Curry got it right on the spot.

The Los Angeles County coroner has ruled Michael Jackson’s death a homicide, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press, a finding that makes it more likely criminal charges will be filed against the doctor who was with the pop star when he died.

The coroner determined a fatal combination of drugs was given to Jackson hours before he died June 25 in his rented Los Angeles mansion, according to the official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the findings have not been publicly released. Forensic tests found the powerful anesthetic propofol acted together with at least two sedatives to cause Jackson’s death, the official said.

  1. deowll says:

    I’m sure he did die of way to many drugs. It was inevitable. I doubt if his parasite meant to kill him.

  2. bballhead says:

    What kind of doctor would give an once accused pedophile an anesthetic (propofol) anyway? lock him up.

  3. Weary Reaper says:


  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #2, Michael was going to keep trying different doctors until he found one who was both broke and would do as he asked.

  5. Buzz says:

    Or… is it a whaticide?

  6. TruthBeKnown says:

    Even a blind squirrel can find a nut now and then.

  7. bobbo, I love curry says:

    Guilherme==its a bit weak to head a post with “Curry got it right on the spot.” What is the “spot?”

    That MJ died?
    That MJ was killed?
    That MJ was killed by his Doctor?

    At a minimum, you should link to what shows Curry’s spot.

    Not that I care beyond the “form” of your contribution.

  8. Improbus says:


  9. rubbish says:

    I thought Curry said it was death by EMP?

  10. Ah_Yea says:

    Close, but not quite on the spot.

    The first time I and most of us heard it we suspected a drug overdose. Curry implied it was intentional because Jackson was worth more dead than alive (unfortunately true) and the estate (or whomever) could collect on his insurance and memorabilia.

    This was negligent homicide and will be argued down to manslaughter. The same penalty as a drunk driving conviction.

    Not murder, unbelieveable stupidity.

  11. Faxon says:

    Lousy looking wig he had on for this pic.

  12. bobbo, making editorial comments not that hard says:

    #10–Ah Yea==thanks.


    Now if you did that on purpose, thats your decision. If you have “learned” that being “spot on” was incorrect, think about what it takes ((easily)) to be accurate AND THEN you still face a valid challenge to be clever==or whatever your goal might be.

    I’d vote for implied child porn, but some here would object. I don’t like porn, I don’t like child porn, I do like the subtlety of implications.

  13. jescott418 says:

    Tell me how someone like Jackson hires such a quack doctor. You might call this doctor (Dr Death 2) Because it appears he administers drugs that kill you. My question still would be, how did Jackson end up using these type of drugs instead of the many sleep aids that can be used?

  14. bobbo, HEY ALFIE says:

    #13–“How you can declare him partly wrong, before all the facts are known, is odd.” /// The point made by Ah Yea that you somehow make the core of your argument just to be argumentative, and then miss just to be illogical, is before all the facts are known, how can Curry be claimed to have been “spot on?”

    #14–jescott==(are there really 417 other versions of you?) nice compilation of inane questions.

    Tell me how someone like Jackson hires such a quack doctor. /// Money.

    You might call this doctor (Dr Death 2) Because it appears he administers drugs that kill you. /// All drugs kill you, especially pain killers and anesthetics.

    My question still would be, how did Jackson end up using these type of drugs instead of the many sleep aids that can be used? /// Built up tolerance.

    Next up, why is sugar sweet and why do we like it so much?

  15. sargasso says:

    Death by doctor. A commonly misdiagnosed form of mortality.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, Bobbo, who asks too many hard questions,

    Next up, why is sugar sweet and why do we like it so much?

    My best answer would be because it tastes like my wife’s kisses and I love my wife’s kisses.


  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    Is mercy killing a homicide?

  18. Toxic Asshead says:

    MJ may be worth more dead than alive, but he’s barely more dead now that he was before.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    Honestly now, think about this. Everyone is so upset he died. Does anyone really think this would have happened if we had Universal Health Care? This is a direct result of being able to purchase a physician outright instead of waiting in queues months long for a shot of his favorite sleep aid.

  20. the real warden says:

    hopefully they peg Alfred1 with this crime and lock him up or execute him so he will stop polluting this blog with his incredible stupidity.

  21. Toxic Asshead says:

    #19 – the real question is who is the ‘mercy’ for? Merciful to him or is it mercy for the rest of us or merciful to all the little boys in the world?

  22. Glenn E. says:

    Well it was never declared a suicide, in order to protect MJ’s reputation (and record sales). But he’s the one who employed Doctor Feel Good Murray. But by declaring his death a homicide, I guess that gets MJ off the hook for abusing his health. Anybody else, and the doctor gets off, and the blame (if any) goes to the victim for making bad choices. What a great double standard system of justice we have in the US. Of course, I’d be surprised if anything seriously amounted to this case. The doctor will probably just lose his license to practice in the US. He can always do it in a third world country. Hmm. Isn’t he from one of those, anyway?

    Jacko, you drugged up pedophile freak. We’ll miss you livening the daily “news”.

  23. All of these conspiracy theorists that state the Mossad and the Jews killed Michael Jackson are totally anti-semitic and a lynch squad. These idiots are still parroting on and on about how they think that now that Michael Jackson’s death has officially been called a homicide, that they freaked out and arranged to pay off Dr. Conrad Murray an obscene amount of money to take the fall, like some “patsy” like Lee Harvey Oswald, with the promise that they would line up the best lawyers/corrupt judges to preside over his case in Los Angeles, thus ensuring that he would ultimately walk away from the whole thing with no real jail time. These racists and anti-semites go on an on about how it was actually Dr. Neil Ratner, a member of the Mossad’s “sayanim” network who actually did the killing because Michael Jackson dared to perform and practice the very anti-semitic song “They Don’t Care About Us” tons of times days before he was killed, against the wishes and threats by the Anti-Defamation League ten years ago, and against the Jewish communities’ warnings to him to never sing that song again, every few years. What a bunch of racist myopic losers.


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