theFamily hc c-thumb
How would you feel if you knew that your elected representatives belonged to a secret religious cult that praised the likes of Hitler, Pol Pot, Papa “Doc” Duvalier, Mao, and other despots. According to this insider, these politicians make up as much as 30% of our elected officals of mostly Republican and a handful of Democrats. They feel they are chosen by God to be our leaders, and because of this all their transgressions from simple adulterous behavior to the toppling and ruin of foreign governments are forgiven and protected by the Family.

In a new August 17, 2009 Maddow Show segment, Rachel Maddow and Jeff Sharlet discuss, among many new revelations, the disturbing fact that the “Christian Embassy” scandal, propelled by a complaint to the Department of Defense from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, was investigated by a Pentagon Inspector General who is in fact a Family member.

The Family, also known as “The Fellowship”, is a secretive fundamentalist Washington DC ministry which runs the National Prayer Breakfast and Bible study groups attended by numerous US Senators and Congress members, wields global influence, and celebrates the leadership lessons of Hitler, Lenin, and Mao.

Over the course of the summer of 2009, Washington’s Family-run “C Street House” has become notorious as a string of sex scandals have engulfed national GOP political figures who live at, have lived at, or attended Bible study classes at the secretive former convent turned church-cum cheap-rent high end boarding house: Senator John Ensign, former Congressman Charles “Chip” Pickering, and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford.

By far the story has been driven, first, by Jeff Sharlet, who wrote the 2008 book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at The Heart Of American Power, which followed Sharlet’s 2003 Harper’s expose Jesus Plus Nothing. But MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who has pursued breaking new aspects of the festering scandal with a long-term dedication only rarely seen in mainstream media news coverage, has played an invaluable role in giving the mafia-like “Family” widespread public exposure.

Maddow’s willingness to cover the story of The Family and the C Street House in an ongoing manner, week to week over the summer, implicitly indicts much of mainstream news coverage as suffering from collective attention-deficit disorder; given the level of international, geopolitical influence The Family apparently wields, its members’ penchant for describing their group as a Christian “mafia”, and in light of Family head Doug Coe’s zest for celebrating useful leadership lessons Coe says can be gleaned from studying Lenin’s Bolsheviks, Mao’s Red Guard willing to chop off their own parents’ heads for the good of the revolutionary state, and Hitler’s Nazis, it’s nothing less than astonishing and appalling that most of mainstream news media has neglected for so long to dig further into revelations seeded in Jeff Sharlet’s The Family book, which came out early in 2008.

You can see a list of members here, and act appropriately when it’s time to vote.


  1. Thomas says:

    > a compelling case
    > can be made at night,
    > that the sun does not exist

    Only if you are ignorant. I suppose the fact that the Moon reflects light off something bright makes no never mind. It probably has its own light bulbs. I suppose one could make such a case if they were stuffed away inside of a closet. Since you happen to live in just such a closet of ideas, I suppose you are evidence that one can make this case compelling to some people.

  2. noname says:

    With out having read it, on the face of it; it does seem a bit extreme, bizarre and unlikely. And it very much sounds like a “Da Vinci Code” knock off.

    It may very well be, just an Arthur, who is trying to co-opt a very successful plot formula from the “Da Vinci Code”; reformulated to American History, values and tastes.

    McCullough, your not getting any kickbacks are you??

    “Da Vinci Code” was a controversial best seller and movie, so this book might also be.

    Does that make it true, NO. Does that make it a worthwhile read, maybe.

  3. McCullough says:

    #72. Kickbacks, I wish……..I’m strictly an unpaid volunteer.

  4. beezlebub says:

    Well, at least they pay their fair share of taxes………right?

  5. Li says:

    They have the guy on video. . .aw geez.

    The capability of the American people to disbelieve anything that stinks of the powerful coming to worship their power (as if that’s so rare in history) is unfrackinbelievable.

    All Hail the Family!

    Might as well get used to it, I guess.

  6. noname says:

    # 74 McCullough,

    I am trying to stop myself, but here I go…

    I guess Dvorak is getting his moneys worth..

    I am sorry if that sounded mean.

  7. McCullough says:

    #77. LOL, And it looks like you got what you paid for….

  8. conspeacy_joe says:

    So it’s them that control everything.

    No wait it’s the rich.

    No it’s the courts and lawyers.

    No I mean men, yes men control everything.

    No the young people they do!

    No wait, it’s the hackers.

    The Catholic church.

    I mean , the banks, those #@*%#@!

    The mafia, yea that’s it.

    Err… big business! That is what I think.

    The Jews , Mel Gibson warned us!

    Those minorities , boy those guys!

    China they own us all!

    I meant to say the Navy with there nuclear

    And the aliens , illegal and space!

  9. Thomas says:

    RE: Famine.

    Perhaps. It depends greatly on the circumstances. Mao did not withhold food, but he did put policies in place that exacerbated the problem.

    RE: Atheism as a factor

    Your logic fails here. Hitler specifically and intentionally targeted Jews because of his religion. Stalin nor Mao did that with atheism. Instead, they primarily targeted political opponents. They thought that the religious were just ignorant.

  10. LDA says:

    Be gone detested Care! Be gone! Once more, we banish Thee! Be gone Dull Care! Fire shall have its will of Thee! Be gone Dull Care! and all the winds make merry with Thy dust! Hail fellowship’s eternal flame! Once again, midsummer sets uf free!

  11. the truth shall set you free says:

    Alfred1: go fuk yourself you ignorant SOB.

  12. Li says:

    #81, No, that’s the other creepy power worshiping boy’s club.

    Not that there might not be some common area on the Venn diagram.

  13. Thomas says:


    I have been meaning to ask this question but keep forgetting until now. Suppose, hypothetically speaking, you discovered that the Bible wasn’t true. I know you find it to be impossible and could give a millions reasons why, but just as a thought experiment, what would your world be like if you discovered that the Bible actually was fiction written by superstitious people with active imaginations?

  14. RS says:

    Unless they can heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demon spirits, walk on water, move at the speed of thought, stc., they are not going to establish Christ’s Kingdom on Earth. When you see people who can do that, I suggest you pay attention.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    I find this “The Family” political connection absolutely fascinating. I’ve been following it for years, ever since I heard allegations that Hillary Clinton had ties to them.

    “Ties” of course does not mean that she understood who they really are.

    I, myself, have had “ties” with them. Back in my hitchhiking days, The Family worked hard to recruit guys like me (drifter college types). Even back then, they had a sexual component to them, although I never participated in that aspect of them.

    By the way, The Family isn’t the only bizarre cult connection of the GOP. Their connection to the Moonies is equally deep and weird.

  16. noname says:

    # 78 McCullough, tushay! LOL 🙂

  17. Phydeau says:

    #87 Good point Greg… sometimes I wonder about Scientology. Do they have a particular affinity for the Republican party? From what little I’ve read about it, they seem to focus on Hollywood celebrities… but I don’t know that much about them.

  18. McCullough says:

    Alfred, please do us all a favor and just shut the fuck up.

  19. Li says:

    #71 “Precisely…ignorant of all the facts, which conspiracy theorists are famous for not providing.”

    We’ve shown you a video of the founder saying the most vile heresies, practically slandering Christ in his lust for power. And the book has 700 pages of facts gathered from their own archives, if you might bother to read it. How many facts do you need to ignore before one of them will sink in?

  20. Thomas says:

    I’ve already assumed you believe it to be true nor am I questioning that you believe it to be true. Instead, I’m asking you to consider, just for a moment, the implications if for whatever fantastical set of circumstances you discovered that the Bible was complete fiction. From your perspective, this is a purely hypothetical thought experiment. I realize you assume that possibility to impossible. Humor me for a moment, and simply consider the impact of such a discovery.

  21. Thomas says:

    > I am profited
    > regardless whether
    > the Bible is correct
    > about God or not,
    > and you suffer greatly
    > if you are wrong about God now.

    Btw, this is Pascal’s wager and has long been proven to be mathematically and logical faulty. For example, if you did not believe in your deity but went through the motions still believing it to be fiction, one would presume your deity, assuming it exists, would recognize this deception.

  22. noname says:

    # 97 Alfred1, I am sure you have been waiting and waiting a long time for someone to finally say:

    “your an amazing genius, whose insight has removed the blinder from my eyes”

    Well … keep waiting.

    You are anything but insightful, on issues you profess knowledge.

    Your continuous spoutings (without any apparent time taken to think) are in fact more insightful about your apparent lunacy.

    I suggest, if you want to be a winning witness for Christ, leave out the continuous spoutings of republican hate. Not everything is an liberal abortion issue.

  23. Thomas says:

    I did and you did not but in a way answered what I was actually seeking. It is an intriguing psychological analysis. You cannot even conceive of what your life would be like should you discover that the core of your life’s direction was based on fiction. The very possibility is entirely foreign. It is the pinnacle of indoctrination. Truly fascinating.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    >> Phydeau said, on August 25th, 2009 at 7:12 pm
    >> #87 Good point Greg… sometimes I wonder about Scientology. Do they have a particular affinity for the Republican party?

    I think you are right — they seem to focus more on celebrities rather than political ideology. Sonny Bono was a Scientologist they usually seem to be new agey liberal types.

    The connection of the GOP with the cults is far more curious. These same conservative Christians are so “pure” they wouldn’t even think a liberal Christian like me is really a Christian

    Yet, these conservative Christians don’t seem to have the basic understanding of their faith to stay clear of The Family or even the Moonies! It’s like their Christianity is a mile wide and an inch deep.

    The GOP-cult connection has all kinds of layers that makes it fascinating to me.

    I’ve heard that the neo-Con movement actually had its roots in liberal radicalism — basically they change from left-wing radicals to right-wing radicals.

    The Family has a similar arc. They started out as a “Hippie Jesus Freak” sexual libertine cult. Now they seem to be a “Right Wing Freak” sexual libertine cult.

  25. Greg Allen says:

    >> Alfred1 said, on August 25th, 2009 at 7:46 pm
    >> #91 Flydoo, Hollywood is 99% liberal democratic…For example, Tom Cruise…so your decaying brain could drone on about the Repuplicans…citing a Democrat infested cult.

    Scientology may be “out there” but it’s not hypocritical for a liberal or Democrat to be involved with them.

    But how can you possibly condone your leading conservaitve Christians being neck-deep with well-known cults such as The Family or the Moonies? It so glaringly hypocritical from a group that has made a career of wearing their Christianity on their sleeves.

  26. noname says:

    # 103 Thomas,
    Yes, most Christian have questioned the basis of their faith and so did Paul:

    As he said “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.”

    I’ll leave it to you to find the reference.

    And you point is?

  27. Greg Allen says:


    I think you and I are on the same page in that regard.

    The pseudo-certainty of guys like Alfred vs. the pseudo-intellectualism of the atheist supremacists reminds me of dorm bull sessions. There is nothing wrong with it, but must people have moved beyond it.

    Although I am an active and devout Christian, I have no beef with atheists. Even more, I am sure they have lots of things to teach me.

    But this sense of categorical supremacy by either group has historically led to a boat-load of hurt. I’d rather not repeat the Crusades nor the 20th century purges of religious people.

  28. chrisw10 says:

    Hang on… hang on. You mean there are a bunch of Christian fundamentalist wackos who think they’re on a mission from God, but are also celebrating the humanist existentialism of Pol Pot and the atheistic philosophy of Mao? Something doesn’t connect here.

  29. Somebody says:

    #23 — town hal teabagger

    “12 million native americans murdered by the white man.”

    Thats if you count the bison too.

  30. Somebody says:

    I guess these guys are to Christians what neocons are to conservatives.


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