Click pic to be amazed!

  1. The Warden says:

    Read the comments from the originating web site. Seems people are pissed that the blogger made a crack about Canada’s Army. Those Canucks have no sense of humor! 😛

    And I hope this horrible packaging idea wasn’t from Carly Fiorina. If so, it could sink her chances of becoming the next CA Senator to replace that horrible cunt of a woman, Barbara Botox Boxer.

  2. soundwash says:

    (…i gather none of those commenting have ever worked in shipping)

    The box makes perfect sense..if you want to ship a relatively small item (that can be easily stashed on one’s person) and do not wish it to be stolen or lost.

    If you’ve ever worked for a company in which at least half it’s business is made of shipped items, you’d learn about this real quick.

    You would also learn that small (small enough to be smuggled on one’s person items-think backpack) have been “disappearing” way more frequently than they did say, in the ’70’s and 80’s

    draw your own conclusions, please..


  3. Bsville says:

    This story is bullshit.

  4. soundwash says:

    ..just to stick a nail it..

    “the importance of having very trustworthy warehouse and shipping personnel should be underlined”


  5. Central Scrutinizer says:

    This is an oldie, but a goodie. Check out protests against HP retrenching on their promises to make hardware out of less toxic / unrecycleable materials.

  6. Special Ed says:

    Whatever is in the box, there is better than a 50-50 chance that it will be DOA.

  7. eaze says:

    lol who cares, all HP products are shit! i recently applied for a job with them in the UK and get this, their whole infrastructure is Cisco based!!

  8. overtemp says:

    Either DOA or the wrong part number and that won’t be discovered until a CE comes onsite to do the installation.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    I think this story needs a BS meter.

  10. Greg Allen says:

    Costco packaging is stupid, annoying and wasteful.

    They treat every small item like the bathroom key at dumpy gas station by attaching a something the size of garbage can lid to it.

  11. RTaylor says:

    Amazon seems to waste a lot of cardboard and packing. I have seen small items that could have been sent in a small padded envelope arrive in 14×6 inch boxes, or larger.

  12. Greensaab says:

    I am an authorized HP tech and get packages from them on an almost daily basis. I see this kind of thing with about 60% of the stuff I receive.

  13. Greg Allen says:

    >> Greensaab said,
    >> I see this kind of thing with about 60% of the stuff I receive.

    You see power cords and other minor do-dads attached to huge palettes almost daily?

    No offense, but I have a very hard time believing that.

    Putting a power cord in bubble wrap instead of a padded envelope, I can believe. But 60% of your light weight minor items come in a gigantic box, attached to a palette? Sorry, but that’s hard to swallow.

    For starters, how come I never see UPS or FedEx truck jammed-filled with pallets?

  14. Dallas says:

    It’s a pre-2009 Haliburton shipment of one computer sent piece by piece to Iraq.

    S&H charges expensed to ‘Iraqi freedom fund’, courtesy of American tax payers.

  15. Greg Allen says:


    And, of course, who can forget when the Bush administration was pushing pallet-loads of shrink-wrapped $100 bills out of C-130s over Iraq?!?!

    Now THAT’S the efficient government the conservatives promised us, should they get in power.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    >> The Warden said, on August 23rd, 2009 at 5:03 am
    >> And I hope this horrible packaging idea wasn’t from Carly Fiorina. If so, it could sink her chances of becoming the next CA Senator to replace that horrible cunt of a woman, Barbara Botox Boxer.

    Does “The Warden” have mommy issues, by chance?

  17. Greg Allen says:

    >> pedro said, on August 23rd, 2009 at 7:45 am
    >> #15 We know you have a very real problem with reality.

    It’s reality that I’m interested in.

    I’ve gotten stuff from HP and it was always in normal packaging.

    This guy claims that 60% of his power cords (or similar) from HP comes this way, almost daily.

    You don’t have the teensiest trouble believing that?

  18. Greensaab says:

    Greg, How about a separation pad (something about he size of a piece of gum) in a 16″ X16″ X12″ box? No I don’t get pallets everyday.

    Please don’t use the word “swallow” when commenting on my posts.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    >> Greensaab said, on August 23rd, 2009 at 7:56 am
    >> Greg, How about a separation pad (something about he size of a piece of gum) in a 16″ X16″ X12″ box? No I don’t get pallets everyday.

    Yeah, sure, almost all of us have stories like that. Thanks for bringing this back to reality. My pet peeve is when Costco attaches their SD chips to huge pieces of cardboard and then entombs those in infuriating-to-open hard plastic shells.

    “swallowing”? It’s a common idiom. What did you think I meant? I assume you’re making a joke but I don’t get it.

  20. Thinker says:

    Capable of being drop-light shipped from the Andromeda Galaxy! 🙂

  21. Greg Allen says:

    >> pedro said, on August 23rd, 2009 at 8:45 am
    >> #20 Nope. I’ve seen it happen with other companies and in different scales. The common denominator is always a shipping box way bigger than what’s carrying.

    As a cost saving measure, my company tried using shipping boxes that where SMALLER than the product but we had to start using the bigger boxes again after the customers starting complaining.

  22. Greg Allen says:

    Another hint that this article is bogus, is the fact that they photographed the package BEFORE they opened it.

    Who does that?

    It’s like those bogus “America’s Funniest Home Videos” where they are video taping someone replacing a light bulb before the false ceiling comes down. Nobody does that.

    I’m not saying this couldn’t have happened but this specific story does have that certain stink to it.

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #24 – pedo – I’ve seen it happen with other companies and in different scales.

    Such as your weekly supply of Risperidone.

  24. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The important point is that the power cord arrived in pristine condition, whatever the cost. I don’t see how people can doubt the ability of the private sector to get the job done.

  25. Greg Allen says:

    >> Gary, the dangerous infidel said,
    >> I don’t see how people can doubt the ability of the private sector to get the job done.

    You raise an interesting point about the conservative doctrine of “private industry is always better than the government who can do no right.”

    If this blog entry is accurate, “private industry” is as dumb as the worst of the government… they just charge more and are less accountable.

  26. scotterotter says:

    My guess is that particular carrier does not allow it’s drivers to lift boxes so everything has to be on a pallet.

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I wonder, does a shipment of pallets have to be on a pallet, or do they make an exception?

  28. R.O.P. says:

    I work full time at Big Brown. I always wondered why those huge HP boxes were so light.

  29. Floyd says:

    #32: Funny, but that’s exactly what the truckers do.

    I have seen 8 to 10 pallets strapped together on a bottom pallet, with a bunch of these loaded on a flatbed trailer or into a semi with a forklift. They get shipped off to Bugtussle or wherever, and another forklift takes ’em off, one pallet load at a time.

  30. noname says:

    # 9 Alfred1, I think your right.

    This box would be so fun to lift in front of your girlfriend. Honey look how strong I am.

    Singing: A Man’s man, I am. I can lift this HP box with one hand, I can…..


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