Anyone tempted to ignore the 2010 Census will have a tough time doing it — especially if they have kids in school.
The government has launched Census in Schools, an all-out campaign targeting superintendents, principals, teachers, students and, indirectly, parents, as schools open across the nation this month and next. The message: The Census is coming and here’s why everyone should care.
The goal is to send posters, teaching guides, maps and lesson plans to every school in the nation, Puerto Rico and U.S. island territories to encourage everyone to participate in the national count. The materials will land in more than 118,000 schools and reach 56 million students.
“It’s great to reach the children because children are such strong voices in their homes,” says Renee Jefferson-Copeland, chief of the Census schools program. “In households that are linguistically isolated, they can express the information to their parents.”
I told the Census guys that I will only give my address and the number of people that live at my address. Until flush toilets can vote I am not answering questions about my home plumbing. Until congressional districts are apportioned by race, I am not giving them my race.
#1 Illegals were always counted. The Census is the number of people, not the number of citizens. I think certain Indians living on reservations are not counted, but everyone else is.
If you are “linguistically isolated” then you need to get your ass back to where you came from.
That the motive for everything the government does now, eh Alfred?
Must be interesting, being so shallow and all.
Fines for failure to answer census start at 100 per up to 500 but a creative prosecutor can get up to $5000 and 5 years in jail. ((Check that list bit, found references to it but not the law itself.))
Yes, VIP’s and Champions of Individual Liberty in our own minds. Heh, heh. So busy fighting over nothing, something goes unrecognized.
I’d be worried if the Democrats weren’t in power. I guess this is the start to get us all numbered up for our national health care tattoo and RFID tags.
I’d be worried about putting my race on the Census form. FDR used the 1940 Census data to round up Japanese Americans and put them in prison camps. There should be no questions asked other than what is your address and how many people live here.
So, what would you call a president whose administration used children as their own private army, trying to force their parents to fill out the census? A totalitarian indoctrinator?! Should they be impeached?
What if they sent government-dictated lesson plans to teachers, saying, “We Know We Can Count On You!”, and instructing them to “Get… The Message Home” with Fed-prepared census take-home notices for hapless, exploited young children to deliver to their parents?
I have the docs on this, proving this is what the government did!
..oh, did I mention these docs come from 1988, during the Reagan administration?
Remember when your teacher pinned a note to your chest when you were in Kindergarden? Are you *sure* you weren’t a Republican dupe?!
Cause you know Benjamin, if they find out you’re a Republican, you’re headed to a ranch in Montana. Right before the 2010 elections, I heard. But that data just confirms what they get from your cable box…if you watch Fox you’re already on the list.
#4: “Linguistically isolated” in the US mostly applies to American Indians on thinly populated reservations, who already live where they came from, and may have never learned English or Spanish.
Why ask all those other questions on the census? When people argue against it, we are told it’s a valuable tool for social scientists.
#1, Alphie,
Do you really think Jesus would want to disenfranchise some people because you don’t agree with their politics? Isn’t that what happened to a well traveled and loved philosopher about 2,000 years ago? The local ruler didn’t like his politics and so had the military torture and crucify him.
Think about what Jesus would say.
#12, Lyin’ Mike,
True. Knowing some details of Americans lives can help the government understand many things that can help shape policy.
BUT, the government also sells the information to private individuals. That way they make back some of the cost of the census. All personal information is kept confidential.
I don’t have an issue with the original purpose of the census: how many people are in your household. But the actual census has tons of personal questions that have nothing to do with that topic which I refuse to answer.
I am already on to them. I don’t have cable or a digital converter box because I know they track me from the phone line into the cable box. I get all my news from NPR and talk radio.
# 10 Olo Baggins of Bywater said, on August 27th, 2009 at 7:38 am
“Cause you know Benjamin, if they find out you’re a Republican, you’re headed to a ranch in Montana. Right before the 2010 elections, I heard. But that data just confirms what they get from your cable box…if you watch Fox you’re already on the list.”
Whatever you may think about the particular instance, about the census or the questions asked, is everyone comfortable with the method described here? When the Government wants something, or wants people to think or behave in a particular way, it uses our kids to have its way.
I know, maybe this is a small thing, and needed to apportion representation. But doesn’t the means in this case make people a little concerned? Driving what should be an educational experience based on the political message you want to send to the parents.
Doesn’t sound right to me.
That’s why I would home school. I don’t want dummies holding my kid (if I had kids) back from learning. Also I don’t want the government indoctrinating my kids.
Of course when it comes time for them to go to high school, they would have to go to a real school, but they would have a head start on learning.
Weren’t the Hitler Youth, soviet children, and communist (Maoist) Chineese children encouraged to “turn-in” their parents for the good of the nation?
Obviously we need to emulate those fine nationalist movements if we are going to prevale against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
#16, Benny,
I know they track me from the phone line into the cable box.
Uh huh, and haven’t you phoned in a few times to Limbaugh and Hannity?
#18, Benny,
That’s why I would home school. I don’t want dummies holding my kid (if I had kids) back from learning.
I don’t think you understand what home schooling is. If you taught them they would be taught by a dummy AND held back from learning. There are very few parents capable and equipped to teach.
#21-Mr.Fusion-There are very few parents capable and equipped to teach.
Judging from the drop-out rate of the government school system there doesn’t seem to be many teachers equipped to teach either.
What a dilemma?
“That’s why I would home school. I don’t want dummies holding my kid (if I had kids) back from learning.”
Many home schoolers indoctrinate their kids for religious reasons (for example, “the universe is 6000 years old” bit) or political reasons. On the other hand, home schoolers could really boost their kids’ knowledge by taking them to the library and really broaden their horizons.
From the Constitution:
The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.
was passed by Congress.
You have to fill it out. If they decide to count the hairs on your ass (don’t worry conFusion, you’re safe), the law demands you supply it.
I am not sure how they will verify you actually put it in the mailbox . . .
The ONLY reason to collect race information is to discriminate.
#25, They’re democrats. Democrats don’t discriminate, silly man.
[/sarcasm off]
It is always interesting that “the Left”, through time and across the world, from Russia, to Germany, over to China, and back to the UK, is the biggest proponent of national socializm.
This old woman with a census badge/necklace came to my door asking how many lived here. I told her she had no permission to ring my bell and wake up my ill son and who did she think she was, when someone is ill and needs rest. She turned and ran like an intruder. The nerve, paying people my tax money to think I’d tell a stranger personal info, after disturbing me on my property.
#1 Alfred1:
“The intent is to count illegals…to skew the political system to the left.”
And how would that work, exactly? “Ooh, this district has 100 more illegals than that one! We must rename all the mayors in this district as Commissars!” I honestly don’t see how that would work.
– – – – –
# 17 Number6:
“When the Government wants something, or wants people to think or behave in a particular way, it uses our kids to have its way.”
Yeah! Thus all those shady, sneaky, nasty things like “Be a good citizen — know the candidates and vote (once you’re old enough)” and “Reckless or drunk driving is bad!” and “Wash your hands!” and “Eat a balanced diet!” How dare they?!?!
#30 Uncle Patso said,
“Yeah! Thus all those shady, sneaky, nasty things like “Be a good citizen — know the candidates and vote (once you’re old enough)” and “Reckless or drunk driving is bad!” and “Wash your hands!” and “Eat a balanced diet!” How dare they?!?!”
Excellent use of sarcasm. Very funny indeed.
So, do I take it from this response that you are perfectly happy with the Government deciding what is on that list of “nasty things”? That it will always be the benign things you list now? That anyone who think that is the role parents and not the Government should play is just plain silly?
I guess I’m asking if, now that you got the sarcasm out of your system, do you have a serious contribution to make to this discussion?
If not, thanks for the joke in any case.
#31, Number6,
So, do I take it from this response that you are perfectly happy with the Government deciding what is on that list of “nasty things”? That it will always be the benign things you list now? That anyone who think that is the role parents and not the Government should play is just plain silly?
Well, let’s tackle just one area schools teach what many wings nuts don’t want the schools to.
Sex education.
Way too many right wing nuts, evangelicals, holy rollers, and idiots claim teaching their children about sex should be the parents bailiwick. Yet, areas that have school sponsored sex education also have lower rates of unwed teen pregnancies.
STDs are also lower when sex ed is taught.
For example. A loud proponent of “abstinence” sex ed and parent’s “role” is Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor. Her oldest daughter has had two children out of wedlock before turning 18. I don’t care how you spin it, that is not good for society or the children.