Tracy Clark-Flory – Salon – Aug. 18, 2009:

Teenagers now have access to a free Internet library of “bestiality, piss-drinking, throat-fucking, bukkake gang bangs, triple anal penetrations” (and let’s not forget, coprophilia), as Eric Spitznagel puts it in the September issue of Details. There’s no doubt this is influencing teen sexuality — I mean triple anal penetrations on demand, c’mon! — but he sets out to answer the question of how it’s changing, exactly. That question truly deserves a book-length response, but his short answer is: Kids these days are having sex like porn stars.

The most vivid example he gives is that most members of Generation XXX think “sex ends with a money shot to the face.” Some boys, like one 17-year-old quoted in the piece, believe that “there is just something about blowing a load in a chick’s face that makes you feel like a man.” Spitznagel explains, “For most men over 30, facials aren’t something you actually do. They’re like car chases or hurling someone through a plate-glass window — the difference between cinema and life.

He gives other examples of how the sex lives of “America’s porn-fed youth” are different from past generations: They think pubic hair is nasty and anal sex is hot, and girls idolize the porn stars who inadvertently teach them how to give toe-curling blow jobs. But he spills the most ink, ehem, on the come on the face thing.

Find more milk facials here.

  1. McCullough says:

    Yep, porn desensitizes teens to what is considered “normal behavior”. The same goes for violent movies and video games. I remember being disturbed by “A Clockwork Orange” when I was in my teens. Now, it could play on a Saturday morning kids show it’s so tame.

    Damn, and all we had back then was our fathers stolen Playboy Mags where seeing a nipple was a treat. What kids have access to today is mind boggling.

  2. kevenrudd says:

    You don’t have to be a prude or “afraid” of porn and sex to find this story disappointing. I used to like this site because of the actual news that was linked to.

    I go to FARK for my low-class attention grabber headlines. They do it better. DU has taken a dramatic dive in quality lately. I used to like this site because of the actual news that was linked to. Now I check it out of habit and don’t stay long.

    No wonder he’s losing money.

    And by the way, after this story, I agree with the filters that are blocking DU. DU is now NSFW.

  3. jerry says:

    #24 Bobbo — Unfortunately the fixing the internet is like stopping a tidal wave of diahrrea. The more you try, the worse it stinks. You just have to recognize the internet for what it is, a somewhat useful but mostly destructive pandora’s box on the American and world economy and moral fiber.

  4. bobbo, is assuming sarcasm elistist says:

    #33–jerry==everything you say is demonstrably wrong and I’d love to go into details, but since you didn’t even address much less answer a single question asked at #24 nor support anything you posted at #22, I have to assume the effort isn’t worth it.

    but at least your morals have been championed?

  5. jerry says:

    What? That I could have done without the milk pictures? What can you say about something that is borderline obscene? They keep pushing the envelope. What can you say to the parents except try to avoid this tidal wave.

  6. bobbo, I don't know where to start says:

    Jerry–do you know what a question is? There are a few at #24==go back and see if you can spot them. You’ll find them in front of the question mark (?).

    See==you can choose to educate us by answering questions and asking your own that flow therefrom.

    Its called a conversation.

    I do agree that wasting food like that is a waste. Think of the kiddies who have to walk 3 miles to get dirty water to drink. Now THATS obscene.

  7. Dale says:

    I heard yesterday that porn revenues were way down. Whoever said ratings booster was probably right.

  8. Steve S says:


  9. deowll says:

    The biggest hole in this story is thinking that all XXX agree, or what is true about the group he studied is true about the planet.

    The Amish aren’t doing this and most likely weren’t part of his study.

    Much of the world is Muslim and just accessing these sites would be more than enough to put you into a world of hurt!

    My best guess; this may be true for upper middle class and urban center kids in some locations. At other locations they may be less porn soaked though I suppose they can get it if they want it.

  10. chuck says:

    Go to Google.
    Switch off SafeSearch, then search for images of “coprophilia”.

  11. Peter North says:

    Hey Cursor,

    I’m 39 years old and I can tell you FOR SURE that kids today are doing different things than I did when I was in high school. For instance: “the blowjob party”, where teen girls give blowjobs to guys at parties much the same way they used to kiss a guy when they played spin-the-bottle. Only difference is now, they swallow the load, or let him blow all over her face and they give blowjobs to different guys on the same night. For doing a good job, they get a colored bracelet, the more bracelets a girl has the more blowjobs she has given. Anal sex is saved for someone she actually cares about.

    This is how it was when you were in school? maybe if you graduated last year.

  12. tcc3 says:

    You mean the rainbow party urban legend that is the latest pretend harbinger of the death of society through loose morals?

  13. tcc3 says:

    And if you can tell FOR SURE, what were you doing at this party? Sounds inappropriate to me. =)

  14. mct says:

    skeet skeet mother fukas! The future rocks!

  15. Somebody says:

    Dear Editor,

    Less is more.

  16. Somebody says:

    And what a stupid ad campaign that was anyway.

    Think of milk as jizz.

    Don’t you want to drink a tall cold glass right now?


    And this pictures can’t really offend anyone.

    Those girls aren’t really wearing cow-bells.

    No-siree, not one of those bells is an actual cow-bell. So don’t say that they are.


  17. make me pretty says:

    “make me pretty” – LOL
    that is so awesome!

  18. David says:

    I think all this supposed concern over the kind of sex these darned kids are having these days is just veiled jealousy over the kind of sex we wish we were having as kids. And I was having better sex back then, anyway…

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    I must be getting old — I found the pictures in bad taste and many of the topics discussed disgusting. While I must admit the occasional twinge of envy over changing norms, I am quite grateful that I settled down before AIDS came along. Instead of Googling ‘coprophilia,’ I invite people to look up health problems in general and AIDS rates in particular among porn stars…

  20. Cursor_ says:

    #33 Jerry

    Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.

    Before there was an internet there was this thing called the video industry. You know tapes. They made it so easy to order either from mail order catalogs or from the back of even mom & pop video stores porn a plenty.

    The kids saw that just as they saw the nudie mags. Now some kids didn’t get to see Playboy. Some got to see their old man’s Hustlers and Penthouse with stories that made ya wonder.

    Before that, there were many young teenage men that got broken in by prostitutes. In many areas of the world that is STILL common. It was a rite of passage.

    If you served time in Nam, chances are good you were doing underage or close to underage girls. That is now going back to the 60’s. And I can bet you the girls did a lot more than missionary position under the sheets with the lights out.

    Hell I will even go back farther to those pinnacles of moral behaivour, The Puritans. They were SO pure that they needed to establish a fund to support all the bastard children they produced. When of course they were not killing off the neighbouring town for consorting with the Dutch and natives. Yep good people. No Pandora Box opened back then.


    Nice one Peter North. Well played.


  21. jerry says:

    I don’t care about answering your stinkin’ questions Bobbo. I don’t have to answer to you if I don’t think you’re relevant to what I’m trying to say. I have a right to air my opinion without answering to you. Apparently You think you’re the ultimate authority on this. I wonder how you got to be such an authority on civilization.

    Porn’s history is as long as mankind and now with the internet is an overwhelming problem because it’s everywhere…even in the news. Each family has to deal with it their own way…It’s getting worse. It’s a huge social problem. You can rationalize it all you want but it’s eating away at society and you can’t just laugh it off, which is the easy way.


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