This video contains nudity and is NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
Click here to see it.
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This video contains nudity and is NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
Click here to see it.
If anyone knows how to embed this video, please leave it in the comments.
Bad Behavior has blocked 9340 access attempts in the last 7 days.
As long as the person pranked is going to think it’s funny I see no reason to stick my nose into other people’s business. The people in the video for example obviously were there of their own free will and knew what to expect. They weren’t offended so no foul.
On the other hand using one of these things to embarrass somebody is pure skank.
Hey genius, if it’s not safe for work, why post a NSFW screenshot…and why would you imbed it on the page? Your warning is useless, and I fear you have little experience in the Internets. Maybe you should ask a grownup to tell you how to avoid people blocking the site WITH GOOD REASON.
DU is obviously in the hands of teenagers who can’t get enough of naughty pictures.
EDIT: I corrected it.
Hey John, next time you complain that filters are blocking your site, you might want to remember this post before whining.
Cripes! What is wrong with you people. You think that photo is offensive???? Do you even own a television?
Look at the name of the blog…it is UNCENSORED.
Guilherme–I assume you are just pimping the crowd? No?
Ha, ha. May your learning curve be steep, rapid, and maintain a high plateau.
I’m rooting for you, in the good way.
#3, it is corrected now.
Guilherme–you would still be beheaded in Saudi Arabia and parts here in the bibble belt. Moralists aren’t happy as long as somewhere someone else is.
#5 Mc…
TV in Good ol’USA is a different beast. No nipple showing, no naughty hair… instead you can watch OBSCENELY silicone enlarged breasts bouncing in slo-mo, as long as they are covered by a red swimsuit (like baywatch). You can watch gangsta rap videos full of insane BOOTY, as long as the shorts cover them.
But the view of three young perfectly normal, not skinny, not fat, not augmented, bodies… big NO NO.
Ummm..first, think of the poor pool filter system! The suits didn’t dissolve….which was disappointing….the glued seems (Elmers?) cam undone. BFD
As for the weirdness that is United States regarding nudity…..it’s perverted and unnatural. Naked bodies…big deal. Oooh, please, let the teenaged boys LOOK at what fit, trim, thin bodies are on the internet…they’ll NEVER SEE THEM IN REAL LIFE…have you ever looked at teen girls today!
Ah… the beauty…
…of working at home 😀
weird typos……should say the “glued seams have come undone”.
This is why the Internet was invented!
Yeah a lot of vocal Americans are anti-nudity. Don’t ask me why. I guess they hate looking in the mirror. The bikinis in question didn’t dissolve as much as just fall apart. BFD.
Apparently the water was a bit chilly. NSFW um why would you be reading a blog at work. Work is for work blog at home on your time, and the internet is for porn. Geez its just some boobs for pity’s sake.
Guilherme’s choice of topics is getting better. Send us more, Bill!
Guilherme Cherman censored my #10 post.
Let me say it again.
Thank you Guilherme Cherman for sharing your favorite jerk off sites.
Here is an embedded version.
If that doesnt show, snag the code at the bottom here
Only in America !!! Grow up! Just a hint of nudity and you freak out, I thought the video was just fun, as it was intended. I am very surprised at the reaction of DU readers, always hoped this was a more sophisticated group!
Finally some REAL news.
Where did all the prudes on this site come from? Somebody shows an ankle and everyone throws a fit. I wonder if they wear bathing suits in the shower just so they don’t have to see their own human form.
Now we need to get the same company that makes these bikinis to release a line of Muslim-friendly burkinis so muslim women can go swimming in public…
Also, I second David (#22). Where did all the uptight idiotic puritans suddenly come from?
Dear Editor,
Less of this please!
Some of us work in offices where we can do a bit of surfing, but bare breasts are a no-no. There is a time and place for porn (my storage drives attest to it), but I don’t go to those sites at work.
You can make all the “Gosh Americans are so stupid and prudish, why not be like the wonderful Europeans” you want, but female and Muslim co-workers will sue the company to kingdom come.
These posts are making it DU off limits, John, so not another whine about how you’re being blocked. Whether it’s a sign of horrible prudishness or fear of lawsuits, the FACT is that DU is turning more and more to sex for clicks…and not even interesting stories about sex, but high-school locker-room level jokes.
It’s your blog and you can do what you want, but STOP COMPLAINING about dropping revenues and filters.
No, that would be called common sense…til I’m on my own, keeping my job means, in part, no naked people on my monitor at work…unlike all the other people here apparently.
# 26 joaoPT,
Don’t you think your a PORN SHEEP!!!
My two cents.
Link to NSFW but don’t embed. Twice in my travels I’ve seen DU blocked by government authorities. Once in Dubai and once in Thailand. I’m no prude but I’d rather see the links blocked than DU.
#29 Nothing surprising, EVERYTHING is blocked in Dubai.