1. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “My wife, nope, haven’t seen her.” ~ Peter .P Eater

  2. bobbo, not a lover of large fruit says:

    My other boat is a watermelon.

  3. aRtFrEeK101 says:

    Nutty as a fruitboat?
    Fruitty as a Nutboat?

  4. RTaylor says:

    I want one of those.

  5. TheMaddog says:

    Good Gourd!

  6. R.Pacheco says:

    Does this vest make me look fat?

  7. Improbus says:

    I’m go’n to the wingnut regatta.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Dinner and a show. With a nice light exercise after wards.

  9. Shawnx86 says:

    Fidel finally enters the bay of pigs.

  10. Dale says:

    Peter, Peter, pumpkin grower
    Had a boat but couldn’t row ‘er
    He hollowed out a pumpkin shell
    This he paddled very well!

  11. orangetiki says:

    even the engine runs on pumpkin and gourd grinds. It’s totally organic man. So come on let’s “trip” in the gigantic pumpkin.

  12. Cursor_ says:

    Could you help me?

    I think I lost my pants about 500 yards back.


  13. Beamish says:

    No, no, I am most certainly *in* my gourd…

  14. Robart says:

    With all the money I saved on razors I bought this boat.

  15. McCullough says:

    I have GOT to see what happens when he fires up that motor.

  16. Hawkeye says:

    The new Canadian Navy vessel to patrol the arctic.

  17. Dennis says:

    “As john was left floating on his own a Gourd….”

  18. nothing to see says:

    I’m in the pumpkin-boat race, it’s an annual thing and is really quite well known by anybody that has any knowledge about the country in which they live.

    Most americans are stupid, fat and lazy, too busy sitting on the couch watching dancing with idiots to know what goes on in their own country, so I’ll excuse you for not knowing what the pumpkin boat race is.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, Mr. Smart,

    Pumpkin races we don’t have in the Mid-West. We do have a lot of submarine races though. It seems to be all the rage every Friday night with the kids around here.

  20. McCullough says:

    I lived in a town that had an “Anything that Floats but a Boat” Race. It was hilarious because most of them would just sink.

  21. ECA says:

    We were sailing along
    On Moonlight Bay
    You could hear the darkies hummin’
    They seemed to say:
    “You have stolen my heart”
    “Now don’t go ‘way”
    As we sang love’s old sweet song
    On Moonlight Bay
    On Moonlight Bay…

    The third line is now typically rendered as “voices singing” or “voices ringing”, to avoid racial-stereotype connotations.

    ITS A WIKI..

  22. bobS says:

    I’m on a boat??

  23. ECA says:

    Row your BOAT??

  24. WmDE says:

    #20 Must be a Brit.

    I was standing in a parking lot near the JCB assembly plant near Savannah, GA. A small group of people were waiting to see the space shuttle launch. This event occurs around 300 miles south of Savannah.

    After the launch a British lady says “That wasn’t very impressive.”

    She might have been more impressed had she realised that in effect she was standing in London watching something happen in Liverpool.

    JCB makes a nice backhoe(digger) though.

  25. A.Nony Mousse says:

    The flag ship of Obama’s Coast Gourd.

  26. Hugh Ripper says:

    ‘Man, did ya see the size of that squirrel.’

  27. cornholer says:

    Harry Reid after the 2010 election…

  28. pdalbury says:

    OMG!- Oh My Gourd!

  29. noname says:

    Pretty Smart, he’s not outta his gourd!


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