Anyone tempted to ignore the 2010 Census will have a tough time doing it — especially if they have kids in school.
The government has launched Census in Schools, an all-out campaign targeting superintendents, principals, teachers, students and, indirectly, parents, as schools open across the nation this month and next. The message: The Census is coming and here’s why everyone should care.
The goal is to send posters, teaching guides, maps and lesson plans to every school in the nation, Puerto Rico and U.S. island territories to encourage everyone to participate in the national count. The materials will land in more than 118,000 schools and reach 56 million students.
“It’s great to reach the children because children are such strong voices in their homes,” says Renee Jefferson-Copeland, chief of the Census schools program. “In households that are linguistically isolated, they can express the information to their parents.”
#32, Mr. Fusion
I think you’ve hit on what I see as the problem. What happens when Sarah Palin is in charge and pushes abstinence down the throats of those (you and I both apparently) who think it’s the most ridiculous and counterproductive approach.
Keep it out of the hands of both parties, because sooner or later the folks you call “right wing nuts” are going to have their hands on your kids.
#33, number6
You are an idiot. You can’t see that the failure to teach the children ended up with them being injured.
No, I don’t agree certain subjects should not be taught in schools.
#34, Mr. Fusion
You are right, I am. I thought we were having a reasoned disagreement. I actually listened to your point and tried to respond with how I saw things. I was expecting a response that included more thoughtful exchange that perhaps we could both learn from.
That was idiotic.