Snow Leopard coming out this Friday. Nokia shows new Netbook. Prices come soon. Swedes kill Pirate’s Bay. Blogger says she will sue Google over invasion of privacy. Multi-taskers turn out to be muddy headed. Yahoo beats up Sony over Launch streaming music. Experts predict failure for MSFT-Yahoo deal. Wolfram Alpha gets into the act. MSFT spends $1.9 million on Congress. Look for apps on the Zune.

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  1. Buzz says:

    Contest (anything):

    First Prize:

    An Apple iPod!!

    Second Prize:

    A Zune!!

    Third Prize:

    Two Zunes!!

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    I honestly don’t think Microsoft have the nous to make a competitive app store. They make slow, unintuitive web sites that make you jump through hoops and negotiate browser blocks.

  3. Improbus says:

    Pirate’s Bay is dead. Long live the Pirate’s Bay. Seriously, I torrent a lot and haven’t missed it. It is hard to kill a hydra,

  4. Hugh Ripper says:

    #4 I hope MS are paying you to be defensive on their behalf, Pedro.

  5. Niyoko says:

    XNA. XNA.

    XNA has been the code for Zune apps since v.3. of the OS. Since all the Zunes’ UI is built on WinCE and XNA will run on WinCE. Will there be apps on the Zune?

    …drumroll please…

    The answer has been “YES” a long time ago. (-.-#) All hype and speculation over an answer that has been answered a long time ago.

    The REAL question is, “How will the Zune Marketplace offer applications to your/our Zunes?”

    In the previous generation of Zunes and even today on the Marketplace I could not find more apps to download, but they are out there in the wild and in forums.

  6. Improbus says:

    I know exactly one person that owns a Zune. She likes it, but then again, she is blond. I wouldn’t use a Zune if you gave it to me. I also don’t own any Apple products lest you think me a shill for the less Evil Empire.

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    #9 I AM NOT A MAC FAN. I use Windows. I have always used windows. I have never used a mac. The only apple I have is an iPhone, which I like a lot. I’m not into the stupid side taking and brand loyalty, mac vs windows, republican vs democrat, coke vs pepsi etc. I call it as I see it.

    There nothing more banal than some twit who, in response to a particular criticism, say’s “well x does it too”.

  8. Hugh Ripper says:

    #12 A fair cop. But you are a serial MS defender 😛


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