A number of questions come to mind when watching this. First off, what does Howard have to do with Virginia? Who made the signage? Since when did Republicans become so vociferous?

  1. bobbo, good first effort says:

    #42–Robart==fair question. Your hypo posits that the Gov works just like the For Profit Ins Co’s except for the Exec compensation. Well, the money involved is so large that $450 Million per year in compensation for an executive plus all the other high salary waste is still a rounding error. Add in whatever else you think you have and the premium would not be lower enough to move the market.

    The “real” cost savings can only be implemented by the market changing implementation of a single payer.

    Thats my view. Quibblers may nip at the edges, but that is the meat.

  2. Number6 says:

    Just keep repeating the following:

    1- Everyone who disagrees with Government run health care is a paid Republican operative
    2- Everyone unhappy with the current administration is a racist.

    There, now you don’t have to think. So much more comfortable.

  3. Robart says:

    But I’ve heard estimates of insurance profits as high as 500%. That would be a huge chunk of change to roll over into premium reduction. Also, I’ve heard complaints about the millions/billions the insurance companies pay lobbyist. The govt. shouldn’t have to lobby itself….cha ching!

    Everyone that is concerned about a govt program could just stay with Snake Farm Insurance or whoever their carrier is.

  4. Number6 says:

    #45 – “Everyone that is concerned about a govt program could just stay with Snake Farm Insurance or whoever their carrier is.”

    Sounds like a perfect solution … I’m assuming we also don’t have to have money stolen from our paychecks to pay for the Government program? I mean, if the idea is we can opt out completely both from costs and benefits then it sounds like we have a plan.

  5. bobbo, keeping his feet on the ground says:

    #45–Robart==I don’t believe you ever heard profits as high as 500%. What you heard is a drunk yelling for the Number 500 bus.

    The telling number that is tossed about is from 15-35% of the Ins Premium being spent on non-healthcare related “management items” that would be deleted under single payer. Those savings are NOT AVAILABLE if the government program was competing just like Big Ins.

    EG–money spent to advertise the company, money spent to attract healthier groups, money spent to investigate the insureds for pre-existing conditions and so forth. If the Gov Program didn’t do all those same things, they would suffer adverse group selection and rapidly lose more money at the given premium level.

  6. Robart says:

    #47 – “What you heard is a drunk yelling for the Number 500 bus.” LOL

    Seriously though, I had an attorney (I know quoting an attorney is not the best way to make a point) today telling me that we should take all the money away from the insurance companies because their 500% profit margins were criminal. I didn’t ask him for sources because I think he was ready to hit someone and I didn’t want to even seem like I didn’t believe him.

    Anyway, you’re harshing my mellow Bobbo.

  7. bobbo, amazing how close I get says:

    #48–Robart==so it wasn’t a drunk yelling for the bus, it was a drunk yelling for confiscatory penalties. When you “attempt” to correct me, please don’t quibble.

  8. RSweeney says:

    Moran expects everyone to agree with big government and to ignore the big corruption and big incompetence it brings. Certainly Moran knows both incompetence and corruption up close and personal.

    It’s a new world for him to hear otherwise, in hopefully his last term in office.

  9. Bob says:

    #37, I am not going to call you names or anything, but the reason why Americans are against socialized medicine is that to be frank, its not the federal governments job to do this. Over the last 50 years, the constitution has been pretty much ignored, and over the last 10 years this has accelerated dramatically. Over the last 6 months, its started to go at a unimagined pace.

    If the states want to do a type of socialized medicine, thats fine. Let them sell it to their constituents, if its a great idea, like you believe, it will spread to the rest of the states in short order.

    Of course that would not increase the power of the federal government. Remember, health care is the holy grail of democrats since if you control a persons healthcare you control that person.

  10. Paul Camp says:

    Are you kidding? Republicans have always been like this. You don’t remember Whitewater, hummers in the White House and the “murder” of Vince Foster? How about the claim that Social Security will force us all to wear dog tags? That’s from the Roosevelt administration. The bully act is their go to tactic and frankly it is getting really old.

    This is how you stay in the wilderness.

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Republicans are still coming to grips with having a negro president. Thats why they are so cranky.

  12. Buzz says:

    “First off, what does Howard have to do with Virginia?”

    THAT’s your lead question? WTF?

    Howard is a prominent Democrat, a former state governor, former Chairman of the DNC and a medical doctor since 1978. AND his wife is a doctor, too.

    Who better to address issues and answer reasonable questions?

  13. Named says:

    40 pedro,

    Its obvious you’re a victim of the elite private school system, since your comprehension is just above that of a piece of wood… and not even quality wood. You continue to shame yourself. Keep at it.

    AlfredENewman is going to be your intellectual master the way you’re going…

  14. Toxic Asshead says:

    #54 – There were hummers in the White House during the Roosevelt administration? Cool!

  15. Named says:

    55 Rick Cain,

    Well of course they are. That black man might rape their wife and daughters… Or seduce them and then turn them into whores. They saw it on Fox News.

    You can see 60 pedro is proving your point.

  16. Buckelew says:

    Just imagine: All the crisis structures, media hype, government entitlement programs and mandates go away; suddenly, all of us folks who cherish our liberty and ability to act as individuals return to our caves and take comfort in know our government is respecting its limited powers, our privacy and our liberty.

    Take a hint: Get the hell out of our lives!

  17. Robart says:

    #58 It’s not exactly the public option being tossed around. The difference is there would be no public funding under the Robart Insurance Plan (RIP for short). The government would have to “live or die” on member premiums just like the private sector. My hope would be that the government program wouldn’t include insane profits, corporate jets, ski chalets etc and they could pass this savings on to anyone who would like to buy the insurance.

    The public option currently being discussed would be funded by the tax payer and would essentially have a huge capital advantage over an insurance company. I think private companies would eventually fold.

    This is all mute anyway. Bobbo ran the numbers and said it wouldn’t work. I bow to his superior math prowess.

  18. Guyver says:

    36, Proved what exactly? That I don’t care either way? Or that Snopes verified what I have already stated?

    He’s only provided a certificate of live birth and this is the reason why the birthers are still persisting. Do I care either way? Nope (my opinion). So what EXACTLY are you saying is debunked and how EXACTLY does that challenge what I’ve stated in post #32?

    As best as I can tell, you seem to think I’m a birther and a racist. You’re seeing what you want to see. All I did was give the reason why the birthers are still going at it. Does that make me a birther? You seem to think so.

    IMHO, Obama if nothing else is just withholding said birth certificate so as to take attention away from Universal Health Care or how the Stimulus Package has amounted to virtually nothing. The birthers get air time. It’s a distraction much like the liberals’ obsession with Palin, Cheney, or whoever is the flavor of the day. They’re all history now.

    But I get it. You’d rather talk about about birthers and racists instead of Universal Healthcare or townhall meetings. Go figure. And if I don’t care, then I must be a birther and a racist. LOL.


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