
Dream Ticket?

WASHINGTON – Talk-show host Sean Hannity, a vocal opponent of Barack Obama’s policies, said today he would not rule out a bid for the presidency in 2012. Egged on by radio colleague Bill Cunningham, Hannity said he would consider entering the front lines of the political fray if God directs him. “I’ve never made a decision in my life without – whatever destiny God has you’ve got to fulfill it,” he said. “I’m not sure that’s my destiny.” Hannity would make a formidable candidate, with the likability of Reagan, good looks and strong convictions. He’s also a polished communicator and knows the issues inside out.

And he can debate.Picture+19

Hannity hosts the second-largest radio program in America, after Rush Limbaugh, and a highly rated nightly TV show on the Fox News Channel. While Obama’s approval ratings have been plummeting in his first year in office, no clear Republican frontrunner has emerged. The candidates most often considered viable include Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Hannity’s Fox News colleague Mike Huckabee. Cunningham, one of Hannity’s guests during a visit to Cincinnati today, said the nation and the Republican Party need Hannity.

Later in the program, a member of the audience asked what the host thought of a Hannity-Palin ticket.

The studio audience erupted in applause.

Hannity asked: “Would any of you really want me to run?”

Loud applause followed.

This proves God is a Republican…..and that Sean has a thing for loose women.

  1. noname says:

    Yes Sean please run. The democrats would just love an easy win.

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    I’ll run for Prez too if the invisible, angry, white man in the clouds tells me to… I guess, maybe.

  3. noname says:

    Sean Hannity smiled wiley as he grabbed her ass. Ann Coulter was happy and relieved that maybe Sean wasn’t gay after all.

  4. SparkyOne says:

    i don’t want him coming back telling me that i had the wrong god talk to him. i need specifics here.

  5. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #3, he was reaching to feel her balls, but was disappointed to find they were rather small.

  6. Great American says:

    Sean, From one great American to another, you’ve got my vote.

    And Editor by God do you mean Rupert Murdock?

  7. sargasso says:

    I can’t take my eyes off of her.

  8. Improbus says:

    I thought that Palin was the anointed one.

  9. Delta Dan says:

    Perfect! I heard blackwater hates libs too! Our new homeland security if he gets the job! Death to everyone that isn’t white, christian and straight!

  10. bac says:

    Arrr! Hannity be a scurvy dog for worshipin that lily-livered christrian god.

    All Hail, the FSM.

  11. derspankster says:


  12. Amsterdamned says:

    Who’s that female impersonator standing next to Hannity?

  13. Faxon says:

    Ann has a nice set, doesn’t she???

  14. Jägermeister says:

    “I’ve never made a decision in my life without – whatever destiny God has you’ve got to fulfill it,” he said

    So, it was God who told him to jerk off like a monkey when he was a teenager?

    Seriously… I hope he runs. 😀

  15. right says:

    Thanks for making my day with that headline.
    One thing, though, he’d have to keep his promise to get waterboarded so the masses would know he doesn’t go back on his word. Ummm….might be a wee problem there.
    Anyway, thanks for the laugh!

  16. Father Tomb says:

    The problem with democracy is that the majority is both stupid and poorly educated. When you play to the stupid, you are bound to win.

  17. pcsmith says:

    I’ll ask God to give Sean the go ahead.

    But since he has displayed at least four of the seven deadly sins, I don’t see it happening.

    [The greed, pride, and wrath are there every show.

    Pick from the other options of lust, gluttony, and sloth.]

  18. Dr Dodd says:

    Hannity could hardly do any worse than the arrogant creature now taking up space in the oval office. I mean how many blunders can one guy commit.

    Until now I didn’t think it possible, but Obama actually makes Jimmy Carter look competent. I mean it’s not like Obama is setting the bar high for Hannity or anyone else.

  19. right says:

    Dr Dodd, please give us examples of the tangible blunders done by Obama. Cash for Clunkers maybe? Thank you.

  20. Seeker says:

    Isn’t that the guy who got caught in a public toilet with a young boy? – oh it’s the republicans, ofcourse they’ll let him run – he’s one of them.

  21. Gawdmachine says:

    “Ann has a nice set, doesn’t she???”

    Of what, testicles? She has a bigger Adams apple than Tarzan!

    Oh please Sean Insannity, go for it you sub-microbial D-bag. It would be funny to see what skeletons come flying out of your closet. My guess is his skeletons have Adams apples like Ann.

    #21 I’m not a fan of Obama, to me they are all paid liars. But NOTHING could be worse than the retarded buttnugget that just spent 8 years screwing things up more than one could imagine. Oh wait, maybe if Palin got in, yeah – that would be worse. She can’t even speak proper English let alone construct a proper sentence out of it.

  22. Wretched Gnu says:

    I hope to God he runs. Please, please run Sean! He’s one of the stupidest people on television — and that’s saying something.

    If Sean gets the ticket, it’s a guaranteed democratic win.

  23. noname says:

    # 21 Dr Dodd is such a mental dud. Like so many RePUCKaTons, so young yet so senile.

  24. Ah_Yea says:

    Sean sure knows how to play the crowd.

    Of course he won’t run, he’s making far too much money and has far too much influence with none of the accountability!

  25. soundwash says:

    #19, noname

    -um…do you not know how to read or know
    the meaning of innuendo?

    in case you haven’t noticed, *rational* thought has not existed in this country, especially in our federal government, in over a century.

    besides, it’s a non-issue. if you dig deep
    into history (as well as symbology) you’ll
    find it there, plain as day.

    as for “my god” -lucky for me, my parents
    allowed me to come to my own conclusions.
    i was never so foolish as to believe in such
    a construct.

    -it is quite plain to see that
    both, republican and democratic parties
    are metaphors for good and evil depending
    on which side you got suckered into joining.

    their sole purpose (esp now) has been to confuse and deceive us, -to keep us from ever
    seeing the “whole picture”

    if your so naive as to still believe only one party is responsible for the moral and economic collapse of our country, well..i guess you’ll just have to learn the hard way.


  26. right says:

    I’d like to do some introductions, being a social organiser.
    Alfred1, I’d like you to meet another of your fact-free friends (must be a good diet).
    Dr Dodd, I’d like to introduce to you Alfred1, he’s one of most quotable commenters.
    I think you two would enjoy many things, especially comparing your IQs before watching FOX and after watching FOX.
    Can we (I’ll organize the science) get you two together to get that DNA analyzed?
    Please don’t be like the coward Sean Hannity (called the coward) and not take your stance seriously.


  27. right says:

    Crap. After reading my last post I realized that Sean Hannity can easily slither away from doing anything.

    If he addressed anything relevant with facts head on I’d probably listen to him.

    So….he’s still the coward the world knows him as. Coward!

    Sean, when you wake up every morning, think about us who know you are a coward.

  28. Troublemaker says:

    Just what w need. A Lou Costello clone as President.

  29. Right is Wrong says:

    You know, Cash for Clunkers has had it problems.
    1) only 2% of the reimbursements have been paid leaving many dealers in deeper financial trouble
    2) charities have been hurt by it
    3)no one thought to protect US car makers so most of the profits are going to Toyota

  30. Animby says:

    Hmmm. Can we get back to the Kleinfelter’s Syndrome discussion?


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