This is why I don’t like net neutrality or any bill that gives government oversight of the internet.

Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

The new version would allow the president to “declare a cybersecurity emergency” relating to “non-governmental” computer networks and do what’s necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for “cybersecurity professionals,” and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    As pointed out already, this is a measure so the government may react in a true emergency. Of course, the “emergency” part of this escaped all the irrational people, again.

    If the government was impotent during an emergency I am more than sure the wing nuts would be screaming about how Obama can’t do anything.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #64, Mr. Beale,

    Your points are well made sir. Don’t, however, get upset over ‘dro. He’s from Cuba and they do things differently there. So he has no Representative to write to.

    But give ‘dro credit. He keeps repeating his nonsense until he is blue in the face. (I didn’t say positive credit)

  3. Joe Dirt says:

    First Bill conquers North Korea and now he’ll relinquish control of the Internet to the big O, what does Hillary think of this?

  4. Retribution says:

    Obama and his semi-Commies are truly dangerous. I hope they’re stopped soon (never vote for an incumbant . . . EVER!).

  5. Breetai says:

    Seriously Imagine the response if a Republican were in office. Democrats would be whining instead.

    Face it…

    Both Parties are fascist scum.

  6. Dallas says:

    Why does Obama want to kill my grandma?

  7. MikeN says:

    1. It Can’t Happen Here

    By Sinclair Lewis

    Doubleday, 1935

    A charismatic Democratic senator who speaks in “noble but slippery ­abstractions” is elected president, in a groundswell of cultish adoration, by a nation on the brink of economic ­disaster. Promising to restore ­America’s greatness, he promptly ­announces a government seizure of the big banks and insurance ­companies. He strong-arms the ­Congress into amending the Constitution to give him unlimited emergency powers. He throws his ­enemies into concentration camps. With scarcely any resistance, the country has ­become a fascist dictatorship. No black helicopters here, though. Sinclair Lewis’s dystopian ­political satire, now largely forgotten except for its ironic title, was a ­mammoth best seller in 1935, during the depths of the ­Depression and the rise of fascism in Europe. His president, Berzelius (“Buzz”) Windrip, is a ruthless phony with the “earthy sense of humor of a Mark Twain”; one of the few who dare oppose him openly is a rural ­newspaper editor who is forced to go on the run.

  8. noname says:

    # 72 pedro said,

    “#67 I see you too obsessed”

    Yes, I think everyone can see how obsessed your are in your #56-62 posts.

    You know, there are pills for that.

  9. Howard Beale says:

    #72pedro said,
    “#64 Bush still in power? Gee, that’s news to me! And I’m the one with reading comprehension issues.”

    proof–YES you have a reading comprehension problem.

    #73 on Lewis
    Hey MikeN it’s just like when people liked to bring that one up in reference to Bill Clinton
    Here is a little part of that book you left out…

    All Negroes shall be prohibited from voting, holding public office, practicing law, medicine, or teaching in any class above the grade of grammar school, and they shall be taxed 100 per cent of all sums in excess of $10,000 per family per year which they may earn or in any other manner receive. In order, however, to give the most sympathetic aid possible to all Negroes who comprehend their proper and valuable place in society, all such colored persons, male or female, as can prove that they have devoted not less than forty-five years to such suitable tasks as domestic service, agricultural labor, and common labor in industries, shall at the age of sixty-five be permitted to appear before a special Board, composed entirely of white persons, and upon proof that while employed they have never been idle except through sickness, they shall be recommended for pensions not to exceed the sum of $500.00 per person per year, nor to exceed $700.00 per family. Negroes shall, by definition, be persons with at least one sixteenth colored blood.

    The whole craze gets to be like to be like the writings of Nostradamus people love to constantly reinterpret them to try and fit some thing that’s going on now. Lewis loved doing that with his Bible; look to Revelations I bet you could make even

  10. Howard Beale says:

    connections, can’t wait for the movie. I’ll make popcorn.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #77, Alphie, the Budding Nazi Statist who wants to go to hell,,

    Stop and think about what Jesus would say.

  12. MikeN says:

    “Secretary of the Treasury: one Webster R. Skittle, president of the prosperous Fur & Hide National Bank of St. Louis—Mr. Skittle had once been indicted on a charge of defrauding the government on his income tax, but he had been acquitted, more or less, and during the campaign, he was said to have taken a convincing way of showing his faith in Buzz Windrip as the Savior of the Forgotten Men.”

  13. Rick Cain says:

    Republicans shouldn’t complain one bit. Giving our president the tools he needs to fight terrorism is patriotic, don’t you think?

    Oh wait, he’s black.


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