Update. According to CNBC, this story is not true. Probably NYPost looking for some pageviews.

Madoff, who is serving 150 years at a North Carolina federal lockup after pleading guilty to swindling more than $65 billion, has been telling fellow inmates he does not have much longer to live.

“He’s been taking about 20 pills a day for his cancer,” said one inmate. “He talks about it all the time. He’s not doing very well.”

He’ll probably show up dead someday (because he finally killed himself) and they’ll blame it on the “cancer”.

Or he’ll be released to be with his family like the Lockerbie bomber (thanks, commenter #3!).

  1. bobbo, thinking of the gangland turkey says:

    We should spend whatever it takes to keep Bernie alive. Tubes, oxygen, artificial organs==EVERYTHING. That and 24/7 within sight and sound of him should be 60 Min type special reports on how he has become the symbol of corruption and personal failure.

    The sound should be turned up and his eyelids pinned open for court reports on his wife and kiddies getting prosecuted and his hidden funds being found.

    Why isn’t his wife/business partners/sons in jail by now??????

    Not much changes even when one (as in ONE) confesses to a crime. Almost as if our country was expressly based on financial fraud and crime.

  2. Troublemaker says:

    Probably part of his deal, like Ken Lay, to get out of prison after pretending to be dead.

  3. Bat21 says:

    It worked for the Lockerbie bomber.

  4. B.Dog says:

    Tony Blair, of New World Order fame, may pull some strings to get Madoff released on humanitarian grounds. Next thing we’ll see is Madoff dining with Colonel Gaddafi in good old Libya. They eat, we barf.

  5. bob says:

    hey Bobbo, not to defend the man himself, but are his wife and kids even accused of any crimes?

  6. SparkyOne says:

    he no longer needs

    two to the back of the head and a suicide note

  7. JimB says:

    He will “die” and then go off to live in Paraguay with Ken Lay

  8. Weary Reaper says:


  9. Dallas says:

    On humanitarian grounds, I would grand him a metal spoon and do what he must.

  10. bobbo, family is a sacred thing says:


    Apparently 10 folks under investigation. Family members facing civil suits, but not criminal so far.

    Common sense==wife and kiddies guilty as sin. And even if not engaged directly in this long term crime, I haven’t read why ALL THE ASSETS have not been seized as the proceeds from the crime.

    Its really an outrage==the failure to prosecute/take action.

    #8–Weary==that irritated, or seen it too often?

  11. Special Ed says:

    I think the Navy should have offloaded some munitions into the ocean front house in Palm Beach, while the wife is there. Hopefully it’s butt cancer and the other inmates are taking care of it for him.

  12. madtruckman says:

    didnt dvorak and curry call this a while back on no agenda?? im guessing if they dont find him dead of cancer he will be found dead with 2 to the head….

  13. drhundertwasser says:

    perfect candidate for a Medicare Death Panel.

  14. Mr Diesel says:

    Just send him a copy of the “Death Panel” book Your Life, Your Choices from the Veteran’s Administration.

    The future of ObombaCare.

  15. chuck says:

    I am a deeply compassionate person. I say we let him out after 50 years.

  16. Ah_Yea says:

    Remember, Madoff got 150 years to begin with because he didn’t implicate anyone else and there isn’t enough evidence to convict anyone else.

    I agree with bobbo that they should keep him alive as long as possible, hopefully 150 years minus one day. On that last day they should pull the plug. Sounds mean, but this guy was just as bad as any mass murder because he hurt thousands with no remorse.

    What really burns me is his wife got to keep 2.5 million of this money. Hopefully she will loose it all in these follow up lawsuits.

  17. Father Tomb says:

    He is The Cancer.

    Unfortunately, many of us greedy bastards are too.

  18. BigBoyBC says:

    I’ve always thought that Madoff confessed to protect his family, who I believe were active in the scheme…

  19. yup_thats_right says:

    I’ve been waiting for this. Nobody steals $65 billion dollars by himself. There’s got to be a LOT of people involved with that and some of them have to be in the government, especially those agencies that are supposed to “regulate” these activities. Madoff gave himself up because he was sick anyway. And he’ll definitely be terminal if he ever tries to talk about who else was involved with this massive theft.

  20. Dallas says:

    #21 Not nice.

    This is a forum to discuss controversial topics. The moderators job is to bring those forward, add his/her spices and let us from the left those from the right (the wrong) contribute their 2¢.
    As a reward, we shit all over each other, the forum gets clicks and we get to see advertisements. Everyone is happy!!

    When I saw Guilherme was a Brazilian, I immediately accepted him because Brazilians are the most beautiful people on earth.

  21. Alex says:

    Did we seriously expect a 70 year old dude to live through even a percentage of a 150 year jail sentence? This is categorized as “strange” to you?

    The only strange thing to me is that his lawyers didn’t bring this up at his sentencing hearing trying to get him the minimum. I doubt Obama is stupid enough to grant Madoff a pardon, or that an appeals court will revoke the sentence… but I’ve been wrong about Obama before, and who the fuck knows what a federal appeals court will do in any given day.

  22. noname says:

    # 22 Dallas, I agree!

    I think DU participants feel DU is off-shoring work like some many big businesses of before.

    John Dvorak, your not off-shoring DU work, are you??

  23. Weary Reaper says:
  24. bill says:

    Stop the pills! Put a webcam in his cell!
    I want to watch him SUFFER and die!

  25. Weary Reaper says:

    bobbo the perspicacious

    Weary==that irritated, or seen it too often?

    I’ve been around long enough to realize I can choose not to put up with the Guilherme Chermans of this world…

    except professionally, of course.


  26. Breetai says:

    I always said I’d never wish that on anyone.

    I stand corrected.

    Worst part is the government is going to pay for his healthcare. It’s gonna take me a few more years to finish paying off my last hospital stay.

  27. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    CNBC says the Feds say this is definitely NOT true. But NYPost and WSJ say they have corroboration on the story. So do we believe the News Corp or the Feds? Tough call but I give the benefit of the doubt to the Feds. May just have been a really slow news day.

  28. Buzz says:

    According to unclefart.squarespace.com, there’s even more to this.


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