’nuff said?

  1. AC_in_Mich says:


    Can we make this required viewing in all high schools?


  2. bobbo, cell phone--meet boorish behavior says:

    I walk out of the room when people take cell phone calls when supposedly meeting with me. I think it is impolite to “take over” a room like that. My boss can do it, peers and underlings, not.

    I refuse to take calls from car phones and will hang up when I find that to be the case: “I don’t want to be any part of your accident.”

    Being an a*hole is not just my blogging alter ego.

  3. JayV2010 says:

    First off I couldn’t even watch the whole video. That was the most graphic public announcement I have ever seen.

    Good for the UK for not adding any fluff to this issue. I don’t think it is possible for someone to watch that video and not be emotionally moved.

    My wife is always telling me to stop messing around with my phone and I for the most part try to keep my texting brief while on the road. But I think that the text can wait till I get to a light or get to my destination now as I know I am guilty of minor swerves from time to time….

  4. sargasso says:

    Followed by a mouthwash commercial?

  5. Texting is a no no says:

    Wow that was almost as good as the ones we had to watch in High School by the Ohio State Patrol….

    Mechanized Death was my fav.

  6. Miguel says:

    Amazing and impressive video. It SHOULD drive the point home, and it was featured on TV even here in my little country. However it seems people insist on being asses everywhere. Kids in their 20s and early 30s are even PROUD of texting while driving, and stare at you with an incredulous look as if you were the weird one for asking if they do that! OF COURSE we text while driving, duh?!?!?

    Even today I almost crashed into a young bitch driving while blabbing on the phone. I was in a roundabout (correct name?) and as I approached the point she was going to enter, she JUST ENTERED the roundabout (!!!), instead of looking left, seeing my car and stopping. I, of course, had the advantage of not being yapping on my phone while I was driving, so I saw her bitch-stupidity with some advance and slowed down.

    She also is very lucky I am a very calm guy on the road, I should just overtake her car, brake in front of her, drag her out of it and just kick the living daylights off her! I mean, we must start despising these people and looking towards these behaviors with contempt. They must stop being socially acceptable or even ‘risky fun’. Assholes.

  7. Miguel says:

    Fear is NEVER a good deterrent. Kids feel cool doing the ‘forbidden’. You must make some positive video, showing cool kids not texting or talking on the phone, and the losers doing exactly the opposite. Maybe then the message will hit home.

  8. Texting is a no no says:

    #6. Miguel….

    I love you man.

  9. Miguel says:

    ANd also, at that speed, the Ka and the Fiesta would end up much worse than in the video. But hey, you can’t show girl juice on TV, can you?

  10. Miguel says:

    Sorry, Mondeo 🙂

  11. Somebody_Else says:


    Yeah, I suspect that these vids don’t deter the real assholes, all they do is scare the shit out of the good kids.

    It’s impossible to know without statistics though, so who knows.

  12. bobbo, here's a statistic says:

    One is too many.

  13. scadragon says:

    Texting while driving. What is it they say about Natural Selection and the “Stupid Gene”?

    Texting while driving also serves a purpose: To thin the herd down a bit…

  14. Zybch says:

    Looks like a pretty blatant rip off of the Australian TAC adverts (not that this is a bad thing) that have been showing for over a decade, and getting more and more graphic all the time. They do however seem to be having less of an impact than when they 1st were shown, and we now get boring ads with sobbing family members of actual accident victims.


  15. Improbus says:

    Talking on cell phones is bad enough. Texting is criminally stupid.

    I had a run in with a cell phone chatting bimbo this morning on the way to work. She was totally oblivious to everything going on around her. She was changing lanes and going 10-15 mph under the speed limit during rush hour. I had to honk my horn to get her attention but she kept right on yakking. (sigh) Hopefully she wont take someone with her when show goes for the Darwin Award.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Scadragon,

    The problem with texting isn’t the natural selection. It is the collateral damage to someone else. I’m sure almost everyone can tell a story about someone too busy texting to look where they are going.

    Last week I was in a parking lot. As I was walking to the store a large SUV made a left hand turn and almost ran me over. Yup. Cell phone stuck in her ear.

    I saw her inside the store a couple of times yanking a kid along. Yup, that cell phone still stuck in her ear. It appeared she was talking about someone that went out with someone else, yada yada yada.

    Outside I put my purchases in the trunk when I noticed a shopping cart roll to the back of my car. I noticed the same woman getting into her SUV, (no one else around) still yacking.

    Ok, is everyone ready? Guess where I put the shopping cart that rolled by my car? Yup. Right behind her nice new shiny SUV with that real high gate. Made a hell of a racket too. When she got out of her SUV, still on the cell phone, I cracked that that is what happens when people don’t return their shopping carts.

    She tried to drive off with it still there. I left so I don’t know, or care, what happened after that.

    I’m sorry the store lost a good shopping cart.

  17. The0ne says:

    Nice, I love it. I wish more of this would happen though. I wouldn’t mind being the car ramming into them either. The more these morons get kill the better I say.

    Keep texting!

  18. #17 – Mr. Fusion – She tried to drive off with it still there.

    She’s not a truck driver by any chance?

  19. BigDaddyJ says:

    Damn, those tiny European cars are death traps…

  20. Greg Allen says:

    I support a ban on ALL cell phone use, even hands-free.

    Many drivers are dangerous enough and have no business making calls, too.

  21. Ah_Yea says:

    A PSA as directed by Quentin Tarantino.

  22. noname says:

    Now that cell phone have GPS and you need to disable phone calls when traveling; there is an app for that.

  23. C0mdrData says:

    The ironic thing about this PSA is that nothing I have ever seen out of Hollywood ever looked this realistic to me. (Note that more gorey doesn’t necessarily mean more realistic. I wonder what this video cost to make

  24. eaze says:

    Its not going to stop me texting while driving. Everyone knows that you dont actually look at your phone while you text, you ‘feel’ the buttons. Once you have written your message you give it a quick glance and hit the send button.
    (Obviously iPhone users can’t do this cause they don’t have the multi-tasking skills – c what i did there :P)

    Also you cannot be caught this way as your phone is completely out of view while you are using it. But, if you think it distracts you then thats your responsibility not to do it. Banning it is stupid, cause theres no way to stop people doing it anyway and its just going to make some people think its ‘cool’ to do it, and theyre the people that are going to be more likely causing the accidents.

  25. Thomas Jefferson says:

    #25. The Darwin Candidate speaks. Let me tell you something loser, if you make a mistake, and it causes me any problems whatsoever, I WILL go primeval on your sorry ass. And they will be removing your cell phone from your lower intestine….the funeral director that is.

    And yeah, I can back it up.

  26. Troublemaker says:

    I find it pretty funny watching insipid teenagers getting killed.

  27. gquaglia says:

    Natural selection. Not all baby turtles make it to the ocean.

  28. Stopher2475 says:

    Now they need a PSA on the dangers of sitting next to me on the subway and shouting a whole cell phone conversation in my ear.

  29. Greg Allen says:

    >> noname said, on August 25th, 2009 at 6:17 pm
    >> Now that cell phone have GPS and you need to disable phone calls when traveling; there is an app for that.

    It’s a good idea — I’d probably support a 60 second limiter or something like that.

    I, personally, don’t drive and phone but if there is a passenger in the car, I have them make the call. You could no longer do this if phones care blocked once they are moving fast. The same with phones on trains, light rail, buses. etc.

    But maybe it is worth-it. It is just crazy to let people drive and telephone.

  30. ECA says:

    i DONT NEED TO COMMENT as you all have said it.

    I see more idiots driving with CELLPHONES in their ears, and ONLY 1 has ever pulled to the side.
    Its not that is dangerous…ITS DANGEROUS to others.
    I dont mind what you do with your LIFE..thats YOUR CHOICE. but DONT involve me.

    Yes I have been stupid, as many of us have. But I TRY not to involve others, unless they willingly COME with me, and assist.
    I have little control over your IDIOTIC past time.

    I would suggest taking these folks, AFTER being caught..on a week-month long CAMPING TRIP with no electronics.


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