This is why I don’t like net neutrality or any bill that gives government oversight of the internet.

Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet.

The new version would allow the president to “declare a cybersecurity emergency” relating to “non-governmental” computer networks and do what’s necessary to respond to the threat. Other sections of the proposal include a federal certification program for “cybersecurity professionals,” and a requirement that certain computer systems and networks in the private sector be managed by people who have been awarded that license.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    Boy I can just hear the outcry if this had come up during Bush’s reign…


  2. noneofyourbusiness says:

    Who is surprised by this? Look at their attempts to mandate all media. Why isn’t the news speaking out about the fact that this administration has more Czars than Russia EVER HAD. What about the background of all of these upstanding citizens? Take a look at the policies of The FCC’s new “Diversity Panel”. Take a look at that, since it’s amazingly related.

    I’m not a republican, and I thought Bush’s policies were scary, but this administration learned from the way the Bush administration use fear as a tactic and have been running it 100 fold.

  3. noname says:

    I can see their reasoning, however; we can’t trust the WhiteHouse we will always have a well reasoning, intellectually functioning president, (Bush, case in point).

    With the Republicans, the Government did things not allowed in law, quietly and quickly; why do they need a law now? Because, Obama is President and democrats have control in the House/Senate???

  4. SparkyOne says:

    Unionized “cybersecurity professionals,” today walked out of 86.2% of all businesses that employ Federally mandated licensed “cybersecurity professionals”.

    No beer or wine in the office has been identified as the cause the massive labor dispute. We have already seen impact local services.

    Union spokeshole JC Dvorak commented “so for thanksgiving this year we are……..”

  5. Angus says:

    So how’s that Obama thing working out for you?

  6. GigG says:

    Where’s Boboo saying what a great thing it is that Obama and the Dems are going to help protect us with this new law?

  7. noname says:

    Yeah, I like the Obama 1.0 upgrade from Bush 0.2 program.

    Obama 1.0 hasn’t fully recovered from the Bush 0.2 crash. The Mission_Accomplished 3.0 that was started under Bush 0.2 has been eating up allot of resources Obama 1.0 needs. This has slowed Obama 1.0 down.

    I hear more Obama 1.0 upgrades are coming to fix Bush 0.2 bugs. I can only hope they happen sooner rather then later.

  8. Orangetiki says:

    I voted for Obama, and even I have to say “Oh %^&@! No” I’ll go back to putting the telephone onto a 200 kbps modem and go to a bbs tyvm.

    If the government has to worry that much about their computers being attacked then take them offline.

  9. Named says:

    2 noneofyourbusiness

    Do you even know what a CZAR is and how it figured into Russian history? I seriously doubt it. GO ahead and guess. Don’t be googling though! That’s cheating.

  10. Named says:


    “This is why I don’t like net neutrality.”

    What the hell does that have to do with it?

  11. Selif says:

    This continuing drive of the White House to take control of more and more things has got to be stopped.

    Surprisingly enough, it doesn’t have TOO much to do with who’s in office. I’ve been saying this same thing through every administration since the Regan era. Republican or Democrat makes no difference, they’re all a load of power hungry ego trips determined to control everything and they need to be stopped.

  12. Improbus says:

    The government should get their own damn network and leave ours the frak alone. Don’t make me go all Guy Fawkes on you BHO.

  13. Miguel says:

    Welcome to the People’s Republic of Amerika

  14. Father Tomb says:

    The FCC has the same rules for all RF communications.

    The FAA has the same rules for all airspace.

    The Executive Branch can tell you you are not allowed to leave your location.

    You have no rights during an emergency.

  15. Miguel says:

    A beautiful song, ain’t it?

  16. Somebody says:

    Yes, it can happen here!

  17. Number6 says:

    “There is not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties!” Alabama Governor George Wallace, candidate for President, 1968

    You know, I really had some hope that Obama was going to finally be the person to prove Wallace wrong. Rats.

  18. Benjamin says:

    The same liberals who would be (rightfully) decrying this if Bush did it, are strangely silent when Obama is doing this.

    This is a bad law meant to silence bloggers and podcasters. First Amendment types, both from the Left and Right, need to protest about this. Don’t believe me? Conservatives were silent on the Patriot Act and now Obama has it to use against us. It was a power grab for Bush to do it and one the government gets power it never lets it go. If that were not true, Obama would have repealed the Patriot Act.

    Obama collected a list of people who disagreed with him via his snitch e-mail: Do you think he will not use this power to do evil? Obama has a plan to create a crisis that is so bad that he will have to suspend the the 2012 election and declare himself President for life. He will use this power to shut down the Internet so no opposition can organize. The FCC commissioner even was quoted as saying that Chavez had to control the media to take power.

  19. Howard Beale says:

    It’s like what Father Tomb said

    It has always been the case the Gov. can take control of the airwaves and or impose Marshall Law during times of emergency like it or not always has been always will be.

    looks like just another case of Guilherme trying to mislead with his postings gesh you would think he worked for Murdoch.

  20. Hey Bill, c'm'ere a second says:


  21. GigG says:

    “You have no rights during an emergency.”

    Where is that in the Constitution?

  22. Weary Reaper says:


  23. Benjamin says:

    #22 GigG asked “Where is that in the Constituion?” when referring to Father Tomb’s statement, “You have no rights during an emergency.”

    Once I took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. If oaths mean anything, I suppose I need to act (within the political system through voting and petitioning our leaders) to prevent domestic enemies from destroying the Constitution. Funny, but Barak Obama took a similar oath.

  24. Benjamin says:

    #24 Pedro said “Results so far: 4 lefty loons spining this Bush-like facist control over population, 2 converts that finally saw thru the Demagogue-Repugblican facade,” when responding to six comments including mine from #19.

    What converts? I foolishly trusted that the Patriot Act would be used against Muslim terrorists only. Now it is in the hands of someone I distrust and it is hard to put that genie back in the bottle.

    I believe in the US Constitution as it was intended by the founders. I think that if something in the Constitution is unworkable (for example having the loser in a Presidential campaign become the Vice President) then the founders set up a process to amend the Constitution. Unamended, the Constitution limited the power of the Federal government. In fact, the founders argued the Bill of Rights was not necessary because the government was not given the power to do the things prohibited by the Bill of Rights. How much has the creep of power of the Federal government grown these last 223 years if the Bill of Rights is the only thing that keeps the government from violating our civil liberties?

  25. Howard Beale says:

    hey pedro thanks for keeping score, and how do you feel about this bill that Obama has not signed yet or even said he wants.

    There was nothing sheepish Father Tomb #15 it was just a realest view of the issue.

    and my…
    “It has always been the case the Gov. can take control of the airwaves and or impose Marshall Law during times of emergency”

    How am I misleading?

    glad to know you are reading all of these its nice to be heard.

  26. noname says:

    # 24 pedro, Can you send us your picture, please??

    I want to use it on a Plaster Board to help re-elect Obama when the time comes.

    I promise, not to take it out to the shooting range.

    I would also like to use your many of many posts on the same Plaster Board.

    Your picture next to your words will frighten millions of people into electing any democrat.

  27. chuck says:

    It makes as much sense as giving the President emergency control of the weather. While we’re at it, lets just outlaw climate change. Problem solved!

    I don’t think these Congress critters understand that the interwebitubes can’t be controlled.

  28. Pharaoh90 says:

    When have our upraising. Do you want the world being able to still see what’s going on? No, you don’t.

    So why not give the white house control? Think of this happening under a neo con controlled white house.

    But really emergency and internet. Why don’t these words go together for me.

  29. The more things change says:

    @ I foolishly trusted that the Patriot Act would be used against Muslim terrorists only.

    Well then you were one of the idiots that I and other Democrat were trying to warn! You can’t give the government powers that aren’t checked by OTHER branches of government, like you did with the warrantless wire taps and ‘hold me forever as a terrorist’ (whatever that means legally).

    I don’t have a problem with the health care pushed by Obama, because if it sucks, the next Republican President or Congress (and they will take it back some day, it always goes back and forth) can repeal it. No big deal.

    But the Patriot Act and some of these other bills give unchecked powers to ONE branch and one branch only of the government. I don’t like that. Republican or Democrat. Because regardless of whether you LIKE Obama or not, there will be OTHER Presidents, and who knows how THEY’LL use this power.

  30. Father Tomb says:

    As it relates to a national emergency and the suspension of individual rights, the Constitution only provides that the individual will receive “due process of law” after the fact.


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