15% are just idiots who couldn’t care less.

    If this was amusing then all I can say is small things amuse small minds. Enjoy.

  12. bobbo, like trains, great minds run on the same tracks says:

    #11–Fusion==I agree. Truly an insipid video. Easy to “make” something of it but perhaps our good moderator does not wish to stifle/direct the discussion. Perhaps.

    Still–I watch 45 seconds before knowing more would be a waste of time. On No6’s encouragement, I wanted to be fair so I went back to watch the rest but could only last another 30 secs.

    I had the realing dizziness I get when trying to watch a Barney Video. Hey!!==I’ll bet 6-7 year olds would enjoy this video, and all for the same reasons.

    Tax analysis for children.

  13. jobs says:

    That would be real funny if it were not true.

  14. Alex says:

    Yeah, have to say, Republican comedy has gone down the drain if this is supposed to be funny. Dennis Miller – I miss thee so.

  15. Weary Reaper says:

    Define the word: disingenuous

    “Not sure what to make of this. But it is catchy!”

  16. I Miss Silicone Spin. says:

    When it comes to the government taking your money by force it doesn’t matter which political affiliation the elected leaders represent. Every day that impeachment is off the table, every day that the wire taps are not voted to be repealed, every day that the federal income tax is not voted to be repealed. Every time the DEA violates the 10th amendment, is a day of tyranny. The elected ones who do not vote to fix these and all other violations of the U.S. Constitution are volunteers in treason, and are therefore guilty. I’m not going to get hauled downtown for typing the punishment for treason in the U.S. I leave that for you to Google.

  17. Breetai says:

    #16 I Miss Silicone Spin

    Every day the facts are irrelevant because the people are stupid sheep and accept the status quo and refuse to think for themselves.

  18. Hugh Ripper says:

    Seems to me to be fair enough satire. Applicable to all governments, left right and centre.

    There is a definite ‘anti-tax’ thread running through it, however, and that gives it a hint of republican hypocrisy.

  19. Number6 says:

    #10, Bobbo “But you transition to the equivalency of the parties. There are indeed many similarities if not mostly similarities, but on the notion of appealing to the dimmest of the electorate, that partisan activity does belong to the Repuglicans and their running dogs”

    So the distinction that gets everyone so heated against them is that they lie to a stupider (in your opinion) group of people? I was kind of hoping there would be more to all this partisanship, something worth getting all upset about.

    I assume the republicans out there are going to weigh in and tell me that no, it’s the democrats who are lying to stupid people?

    Personally, it seems to me that people who want power are going to lie to us all to get it. Anytime we believe them, and give them the power they seek, we’re the stupid ones. That is something worth getting upset about.

    Unless of course they belong to the same club or party or whatever subgroup I identify with. Then they are right against all accusation and anyone who agrees with them is stupid.

  20. bobbo, its all definitional, without a dictionary says:

    #21–No6==”So the distinction that gets everyone so heated against them is that they lie to a stupider (in your opinion) group of people?” /// Let me take the gravamen of your position on from opposing views, then you can decide to take one of them on, both, or add to the dialectic.

    1. Yes. But, who said anyone was “heated?” It doesn’t upset me if that is what heated means. Rather, it amuses me. Who is responding to the Death Panel? Who is a Birther? A Deather? A Tea-Bagger. The Astro-turfers? Not exclusively, but mostly they are all Repuglican true believers or those who follow on from their talking points. Now, No6—be honest now—-are these people smarter or dumber than those who dismiss these issues as gibberish?

    2. No. Both parties lie to their base but the Repug base responds more to the more stupid, more easily disproved, more objectively fanciful, than does the Dem base. Do the Repugs “lie to” a dimmer group? The best I can do is make the foregoing thin distinction. A Repuglican probably can’t see it, but I do assume you will. Not every Repug is a cartoon.

  21. Peggusus says:

    Note the song is about “Government”,democrats and republicans. This country needs a serious third party movement badly for the reasonable majority.

  22. bobbo, fyi can't miss tv in 40 minutes says:

    Meltdown: How Greed and Corruption Shattered Our Financial System and How We Can Recover

    Katrina Vanden Heuvel

    On Book TV. C-Span 2.

  23. MikeN says:

    The Simpsons had the GarbageMan can

  24. BitBass says:

    Bobbo, let me make sure I have this right.

    Someone who believes a Republican position is a dumb sheep.

    Someone who believes a Democrat position spent a lot of time intelligently weighing the sides and happened to come to the same brilliant conclusion.

    The gospel according to Bobbo states this is always true, without fail.

    That about sum it up?

    I mean, to me, the sheep is anyone that believes any of the bullshit that comes out of any politicians mouth. I guess I was mistaken about the informed insights of the perfect Democrat party. Perhaps your biting wit of always referring to the Republicans as Repugnicans should have clued me into your superior kindness and intelligence.

  25. Faxon says:

    Hilarious! The video is good too. More amusing are the poor stupid slobs (you know who you are!) trying to blame the other party. They are the idiots this video is trying to teach. They will never learn, and the politicians keep fucking everyone over.

  26. bobbo, the stench of wet straw rises to my nostrils says:

    #27–BitBass==sometimes I will respond to a person who doesn’t have my position, what I said quite right, but YOU are just making shit up. If you have any continuing interest in what I actually said, copy and paste the sentence, respond to what was said, and we can debate. I’ll show you how not to argue with yourself in my response to do-ill.


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