- Facebook deals with privacy concerns.
- Should Wii be cheaper?
- Facebook and Twitter can lead to your getting robbed.
- Nokia getting into Linux finally.
- WPA cracked.
- Google books out in EPUB.
- Oracle to dump Sun hardware on HP.
- Six reasons MSFT struggles with innovation.
- Show brought to you by E-Harmony at www.eharomony.com use the code EHTECH.
Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.
In other news, Nokia to be latest company to toy with failnix and dump it less than six months later.
Hahaha, suck on that windows haters.
#1 Postman
What’s to hate? A world without walls is a world without windows. Microsoft said it, I didn’t.
I’d love to see a Symbian Laptop… will it Vibrate too?? 😉
I went to eharmony to get ‘hooked up’, but they wouldnt sell me any pot. What gives?
Go Burglar it!
John, you misspelled the sponsor’s URL.
LOL at Facebook/Twitter and WPA cracked. I’m so glad I have a wired internet connection.