1. LDA says:

    Yes, but how long do you have to work to not have to eat McDonalds?

  2. SparkyOne says:

    I know what a big mac is.
    WTF is a job?

  3. Dennis says:

    I did not lose my job…it was taken from me. But I could really use a Big mac right about now….

  4. noname says:

    Eating a Big Mac and medical bills go hand in hand.

    What if you plotted hrs to earn a big mac vs. life expectancy, do you see a lower life expectancy in low price regions??

  5. Faxon says:

    Just the idea that this is available in Nairobi kind of ruins an image of Darkest Africa. That, and the Nigerian emails.

  6. deowll says:

    Substituting a can of beans for an occasional big mac is both cheaper and will help you live a lot longer.

    Most Americans eat a weeks worth of red meat daily.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    How long do you have to work to pay for liposuction?

  8. Dale says:

    Another more interesting data set to track would be how many weeks you have to work a year to pay for a years worth of non-subsidized health insurance.

  9. McNeally says:

    This is economy related? Thats why the bloody yanks f*ck*d up the economy this bad…

  10. LakeNeuron says:

    Are they factoring in the cost of a Big Mac in each country? If so, I’m surprised to see Nairobi on the list. I have not seen a McDonald’s there on any of my visits. They have a South African fast food chain, Steers, and there’s something called Wimpy’s downtown that I assume is part of a chain. But I’ve not seen or heard about any McDonald’s in Nairobi.

  11. SimonSez says:

    I’m in Chicago and probably the lowest paying job starts at $9 an hour, but… you need to pay for $1 tolls, the highest sales tax in the country, high property taxes, high property values (I think Chicago also has the most renters out of any city in the USA), parking meters and parking in the city runs $20 a day, etc.

  12. Improbus says:

    Buy a Big Mac? No thanks, I am not currently suicidal.

  13. AdmFubar says:

    How long does one have to work to afford health insurance?
    ” ”’ ”’ ”” ””’ ””’ ”””” ””’ ” “” afford a car
    ———————————————- place to live?
    ——————————————- a table to eat that big mac on??

    etc… etc….

  14. noname says:

    Yes, # 11 LakeNeuron, that is true, all Uncle Dave is saying is, after paying for international FedEx, customs, import taxes …. how much it cost the average Nairobian.

  15. iMadrid says:

    I am suprised they still call it a “Big Mac” here in Manila, Philippines.

    The size has gone awfully small you can call it a “Small Mac” I remember back when I was in high shcool in the 90’s it was bigger. If I have no choice but to eat a McDonalds today. I only order the Quarter Pounder. There is no way for McDo to downsize that.


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