’nuff said?

  1. Hugh Ripper says:

    I only ever use my phone while driving if its a brief call or traffic is down to a crawl. Texting while driving is just just plain dangerous and should carry an attempted manslaughter rap or similar.

    #2 Bobbo

    I agree. Nothing shits me more than someone taking a call while in the middle of a convo with me. I let the shit go to voice mail as a common courtesy.

  2. Toxic Asshead says:

    I once saw an idiot with a newspaper spread across the steering wheel, in heavy traffic at 60mph. Got away from him as fast as I could.

    The PSA wasn’t graphic enough. There should have been some severed limbs and paramedics trying to match them up to the correct bodies. Then at least one of the cars should have exploded in a fireball.

    For some reason the current cop of teens is retarded and it takes a lot to get through to them.

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    moral: if you’re gonna txt and drive, get a car with side airbags.

  4. Fire Marshall Bill says:

    Anyone else notice how one of the EMS workers wasn’t wearing any gloves… shame, shame, shame, that is very dangerous, and is a great example of not acting responsibly with blood born pathogens…

    Plus with all those crunches and bangs, no fire or smoke, not even a leaking fluid from the vehicles… WTF, I feel ripped.

  5. Josh Miller says:

    This is lame. The PSA has barely anything to do with Texting in the first place.

    They could have had her look down to tune the radio or take a sip from a soda then cream into someone then show the same 5 minutes of graphic footage.

    Pointless drama BS.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, eaze,

    Everyone knows that you dont actually look at your phone while you text, you ‘feel’ the buttons. Once you have written your message you give it a quick glance and hit the send button.

    And everyone knows how your concentration is removed from driving by doing this. It has the same effect as driving drunk or high on drugs.

    Personally I couldn’t give two shits if you want to kill yourself. My worry is the others on the road, or even on the sidewalk, you might meet while “texting”.

  7. artfreek101 says:

    Here’s a short follow up…Part 2″

  8. Tom says:

    I’m a First Responder and my wife is an EMT. I have to say that I thought this video was spectacularly well done and extremely accurate in its portrayal of the medical processes involved in such a trauma. I’ve already sent it off to a number of friends, one of who said that she would never text again after seeing it… We shall see.


  9. Breetai says:

    And how many accidents are caused by Car Radios, eating, putting on make up, yadda yadda. It’s all the same and they all cause accidents texting is just the new fad to blame it on.

    Besides this was produced by the British nanny state that makes it about as trust worthy as anything else made by big brother. Now get in line and take your flu shots.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, Breetai,

    OK, I give, how many accidents are caused by radios, eating, putting on make-up etc?

    I do know that a radio is tuned a few seconds at a time, usually with a preset button. Depending upon what you’re eating, your concentration and mobility could be impaired. Putting on make-up is definitely a no no as is masterbating.

    Since all these things are usually discouraged, what is your point? That since people do other things texting should be allowed?

  11. McCullough says:

    #40. As a biker, I have to be particularly cognizant of the other guy….all the time. Of course those things do happen, but with nowhere near the frequency of cell phone use. Look around the next time your driving. You will see this also.

  12. Wightout says:


    “Kids in their 20s and early 30s”?

    30+ equates to kids for you? How old are you?

  13. Ben says:

    MediaCurves.com just conducted a study with 300 viewers of a Public Service Announcement (PSA) from the U.K. illustrating the dangers of texting and driving. Results showed that majority of viewers (80%) reported that they are less likely to text while driving after watching the PSA. The study also found that 85% of American viewers reported that the PSA should be aired in the U.S. The majority of viewers (87%) believe that the PSA is appropriate in nature, and 86% also indicated that the PSA was extremely effective. More in-depth results can be viewed at http://www.mediacurves.com/NationalMediaFocus/J7508-PSA/Index.cfm


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