
Dream Ticket?

WASHINGTON – Talk-show host Sean Hannity, a vocal opponent of Barack Obama’s policies, said today he would not rule out a bid for the presidency in 2012. Egged on by radio colleague Bill Cunningham, Hannity said he would consider entering the front lines of the political fray if God directs him. “I’ve never made a decision in my life without – whatever destiny God has you’ve got to fulfill it,” he said. “I’m not sure that’s my destiny.” Hannity would make a formidable candidate, with the likability of Reagan, good looks and strong convictions. He’s also a polished communicator and knows the issues inside out.

And he can debate.Picture+19

Hannity hosts the second-largest radio program in America, after Rush Limbaugh, and a highly rated nightly TV show on the Fox News Channel. While Obama’s approval ratings have been plummeting in his first year in office, no clear Republican frontrunner has emerged. The candidates most often considered viable include Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Hannity’s Fox News colleague Mike Huckabee. Cunningham, one of Hannity’s guests during a visit to Cincinnati today, said the nation and the Republican Party need Hannity.

Later in the program, a member of the audience asked what the host thought of a Hannity-Palin ticket.

The studio audience erupted in applause.

Hannity asked: “Would any of you really want me to run?”

Loud applause followed.

This proves God is a Republican…..and that Sean has a thing for loose women.

  1. right says:

    Right is Wrong – #33. Prove with numbers and facts that your statements about the program is a failure.

  2. right says:

    Tic tok…..tic tok….

  3. Gawdmachine says:

    #26 noname – please use the current & proper phrase to give acknowledgment to the political party you sought to defame.

    The current correct phrase is Repugnicunts.

    Thank you.

  4. noname says:

    # 37 Gawdmachine, I am sorry, I am a bit hard of hearing, what did you say?
    …the current correct phrase is

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Hmmm, Hannity/Coulter vs Palin/Bachman — now _that_ would be a primary season to watch!

    Given how Cowboy Reagan’s unpredictability scared other countries, imagine the skyrocketing sales of Tums (and ABM systems and tunneling machines) if Coulter gets anywhere within a mile of The Button….

  6. Rabble Rouser says:

    Perhaps his god will tell him to stand in front of a fast moving train. One can only hope!

  7. Animby says:

    # 39 Uncle Patso said, “Hannity/Coulter vs Palin/Bachman — now _that_ would be a primary season to watch!”

    Thank gawd I won’t have to vote in THAT primary! Three Stooges and a sentient haircut!

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The notion of Hannity for president is ridiculous, but he would make an excellent vice-presidential running mate for Sarah Palin. Now that Palin is a seasoned candidate with plenty of executive experience, Hannity could really learn a lot under her tutelage. If she wins in 2012, he could spend the following 8 years learning the ropes from her, and then be ready to run on his own in 2020.

    Of course, this is just a preliminary plan that may change once we get a better sense of God’s will and how he wants to bless us.

  9. RSweeney says:

    As Obama said in Selma in 2007, “we do what we do because God is with us” and that the lord would “show you what to do”.

    Doesn’t that make you atheists uncomfortable or is it that you know Obama is lying whenever he speaks of faith?

  10. noname says:

    I think the Obama camp should covertly start feeding the media dragon with Hannity/Coulter, Palin/Bachma gearing up for 2012 campaing stories.

    It’s smart to get the RePUCKaTon base all riled up on supporting these looser.

    You know the media wants the public to engage in a presidential campaign earlier and earlier; just like, the media wants to sell the public Christmas shopping commercials earlier and earlier each time.

  11. Dallas says:

    Seems Ann Coulter has a larger adams apple than Sean Hannity. I bet her dick is bigger too.

  12. noname says:

    # 45 Dallas, Too, bad, they look so cute together.

    I guess we will never see what their children will look like.

    But, maybe we will, seeing how it now scientifically possible.


  13. Dallas says:

    #46 Yes, a perfect match. They go together like flies on shit.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, Dallas,

    And 40 billion flies can’t all be wrong.


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