Posted FYI. And remember, please don’t shoot the messenger.

  1. Improbus says:

    When no one trusts the government the CDC’s job is going to be nearly impossible. If something really bad happens expect them to try martial law.

  2. noname says:

    People should see this for what it is, a DoD prelude to Mandatory Vaccination. The swine flu vaccination campaign is nothing more then a Trial Run for the D0D/Pentagon. There are many other “mundane and acceptable” diseases/accidents currently killing more people, this public money could be better used for.
    The government is concerned about a remote potential for a Russian driven Smallpox Attack.

  3. KMFIX says:

    Someone please arrest the terrorists… thank you.

  4. Breetai says:

    If these idiots were smart. They’d be making it patriotic to get Vaccinated. It really does comes across like the government is trying provoke the extremists here. Mabye that really is what they’re trying to do.

    Smoke out those who really would fight the government so you can give em two vaccination shots to the back of the head.

    Nahh… They’re not that competent they’re just fing up the vaccination process.

  5. Improbus says:


    My cynicism trumps my patriotism by a rather wide margin.

  6. noname says:

    # 4 Breetai,

    What could be more patriotic, then saying no to your government. Isn’t that, the historical basis of American Patriotism???

  7. FRAGaLOT says:

    i can’t understand anything they said.. the sound quality is crap, muffled and muted. Sounded like he had the mic up his ass, which probably would have been more clearer if it was.

  8. Buzz says:

    New Rule: Anyone who refuses vaccination against this deadly communicable illness must stay indoors and not venture into areas in contact with the public,

    OR if they get the Swine Flu, and can be reasonably shown to be involved in spreading it, they will be fined $10 million and will have a permanent tattoo placed on their forehead stating “Swine Flu Vector” in bright red ink.

    You know, for future public safety.

    Also, handshakes are out for the next year.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    I defend THEIR freedom to get sick and die in their own stupidity.

    However, I’m not so crazy about _THEM_ spreading the virus to my family and _KILLING US_.

  10. Scared of Clowns says:

    #8 and #9. If you take your shots, you have nothing to worry about. So STFU.

    Now bend over like a good little slave…yeah a little more, hold it right there…

  11. Delta Dan says:

    That man shouldn’t be in uniform and should have strings running through him like a marionette. He is a disgrace to real soldiers. What a condescending piece of s**t.

  12. noname says:

    It’s scaring that the Military is getting involved. This is the ever expanding Patriotism-industrial complex.

    Our government is turning into a Frankenstein.

  13. Louis Pasteur rolling over in his grave says:

    Is tinfoil good enough or do I need a lead hat?
    Since these folks probably would think all the warnings about lead are a lie too I’ll go with lead.

  14. cfk says:

    The group responsible for the video, We are Change, describes itself as “working to reveal the truth behind the events of September 11th, as well as the lies of the government and corporate elite who remain suspect in this crime” so there may be a teensy bit of an agenda at work here.

    [I ASKED you not to shoot the messenger, didn’t I….hmmmm , it should not matter where the information comes from – ed.]

  15. cmon says:

    Just make sure you get the vaccine distributed to the blue counties if you live in a red one.

  16. noname says:

    And for some more, “the end is near” alarming news::

    It’s a conspiracy, our Government is secretly building Mass Graves for 40,000 civilians bodies.

    Best not to wake up and go to work. Just stay home it’s safer.

  17. noname says:

    Left out the link for my previous post.

    Mass Graves for 40,000 civilians bodies

  18. noname says:

    Mass Graves for 40,000 civilians bodies

  19. noname says:

    Ok, this time should work

    Mass Graves

  20. bobbo, don't you just hate Reality says:

    Couple of examples of real bad thinking:

    1. One example of bad vaccine killing 500 people in a year that flu killed 25 people means that vaccines should not be taken.

    2. That the current swine flu is not dangerous as it hasn’t killed many at all (525 total in USA)==the ENTIRE concern is this is the type of flu that can mutate and kill millions before a vaccine can be developed.

    3. That people should be able to choose to be vaccinated or not–ie the stay exposed option. YOU are NOT SAFE by vaccinations when unknown numbers get infected. The infected ones become a resevoir/breeding ground for NEW VARIATIONS of the flu that can come around a third time and bite you.

    Hypo==lets assume bad flu vaccines are put out each year for 10 years killing 10,000 people per year that would not have died otherwise. Then in year 11 with no one taking the vaccines because of the deaths experienced, Bad Flu comes along and kills 180 Million People that would have been saved if they had taken a vaccine that would have killed another 10K.

    That is the REALITY being dealt with. Anti-vaccinators are the “early earth believers” of public medicine.

    Deal with you ignorance or you should be shot for walking stupidity.

  21. bobbo, back to basics says:

    #21–Improb==thanks for a thoughtful response. Stil . . . . . .

    1. “The problem is that government and corporations can not be trusted.” /// Yet you have nothing against vaccines. Seems like you think there is some kind of contradiction/interaction here? Vaccine effectiveness has been and will be demonstrated all the while the government is obtuse, corrupt, inefficient, and never to be trusted. Whats your point?

    2. “Also, why is there such a hurry? Do they know something we do not? The argument that the virus MAY mutate is a very thin argument. How about a more substantial reason. Any substantial reason.” /// I was going to parse this, but its all really one issue. Its been posted on this blog MANY times. If you have to ask the question again, you are acting just like “Tommie the Groundhog”==post appears reasonable in a vacuum but the very same issues have been discussed before. How can a thinking person not respond to information already asked for and received? This applies to Tommie, hope it never applies to you.

    This particular specific H1N1 Swine Flu contains many of the same genetic components of the very dangerous 1918 Flu Pandemic that killed millions. So far–ie the first initial outbreak, this flu and the 1918 flu have acted the same way too. Very Mild to begin with, then mutates to become very virulent. It takes TIME to develop, make, distribute the vaccine. The flu can kill in 3 days from initial symptoms. Its a case of prepare as best you can while you can. Lots of other issues, but this is the base line. Do you wait to make bullets after the indians attack or do you wisely stock up when the skies are blue?

  22. Improbus says:


    So basically your argument is this: better safe than sorry. Does that about sum it up? By the way, I would have no problem taking a vaccine if I trusted producers of that vaccine not to cut corners or try other nefarious strategies to maximize their profit and minimize their risk.

    If, hypothetically, the CDC produced the vaccine in house and didn’t out source it I would feel better about taking it. I don’t think the government is evil just stupid. For the most part government scientists are the exception.

  23. bobbo, making rational choices all the time says:

    #23–Improb==your summary is a bit off center. But what rational person would not rather be “Safe than Sorry?” unless your goal is suicide, auto-eroticism by Munchhausen, or a self consuming paranoia?

    Yes, life is full of risk. Risk everywhere. Risk in every decision made, not made, avoided, put off.

    I think “risk-assessment” can be more finally tuned as an individual than what the generic risk might be for the larger population. Flu is a function of contact with other hoomans.

    If I live in a deep dark hole and never came out, I would not get the vaccine. But sadly, I live among men and men are a contagious filthy lot to deal with.

    We do need a flu that only infects those too stupid to take a vaccine. THAT really would cure many of our social ills.

  24. Hyperkinetic says:


    Citing Alex Jones as a source of information is like citing a Snapple cap in a research paper! Now take that silly tinfoil hat off and stop embarrassing yourself.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Mr. Hyper,

    What is wrong with Snapple caps? If you banned them how would all the right wing nuts pass grade 5?

  26. wumpus says:

    In light of all the anti-vaccination hype running through the general populace, it might behoove public health officials to spend some precious research dollars to find the critical threshold wherein herd immunity to the current H1N1 strain could be gained. The public relations war against anti-vaccination folks does not seem winnable. Major fallout from this debate should come to a head when a majority of public schools open next week. Of course, all the pandemic talk and vaccination hoopla has made me somewhat popular at social gatherings for a change — keep the ‘debate’ going, its helping my social life!

  27. noname says:

    # 26 Hyperkinetic,

    You are right about Alex Jones. He is a confirmed nut-case.

    I am not sure about the Snapple caps that # 27 Mr. Fusion has so fixated on.

    This is one of the first times someone (# 26 Hyperkinetic) found my sarcasm so sublime, they took it seriously. (plz see
    post # 16)

    With a little more sarcastic practice, I am sure I will have everyone believing the bizarre. Wow, that is just powerful.

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, noname,

    I am not sure about the Snapple caps that # 27 Mr. Fusion has so fixated on.

    It was a case of sarcastic humor. I’m sorry it was over your head. Maybe you got your statistics education from them. I wouldn’t know since I don’t think I’ve ever drank a Snapple.


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