A number of questions come to mind when watching this. First off, what does Howard have to do with Virginia? Who made the signage? Since when did Republicans become so vociferous?

  1. Dallas says:

    Didn’t watch the video but could only image the circus environment.

    The notion of a town hall sounds nice in principle but you are essentially giving the people a stage to perform in.

    It’s a circus environment that belongs on FOX to entertain the sheep because Jerry Springer on on daytime TV.

  2. Jim says:

    How does he know “these folks are not from the 8th district…”? Maybe he knows all the 8th district’s members by sight!

  3. Named says:

    “Since when did Republicans become so vociferous?”

    When a black man won the election. Race is the only thing that gets them off their own lawns… that and pretending they’re independent of government involvement…

  4. Hex says:

    Agent provocateurs for the Republicant Party. Wake up sheeple.

  5. Jim says:

    One person says Medicare is $39T in the red and another says yes it’s true we will eventually run out of money. Who doesn’t know what “in the red” means?

  6. Named says:

    6 Dr Dodd,

    Head in the sand, failure to see reality and to outwardly deny their own racism = Republican. You fit the bill perfectly.

    So… where do you think he was born?

  7. bobbo, REALITY is a bitch says:

    “First off, what does Howard have to do with Virginia?” /// I’ll guess he was brought in as an expert on health care to answer questions. Have you seen the earth from space? Tiny blue ball and all?

  8. Howard Beale says:

    What a bunch of sore losers still traveling to districts that aren’t theirs, Reminds me of 2000 Florida recount protesters a not so spontaneous group of bused in supporters sent there to overwhelm the locals and shut down the recount.

    This faction of Republicans is harming the whole party the rest of the country (lets call them the majority) will see the GOP as the new American anarchists and consider them just a Lunatic Fringe. They should look to Republicans like people like Powell or the McCain of 2000

    The world is gray seeing only in absolutes will just isolate them farther.

    JCD I thought it was tasteful to have “Comments off” on the Kennedy OB and I would say the same if it were for a Bush OB

  9. Named says:

    9 Howard Beale,

    Not to hijack the thread (that’s a Republican M.O.), but Sarah Palin’s friends on facebook are all lauding the death of Kennedy, with typical hick spelling… Shameful.

    The Republican party IS the lunatic fringe. It’s too late. Maybe Larry Craig can bring integrity back to it… or some of those young Republican members that keep getting cause with teh gay sex…

  10. GF says:

    I don’t even know what this post is about but I thought I’d make a comment.

  11. Named says:

    11 Dr Dodd,

    You mean like socialized libraries? Highways? Internet? Military? Public Utilities?

    Which one don’t you want?

    The only reason the birthers exist is because Obama is black. So, where do you think he was born?

  12. Toxic Asshead says:

    Racism, yeah right.

    There has been a creeping growth in government pretty much forever. Even Reagan only slowed it, he couldn’t stop or reverse it.

    The difference is the current administration has gone completely apeshit and is ramming so much crap through that people are starting to wake up and connect the dots. They’ve lost the cover of subtlety. People have always been a little pissed, but a tipping point has been reached. It’s a good thing to see. The arrogant assholes in Congress need to remember they work for us, not the other way around.

    And for those of you who think it’s only Republicans making all the noise – you just keep right on thinking that…

  13. Dr Dodd says:


    Looks like you win the top spot for idiot of the day. As an extra special bonus you are now the poster child for why not to use crack.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    And thanks, Republicans, for destroying what used to be a great way to speak directly to our congressmen. Your use of disruption in some misguided effort to make yourself appear larger than life shows the lengths you’ll go to follow orders from party HQ over at fox.

  15. Named says:

    16 Toxic Asshead
    “Even Reagan only slowed it, he couldn’t stop or reverse it.”

    Ahh… typical delusion… Reagan INCREASED SPENDING.

  16. Mr Diesel says:

    The news media has already shown that the protesters carrying signs are the organized asswipes from the SEIU and ACORN and the community organizers.

    Howard Dean brought in as an expert? Democrats are more fucked up than I thought.

    Both sides of the Congress has screwed us over and all you people can do is throw little insults back and forth at each other.


    I agree.

  17. Gore Vidal says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please don’t double post! – ed.]

  18. Gore Vidal says:

    21 Mr Diesel,

    Here’s the problem:

    But get this: he said to me, “You realize,” he said, this is his own experience, and he was not a rich man, nor was he owned by rich men, he said, “When I was elected, to a six year term, if you want to be re-elected six years later, you must raise ten thousand dollars a week for all six years of your first term.” Well, how do you do that without selling your ass? So, I don’t advise it for anybody unless you are in the prostitute business, or unless you like begging, there are some people who really like going around asking for money. Not I.

  19. homehive says:

    This posting brings out the political extremes, as ususal.

    Mr. Dvorak enjoys posting items such as this one where Left-Right polarized positions can be spouted. After all little rant can be good for letting off a little steam. Not much true wit or wisdom is displayed. Yet, it is entertaining and does drive up web hits.

    Still,I was surprised and disappointed when the ability to comment on the post mentioning the passing of Senator Ted Kennedy. Since his blog has recently ventured into posting about extreme political activities and sexual matters (always in a tittillating yet non-pornographic manner, of course), why does he need to supress the party?

    I believe his readers deserve to be heard on all topics, Politically Correct, or not.

  20. Howard Beale says:

    #17 Toxic
    What are you talking about? Obama still has an over 50% approval rating only 40% or less disapproving. In these hard times after sitting in office over 200 days with mulish attacks from day 2 on I bet he could still beat any GOP candidate in a general election even today. Republicans if this country keeps going to the Left its your own fault for being so myopic. DON’T LET THE MEDIA POLARIZE YOU! They just want ratings/money. Take back your Party, your best look to Lincoln and Eisenhower as models not the Palins and Limbaughs

    “The difference is the current administration has gone completely apeshit and is ramming so much crap through that people are starting to wake up and connect the dots. They’ve lost the cover of subtlety. People have always been a little pissed, but a tipping point has been reached. It’s a good thing to see. The arrogant assholes in Congress need to remember they work for us, not the other way around.

    And for those of you who think it’s only Republicans making all the noise – you just keep right on thinking that…”

  21. Named says:

    29 Guyver
    “I don’t want anything that isn’t part of the Federal Government’s power given to it by the Cosntitution. The birthers exist because he has a Middle-Eastern name, foreign father, and hasn’t provided a birth certificate.”

    Ah. So it’s because he’s not white. His birth certificate has been shown, including his annoucement in the local paper. You proved me right, and for that, I thank you.

  22. GigG says:

    If the shouting at the public town halls prove nothing else they prove that conservitives can be just as crazy as liberals and that the public town hall meeting where Obama shows up aren’t that public.

  23. Guyver says:

    30, LOL. Good grief. Proved what? That there are those pursuing this because of something other than race? This is politics.

    You want to see things from a racial perspective. That is your prerogative. And no, his birth certificate hasn’t been shown. What has been shown is a Certificate of Live Birth. Do I care? Nope. But this is why the birthers haven’t shut up over this.


    I personally think that it’s to Obama’s advantage to keep the birther movement “going” regardless of where he was born. It’s a distraction from things like universal healthcare.

    But I get it. Anyone who opposes your viewpoint is a racist. LOL.

  24. bobbo, so how come says:

    McCain or Hilliary didn’t act on the birth certificate issue?

    How come Republicans voted for end of life counselling 2-4-6-8-10-12 years ago and it has been the law for Hospitals for 15 or so years?

    Kinda looks “manufactured” to attract a fringe element to hand Obama a Fail, and a win to Repugs in 2010.

    Its called politics I think.

  25. Guyver says:

    31, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I’m sure only the Conservatives were invited to those meetings and that the Liberals aren’t as passionate about the topic as the Conservatives.

    I don’t hear a lot of booing on those videos when a Conservative speaks out. So it leads me to believe that it’s another vast right-wing “conspiracy” or perhaps there are more people against this than there are for it.

    Either way, the Dems have the votes now…. but come by election day 2010, and Barak is going to lose control of Congress.

    If they pass this into law, those Democrats who do so probably will likely do so at their professional peril. That’s WHY there’s these townhall “discussions”…. it’s to soothe the masses so as to not vote those out of office going up for re-election.

  26. Named says:

    32 Guyver,

    Here you go… debunked. But, don’t bother reading it. You have an opinion, and no matter how wrong it is, you won’t change…


  27. fw says:

    I and many in the world cant understand the stupidity of some Americans about this subject.
    There are many places all over the world it works just fine, so i can not understand replacing one system that dose not work with something different witch has been proven to work elsewhere.
    And all without death camps, Nazis, Communism, or some other ism to be present.
    I can not understand where all that compassion they preach about disappears to.
    The rich will always pay more to get more, the middle class will perhaps have some added insurance claim too to be on the safe side.
    The poor will finally be able to live a little easier knowing that at least the basic care will be there when needed.
    And hopefully in the future no one will get screwed over again by some company that only wants to make money and not pay out the insurance by some crafty worded loophole.
    Oh wait, there are a whole lot of different insurances…

  28. Named says:

    37 fw
    “The poor will finally be able to live a little easier knowing that at least the basic care will be there when needed.”

    As a republican would say “Screw the poor! Let them get a job!” The discourse is strong with them…

  29. bac says:

    It seems to me a bunch of people rather pay higher premiums for less service than have a government run program.

    Obama should just drop the health care reform. Then he should campaign to have medicare dropped.

    The less money the government spends the more money I will have in my pocket.

  30. Robart says:

    I have an idea which makes me equally unpopular with my conservative and liberal friends. So it must be good.

    Let the government start a public option based entirely on premiums. No tax payer money. Without the insane insurance profits, without the million dollar exec bonuses, without the executive ski trips, etc the government should be able to provide health insurance at a reasonable premium. This would make it possible for most people to afford insurance. If the government program provided quality care with affordable premiums many Americans, including me, would drop their private insurance and go with the govt. program. This would also force the private companies to become more competitive and lower premiums.

    I’m even ok with the tax payers providing start up funds as long as the government pays it back just like all private businesses have to do.

    Why wouldn’t this work?


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