A short video posted in LiveLeak.com claims to show the late Michael Jackson walking out of a Los Angeles coroner’s van and into a building. The user, LosAngelesCot24, claims the video is from a trustworthy source and shows that Michael Jackson is still alive.

Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009, from a cardiac arrest, believed to be caused by an injection of the powerful sedative propofol, allegedly from Dr. Conrad Murray.

I don’t buy it, but it’s starting to get some press.

  1. Weary Reaper says:


  2. bobbo, I'm seeing several bad trends says:

    and so forth.

  3. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #2, ok media, I don’t care.

  4. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Jim Morrison? Elvis? and now MJ?

    Why does it always seem to be musical artists that live on after their supposed deaths?

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    We need Adam Curry on this one, quick!!

  6. bobbo, your lips so no, but your eyes say yes says:

    #3–Guilherme==when you learn something from someone, the only proper response is “Thank You.”

    Quibbling is bad, saying you don’t care again only makes YOU look bad. Learn to be gracious. You’ll enjoy life more.

    No thanks expected, but you are welcome.

  7. Miguel says:

    It’s been a well established fact for years that these celebrities don’t just ‘die’ the way we’re told. Elvis, Kennedy, Marilyn, Hitler, Ayrton Senna, that Playboy fat girl, and soon Maddoff, are just reported dead and sent to some tropical island, where they live happily for the rest of their lives, enjoying their immense fortunes.

  8. soar says:

    In other news; if anyone believes this, they’re idiots.

  9. killer duck says:

    That’s from the cryogenics facility where they have frozen his body, only to be unfrozen when they cure all of his diseases….and it will be promoted as the ultimate comeback tour.

    #6? wtf…this is a blog with comments. No one is “learning” anything on this story.

  10. Rich says:

    I was expecting the monster to jump out at me, like in the car commercial video. I even had the volume turned down.

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    Looks like the sasquatch to me.

  12. Dallas says:

    I won’t believe it til it’s on Fox.

  13. Troublemaker says:

    The wheels look a bit different, but the van actually looks correct…

    However, the video has that trying too hard to look like real life footage fakeness to it.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Small things amuse small minds.

  15. Ben says:

    Oh please. Any employee could have put a wig on and done this at 3 am in the last month. Whoever cleans the vans. Or does maintenance on them could have pulled this off. It took all of 3 seocnds. Give me a break as John C says.

  16. noname says:

    That Dr. Conrad Murray is a damn good doctor. Even under intense police interrogation for murder, he didn’t tell them Michael was still alive.

    A Doctor that doesn’t fold on Doctor-Patient confidentiality is a damn good doctor.

    I would never have believed this, but folks, we have it from a trustworthy source Guilherme Cherman, so it’s true!!!!! At least there is no porn in this post.

    That Judge in Dr. Conrad Murray trail is going to be really pissed when he see this one!!!!

  17. Dr Dodd says:

    I’m just glad a Black Doctor snuffed him or it might have been considered racist.

    What a world.

  18. he died during the daylight says:

    He died during the day. The start of this made it look like it was at night.

    If he was that frail he would not jump out like that.

    If he is alive he could pose as an aging Japanese woman.

  19. Phydeau says:

    I don’t buy it, but it’s starting to get some press.

    It’s starting to get press from people who say “I don’t buy it, but it’s starting to get some press.” If enough people give it press while saying “I don’t buy it, but it’s starting to get some press” then people will start believing it — because it’s getting some press.

    Now replace “Michael Jackson is still alive” with “Obama’s coming to get your grandma” and you see how right-wing rumors get started.

  20. Phydeau says:

    Sorry, off-topic, but the resemblance struck me.

  21. sargasso says:

    MJ was 5’10”. That shadowy figure looked a lot shorter.

  22. jescott418 says:

    Just like Elvis you are going to have people trying to keep the hype going. Its too bad that the media works this way but its no different then those believing in a conspiracy with 9-11, Elvis is Alive and now Michael Jackson lives! Video can be just as deceptive as anything else. Notice how all these things are shown so quickly.

  23. Phydeau says:

    Thanks for sharing, little pedro. 🙂

  24. noname says:

    # 18 he died during the daylight,

    Maybe Michael Jackson was Dracula and maybe Dr. Conrad Murray used a “Silver” needle to inject him and that killed him or did he? wa-ha-ha-haaaa, Bwa-ha-ha-haaaa ….

  25. noname says:

    You are entering a dimension not of sight and sound, but of mind…. Bwa-ha-ha-haaaa, wa-ha-ha-haaaa ….Bwa-ha-ha-haaaa

  26. Stopher2475 says:

    I love it! That is so funny. I need the MJ alien autopsy footage commented by Jonathan Frakes for this to be complete.

  27. chris says:

    Where is that dude going to hide out that he won’t be recognized?

    Time for a new face, I guess.

  28. Nellie says:

    We know it’s a fraud no matter where or how it was shot. Why? Because if it was authentic, the shooter would know he was sitting on a goldmine and would NEVER have released it without a million-dollar deal with the Enquirer or something. Jeez, even the guys who tried to pass off a stuffed rubber suit as Bigfoot earlier this year got some money out of their hoax–this is just someone prankin’, guaranteed.

  29. Uncle Patso says:

    I was hoping it would be someone moonwalking away from the van wearing one glove and a big MJ mask, or maybe standing on top of it and breaking all the windows.

    If anyone really believes that’s Michael Jackson I have some real estate in Atlantis I’d like to sell them…

  30. Somebody says:



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