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How would you feel if you knew that your elected representatives belonged to a secret religious cult that praised the likes of Hitler, Pol Pot, Papa “Doc” Duvalier, Mao, and other despots. According to this insider, these politicians make up as much as 30% of our elected officals of mostly Republican and a handful of Democrats. They feel they are chosen by God to be our leaders, and because of this all their transgressions from simple adulterous behavior to the toppling and ruin of foreign governments are forgiven and protected by the Family.

In a new August 17, 2009 Maddow Show segment, Rachel Maddow and Jeff Sharlet discuss, among many new revelations, the disturbing fact that the “Christian Embassy” scandal, propelled by a complaint to the Department of Defense from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, was investigated by a Pentagon Inspector General who is in fact a Family member.

The Family, also known as “The Fellowship”, is a secretive fundamentalist Washington DC ministry which runs the National Prayer Breakfast and Bible study groups attended by numerous US Senators and Congress members, wields global influence, and celebrates the leadership lessons of Hitler, Lenin, and Mao.

Over the course of the summer of 2009, Washington’s Family-run “C Street House” has become notorious as a string of sex scandals have engulfed national GOP political figures who live at, have lived at, or attended Bible study classes at the secretive former convent turned church-cum cheap-rent high end boarding house: Senator John Ensign, former Congressman Charles “Chip” Pickering, and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford.

By far the story has been driven, first, by Jeff Sharlet, who wrote the 2008 book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at The Heart Of American Power, which followed Sharlet’s 2003 Harper’s expose Jesus Plus Nothing. But MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who has pursued breaking new aspects of the festering scandal with a long-term dedication only rarely seen in mainstream media news coverage, has played an invaluable role in giving the mafia-like “Family” widespread public exposure.

Maddow’s willingness to cover the story of The Family and the C Street House in an ongoing manner, week to week over the summer, implicitly indicts much of mainstream news coverage as suffering from collective attention-deficit disorder; given the level of international, geopolitical influence The Family apparently wields, its members’ penchant for describing their group as a Christian “mafia”, and in light of Family head Doug Coe’s zest for celebrating useful leadership lessons Coe says can be gleaned from studying Lenin’s Bolsheviks, Mao’s Red Guard willing to chop off their own parents’ heads for the good of the revolutionary state, and Hitler’s Nazis, it’s nothing less than astonishing and appalling that most of mainstream news media has neglected for so long to dig further into revelations seeded in Jeff Sharlet’s The Family book, which came out early in 2008.

You can see a list of members here, and act appropriately when it’s time to vote.


  1. Thomas says:

    > If Inquisitors felt
    > justified in doing what
    > they did, it was they
    > (not God) excusing
    > their actions.

    You have absolutely no basis for making such a statement. The only way to justify such a claim is by using scripture to refute their actions which is exactly what they did to support them. The entirety of religion is based on the subjective interpretation. No one can say with any certainty what exactly was said nor meant by your deity because your deity did not actually directly write any part of the book. So you have no way of knowing whether their actions were justified by the Bible or not. At best, you can add your own speculation.

    > you imply the Bible teaching
    > of justification somehow caused
    > the self justification of the
    > inquisitors…when that is utterly
    > impossible, they are different entities…

    In order to clarify, I’ll capitalize Justification to refer to the Biblical concept as opposed to the vernacular meaning. The concept of Justification has been used numerous times by Church leaders to justify heinous actions.

    > “Catholics,” who may
    > or may not be Christian.

    This is a weasel’s argument. You are using your personal, subjective interpretation of the Bible to determine whether they are Christian in hindsight. It doesn’t work that way. Otherwise, Protestants could claim that Catholics aren’t Christian, Anglicans could claim that Methodists aren’t Christian and so on. To their belief, they were 100% Christian.

    > Christianity isn’t something
    > one joins as in a political
    > or religious movement

    By every definition and interpretation in every language in the past 2000 years, Christianity is a religion. Only true 1984 new-speak would try to deny it.

    > You utterly failed to
    > acknowledge the Inquisitors were
    > killing Christians who refused
    > to obey men rather than God…

    The operative word is “killing”. I would add that they were unjustified in ALL of their killing. However, according to the Bible, they were absolutely justified in killing atheists, homosexuals, Jews and women they claimed to be witches.

    > I can honestly state,
    > without fear of contradiction,
    > you are one sick puppy.

    Your entire thought process is fascinatingly contradictory. So, much like being told by a Charlie Manson that I’m a sick puppy, I’ll take your comment in stride.

    > I have no idea why
    > you are so filled with
    > hate…I will pray for you.

    Not hate: concern. If you lived out your life without harm to others nor influenced others in a way that they harmed others, I would not be as worried, but history has shown otherwise. Ignorance is probably the most powerful influencing force for death in the history of mankind.

    > …I will pray for you.

    If it makes you feel better. I’d prefer you take a couple courses on cultural anthropology.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #154, Thomas,

    If it makes you feel better. I’d prefer you take a couple courses on cultural anthropology.

    I think a lot of people would be satisfied with Alphie just taking his meds.


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