’08 race worker held in damage to Colorado Democratic HQ – The Denver Post — Apparently this character is an operative for the party. I wonder how much of this is going on?

Metrosexual Punk

One of two people suspected of shattering 11 windows Tuesday morning at the state Democratic Party headquarters has an arrest record and a history of helping a Democratic political candidate, public records show.

Police said that about 2:20 a.m., 24-year-old Maurice Schwenkler, now in custody, and an at-large accomplice took a hammer to the picture windows displaying posters touting President Barack Obama and his health care reform efforts.

Early Tuesday, Democratic Party chairwoman Pat Waak said the damage to her building in Denver’s art district was a consequence of “an effort on the other side to stir up hate.” She tempered her statement after Schwenkler’s political history was revealed.

“This sounds like the type of Democratic tactic from the left fringe trying to make Republicans look mean-spirited,” Balmer said. “In this case, it blew up in their face. He was caught red-handed.” Schwenkler allegedly tried to conceal his identity while committing the crime by wearing a shirt over his face, a hooded sweat shirt and latex gloves, according to police descriptions.

When a Denver police officer on patrol spotted two people smashing windows, the suspects fled on bicycles.

Schwenkler was arrested after a short foot pursuit, but the other suspect sped away, police Detective Vicki Ferrari said.

This sort of thing makes more sense to me regarding the various protests than actual Republicans being motivated to do anything.

  1. Dick Dawkins says:

    #6 “If he did it for any other reason, then just throw a Republican pamphlet at him.”

    Oh you’re such a meany! Metroboy might get a paper cut. 🙂

  2. Dr. Savage says:


    This guy is gutter rat! I say extreme liberalism is mental disorder.

    I’ll be back…it’s time to walk my dog Teddy.

  3. Dr. Savage says:


    “Hello? Not sure if you’ve noticed, John, but pretty much *all* of the “sketchy activity” at Health Care Town Halls has been done by Republican wingnuts.”

    OK SEPTIC where’s your proof?

  4. Named says:

    72 AlfredENewman…

    Hold on a second… now Obama is a facist (sic)? You are so far out on Planet Idiot that you can’t make it back…

    Anyone want to take bets on what political affiliation Obama will be next week before AlfredENewman proclaims it? Or, should I lay out some odds first?

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #72, Alphie,

    Have you thought about what Jesus would say?

    I am quite sure Jesus wouldn’t approve of a Heaven’s Candidate suggesting someone trying to get health care to his people is on par with someone who murdered millions.

    Do you really think Jesus would approve?

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, Obamatroll,

    It is “Obamaforever” and not “Obamatroll”, O.K. retard.

    Anyone who would take such a handle is obviously a troll.

    If you can show me that Maurice is 100% male I stand corrected if not, until then, shut-up!!! Screw your razors!!

    I couldn’t give two shits what his gender or orientation is. Neither has any bearing on the story excepting that he may have been a member of a group opposed to the Democrats.

    If you think that it is irrelevant that Maurice worked for the Democrats then you do not understand what is going on here.

    No, he HAD worked as a contractor for the Democrats. From the reports he was an ANARCHIST. In case you were unaware, Anarchists are more aligned with Libertarians than either Democrats or Republicans.

    Mr. Fusion, you and I are off to a great start. Let the games begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don’t know how long your arm is, but go eff yourself. Put a sock on it first, you don’t know what you might have.

  7. Toxic Asshead says:

    You fools! You’ve all been taken in my a deep, deep cover operative. If you dig you will find this person is a Democrat pretending to be a Rebublican pretending to be a a Democrat pretending to be a Rebublican pretending to be a a Democrat pretending to be a Rebublican pretending to be a a Democrat pretending to be a Rebublican pretending to be a Gay pretending to be a Transgender pretending to be a Democrat pretending to be a Rebublican pretending to be a …

    Ummm I lost count, where was I?

  8. noname says:

    # 75 Alfred1,

    For all the biblical spouting you do, with your name calling and just over the top vehemence, you seem anything but a Christian

    Here is one biblical spouting you should know, what Christ says about what a Christian does/is:

    “When I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you took care of me. I was in prison, and you visited me”

  9. Named says:

    83, AlfredENewman,

    I didn’t change a word. You’re lack of comprehension doesn’t allow for successful understanding of the written word. Sucks for you… As for smearing and hate… That is all you know and all you feel. Oh. And fear. You have a lot of fear. A more pathetic human is hard to find than you.

    As for this:
    “They believe in single payer health care, the government option.”

    Who is they? The German form of health care was inacted by Bismarck and it was a non-profit private insurance initiative which is still in use today. 300 private health insurance firms. You are such an idiot you only THINK you know facts. I think I’ll go argue with a brick. It’s much more intelligent than you… MUCH more.

  10. Named says:

    85 AlfredENewman,

    Oooooh! A spelling mistake! You are obviously so much smarter…. than a lump of coal. But not that brick I’m talking with…

    AlfredENewman, you’re comprehension and dare I say, SPELLING is about as good as a 3 year old… Don’t bother arguing the facts I laid out. You’ll lose as always. I am after all, your intellectual superior. Go read your own #72 for your spelling ability if you want to be pedantic…

  11. Named says:

    87 AlfredENewman,

    What does one psycho’s photoshop job have to do with your insanity? Oh.. I see. You have company.

    Keep rambling, nutso.

  12. Obamaforever says:

    From: Joe T.
    To: Mr.(Con)Fusion

    Per post #76

    Mr. (Con)Fusion, are you Mr. Dvorak in drag?

    I am using “Obamaforever” to upset conservative Republicans and people with no brains. Which one are you, Mr. (Con)Fusion?

    Bye, wanker

  13. Mr. Fusion says:


    I am using “Obamaforever” to upset conservative Republicans and people with no brains.

    Like I said, a Troll

  14. Named says:

    95 AlfredENewman,

    You are so predictable. And stupid. Insane in fact. And each time you comment you prove it. Keep going!

    “Your believing folks will respond to your point, when they don’t read past the opening sentence, proves you to be the nutter.”

    It doesn’t even make sense. I can imagine your mind going in all kinds of circular rages when you post… WAIT! Sorry. You don’t have a mind. It’s just gas you’ve got…

    Get some help.

  15. Obamaforever says:

    From: Joe T.
    To: Mr. (Con)Fusion Per #76, #89, #93

    You did not answer my question. I will answer the question for you: You are a conservative Republican with no brains. Of course, conservative Republicans by definition have no brains which makes you twice as stupid.

    I would whether be a troll for Obama then a brainless conservative Republican, like you Mr. (Con)Fusion.

    Bye, brainless

  16. Named says:

    100 AlfredENewman,

    4 paragraphs. One line is still a paragraph. Teaching you to count now as well? I’m obviously a very bad teacher since you’re still a complete idiot.

    AlfredENewman, why don’t you go find some artisic renderings of Obama with a NAZI / COMMIE flag and post it as fact? Here… I’ll get you started…


  17. noname says:

    # 64 mrteacher,

    Thank you, I do feel “special”.

    I am sure you will retort, your more touched then special, but why quibble.

    As for
    “So Watergate is not the issue here. It happened a long long time ago, likely before you were but a gleam in the milkman’s eye.

    This case is about a Leftard trying to make it look like a rightwing looney did a bad thing.”

    Yes, of course Watergate is not the issue, never said it was.

    As we have seen of late, over and, over and, over and, over republicans never limit their issues to the facts of the case at hand. If republicans did, they would have realized by now, this was not an ordained effort by the democrats too scat on republicans.

    But, it seems republicans are desperately trying to make this a Democratic party supported issue.

    So, if that is how they want to play, let’s not forget WATERGATE.

    Now, where is that attendant, ATTENDANT can I have some juice and a cookie now??

    Oh, that’s not the attendant, it’s those darned voice in my head again.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:


    I am seriously trying to be civil here.

    #91 So you like Hitler?

    FYI. My father fought Germany from 1939 until 1945. His brother, my uncle, is buried on a Normandy beach. No one knows where my father’s cousin is, he went down over the Pacific.

    My first wife’s mother had a line of tattoos on the inside of her forearm. A Ukrainian, she was kidnapped while a child to work in Germany’s war industry. Her second husband had been a Soviet Army officer with many a story to tell quietly and many a nightmare to sweat the night over.

    When I was a child, a neighbor had a definite limp. His leg had been blown away and he used a prosthetic.

    Once, while writing a college paper, I was interviewing one of my High School English teachers about life during WWII. The interview was going very well until he just stopped, looked off into space, and started crying.

    So you might think it funny or amusing to say someone likes Hitler or suggest we are “budding Nazis”. The sorry thing is you have no idea. You want to equate someone responsible for the killing of millions with a man trying to bring health care to those who don’t have it.

    You aren’t funny. Your lies aren’t funny. You are allowed to post your effen shit here because of men like my father. And I don’t think Jesus would be amused.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #104, Lying sack of shit called Alphie,

    Please, enlighten us, what fucking stories have we we made up about you?

    Your biggest problem is you don’t know when you are telling the truth or lying. That makes you a pathological liar.

    Right from when you accused Obama of being a drug dealer. You have never been able to back up any of your effen crap.

    As I continually point out, you equate and accuse those of trying to get decent health care in the country to those who murdered millions. Ideologically, it is the far right that is closest to what the Nazis and Fascists stood for. Very few people with IQs above room temperature would have a difficult time suggesting you aren’t a fascist.

    And you accuse us of misrepresenting YOU? You effen low life scum.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    And you think you will be chosen by Jesus. Ya right.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:



  22. Rick Cain says:

    what a shame…
    that a few bad apples
    have to spoil a good time…
    for everyone by breaking the rules.

    Boon – “Animal House”


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