A new wrinkle in the dispute over his birth – and whether he is eligible to be president under the U.S. Constitution’s requirement that the president be a “natural born” citizen – appeared today when Obama’s official MySpace page declared his age is 52, thus placing his birth year at 1957 instead of 1961 as has been claimed.

That would mean he would have been born during the archipelago’s time as a territory of the U.S., the islands’ status from about 1900 until statehood in 1959. The birth year also conflicts with campaign and other White House information that have discussed his 48th birthday this month.

This is probably a mistake or some intern messing up, but no response yet from the White House. If this is true (which again, I don’t think so), Obama can’t be the president. The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states,

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

We will probably see a lot more of this story this week.

  1. byejcd says:

    #58…I’m right with you, he’s just low-class trash who’s made DU way less worth going to.

    I have to sadly assume that JCD knows what he’s doing, approves of it, and is trying to bring in another target audience.

    And it’s worked!
    I’m unsubscribing from the feed.

  2. ArianeB says:

    “So, you’re just going to unthinkingly call anybody you disagree with a racist even without justification.”

    Racism is a form of ignorance.

    Disagreeing with a FACT that has already been PROVEN TRUE is also a form of ignorance.

    So at the very least, anyone who still accepts the birther theory is guilty of ignorance.

    But is it racist ignorance? The people that continue to support this FALSE idea no doubt have some agenda.

    What I do know for sure, was that during the primaries the “white” states were supporting Hillary Clinton, and that even Republicans voted for Hillary where there were open primaries.

    The reason for the Hillary support among the Republicans was obvious to anyone with eyes, but the press kept their mouths shut. The Republicans support of Hillary was because of 1.) Racism, or 2.) Republicans were afraid that if Obama was President, the personal attacks (Republicans would rather do personal attacks than factual debates — probably because facts are rarely on their side) would come off as racist.

    The “birther” issue was an invention of members of the right wing to personally attack Obama in a way that didn’t initially sound racist, but when we saw what groups were pushing this issue the hardest, it was obviously racist in tone and intent.

    Now that the press has done their job and proven without a doubt that Obama is an American Citizen born in Hawaii, and this evidence has satisfied those that still had legitimate questions, I have to question the intent of those still pushing this as an issue.

    I am not unthinkingly calling anybody I disagree with a racist, I am very carefully considering the origins and the intents of those that still will not accept the proven truth of the situation.

    I suggest Somebody that you take a step back and look at the big picture. You may not consider yourself racist, but most of the people who still think like you do are racists, and that at the very least gives the impression of “guilt by association”.

    I am not the only one who thinks this. Why do you think the mainstream media dropped the story like a hot potato? They figured out the racism angle as well, and now people like Lou Dobbs who tried to push the issue to garner ratings are now steering very clear of the issue.

  3. Troublemaker says:

    Yeah, if Obama wasn’t born in the US, the Clinton and McCain campaigns would never have exploited this fact.

    Then again, McCain wasn’t even born in America…

  4. Somebody says:

    #64 — ArianeB

    OK, you’ve convinced me.

    You truly 100% believe without a shadow of a doubt that anyone who questions Obama is a racist.

    FYI: I’m not disagreeing with a fact that has been proven to me.

    You’re kind of making an assumption there.

    Obviously, it’s because you hate white people.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Okay, let’s see…

    First off, consider the source: this story is from World Net Daily, the site so right wingnut that Richard Scaife scorns it. They already published a story where they said two editors saw the birth certificate and it was valid, and they’ve been kicking themselves for that moment of weakness (admitting the truth) ever since.

    “…no one is going to do anything about it because Obama’s first job was with a CIA front company.”

    So now the CIA is in on the plot to destroy America? Were they on the scene 42 years ago for the actual birth? Did they help plant the birth announcements in the Honolulu papers? Wouldn’t it have been easier just to fly his mom to Hawaii?

    “…hoards of unaccountable Czars…”

    What, he’s got all these Czars locked away in a cupboard somewhere? I agree that’s not good, but I don’t remember anything about it in the Constitution (though you might make a case that the 13th is against it).

    # 42 Somebody:
    “I’d say that Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment is probably a more fertile field for Obama’s disqualification.”

    O RLY? SRSLY? You’re saying President Obama has engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States of America?

    And again later:
    “In the context of this discussion, the distinction between “African” and “American” is one of citizenship not race.”

    HA HA HA HA HA (gasp), HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE, HAH HAH HAH; hoo! (Chuckle chuckle.) Seriously (whew!), thanks, man, I haven’t had such a good laugh in a while!

    – – – – –

    Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I am here to inform the world that I have personally seen President Obama’s real, actual, valid birth certificate. It has been signed with the official unbreakably encrypted hologram, and clearly shows he was born in Utopia Planitia, United States of America Mars Colony. (Why’d you think he was so tall?) Just pop down to the local city hall there, they’d be happy to show it to you……….

  6. Weary Reaper says:


  7. Rabble Rouser says:

    Why hasn’t anyone stated the fact that Obama’s opponent, John McCain was not a “natural born” citizen, born on US soil. McCain was born on PANAMANIAN soil, and therefore is NOT a “natural born” citizen, and thus not eligible to be POTUS! He may be a US citizen, but if he was not born on US soil, he can not run, per the US Constitution.

  8. Happy Birthday says:

    The most popular conservative Republican news reporter Bill O’riley states consistently that it’s a non issue as two newspapers in Hawaii published the date of birth back at that time. Unless these longstanding publications were in on the conspiracy back in the early 60’s that someday Obama Hussein would be president, I think this is plenty of proof that he was born in Hawaii. Bill has made the most convincing and sane argument with this statement as to why people should drop this issue and how the debate makes republicans and anyone participating look foolish. The history is there in print, published, archived on paper, not in easily manipulated digital data, in real print. It’s very simple and absolute.

  9. johanneswilm says:

    Actually the constitution reads:

    “No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.”

    So lets see. Was Obama born naturally? well, maybe there was a Cesarian involved, but he definitely wasn’t born out of a tube, nor did he come to be through some God magic (given their religious tendencies back then, this was maybe most of all established to prevent another Jesus from becoming president).
    Is he a citizen of some place or other? Yes.
    was he a US citizen when the US constitution was adopted? Nope. But then he doesn’t need to be either as he already fulfills the other requirements.
    Has he been resident for 14 years in the US? Yes. Is he older than 35? Yes.

    So sorry buddies. But if you cannot even read your own constitution, maybe you should just not bother voting next time either.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #57 – ArianeB

    Hilarious clip! 😀 Thanks.

  11. BigBoyBC says:

    Sorry about loosing my temper in post #45. I’m so tired of the this story and the bickering surrounding it.

    It doesn’t matter where he was born, his mother was an American, as far as I’m concerned so too is he. Even if he wasn’t, what difference does it make now?

    I didn’t care for GWB and I don’t care for Obama either, Congress is the bigger problem.

    No one party should ever have control of both Congress and the Presidency, nothing good has ever come from it. BTW, I felt the same way from 2000 to 2006.

  12. Smartalix says:

    To question Obama’s pedigree is not racist. However, to question it at this stage makes you a mouth-breathing racist cretin. Understand? It’s a simple concept. Fuck all of you racist asshats.

  13. jordanlund says:

    ? Because information on MySpace is more reliable than a legally binding document issued by the State of Hawaii?

  14. Greg Allen says:

    Holy Smokes conservatives are gullible.

    They’ll believe a MySpace typo over Obama’s actual birth certificate released by Hawaii.

    Here look at it:

    It clearly says August 4, 1961.

    By the way, here is a point of trivia. Look at John McCain’s birth certificate. Examine it closely:


    Notice the small detail? HE WAS NOT BORN IN THE USA!

    Yet, you goofballs didn’t give a rat’s ass about that.

  15. J says:

    Dumbass Dodd

    “The most egregious example is Obama appointing hoards of unaccountable Czars that make it possible to bypass elected representatives.”

    Show me the part of the constitution it violates to appoint Czars.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    >> Smartalix said, on August 23rd, 2009 at 8:52 am
    >> To question Obama’s pedigree is not racist.

    To ONLY question Obama’s ethnic legitimacy strikes me as racist — especially when the other white candidate was, indeed, not born in America and they didn’t care at all.

    But here is the bigger issue:

    The GOP desperately needs to undermine a popular war-time president, so they use the conservative media to gin-up a bogus “scandal” to de-legitimize him.

    Rank-and-file conservatives are, by nature, followers. The GOP elite, exploit this.

    So Republicans dumbly get led around by their noses from one bogus issue to the next.

    Fine, some people are always going to be mindless and hysterical. They are wired for it. We can’t change that.

    But we shouldn’t let them run the country, either.

  17. smartalix says:


    Please explain your position in a clear, intelligent manner. What do you mean exactly?

    I am not bringing up nor am I embracing racism. The birthers are, simply because they refuse to accept facts. You know, facts, those little things that prove something. For example, two newspapers reported Obama’s birth in Hawaii. Unless you ignore reality, to further inquire means that there are other motivators.

    In this specific case, the only (otherwise McCain would have gotten the same treatment) reason to pursue the issue is race. Obama doesn’t look “like us” (as a ixed-race American citizen, he does look like me) so he must obviously not be a “real” American.

    If this had to do with pollicy, his opposition would attack that. But Obama makes too much sense, so he has to be attacked on a visceral level where intelligent arguments don’t work.

    Racist slurs against the President’s citizenship works with morons and racists (and unfortunately most of the fearful and ignorant as well) because it works with their myopic world vision that feels America’s best times are behind her and that the 50’s should never have ended. Fuck them. Honestly, fuck them. I have no time for idiots like that.

    Obama’s mother is a citizen, and “Natural Born” means that you have to be a citizen at birth. Being born of a citizen makes you a citizen, especially if it is on American soil. ask John McCain.

    To further debate this issue can only be from racist reeasons, so if you continue in this thread, you are the one keeping this distasteful (the world is really grokking our society’s openess to our Hispanic and Black citizens) issue alive.

  18. RSweeney says:

    Obama has lots of issues like this.

    He’s confused as to whether he was born in Queen’s Hospital or at Kapriolani Hospital.

    He says he met his wife while both were at Harvard law school, except they didn’t attend at the same time.

    He’s said his parents conceived him in celebration of the Selma march, which occurred years after his birth and after his parents had divorced.

    He says his parents raised him in Hawaii for 2 years after his birth, except that his mom took him to Washington alone the month after he was born, leaving his father in Hawaii for almost a year before he left alone for Harvard.

    Obama never lets the facts get in the way of a good story.

  19. Traaxx says:

    Well to the point, since President Hussein is such an open Marxist and has a Racist Preacher where he’s been going to a Racist Church they probably don’t like him. Personally, if he were a Nationalist and Pro-American I’d be for him. But since he’s a Judgmental NAZI Marxist/Commie piece of shit Globalist just like King George Bush, I don’t.

    The only racist are the one’s that can’t get past his color which are the one’s like ‘smartalix’. They have no other defense for President Hussein not’s producing his birth certificate that call racist, racist. Oppose Death Care and you’re a racist. Oppose Cap & Trade and you’re a racist. Oppose simultaneous legislation and you’re a racist. Oppose concentration camps and you’re a racist, etc..etc..

    A Commie by any color is Red and it’s Better Dead Than Red. What happened to Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, oh yeah Hussein is giving us Death Care.



  20. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I had thought that Obama was a pretty clever guy, but in his utter carelessness, he let the most tightly-held secret of his entire life slip into full public view on his MySpace page.

    I never would have believed it, but with MySpace’s spotless record of impenetrable security, it must be true!

  21. Dr Dodd says:

    #81-J-Show me the part of the constitution it violates to appoint Czars.

    I find your choice of complaint interesting. I’m sure it would be beyond fascinating to hear why you don’t have a problem with Obama appointing a hoard of Czars for the expressed purpose of overriding elected representatives.

    Please enlighten us as to why you are fine with Obama’s end-run.

  22. NotCrazyEnough says:

    I’ve had enough of this rubbish. I’ve read this blog for over a year, but it’s just getting too stupid. Bye, bye Dvorak dot org slash blog.

  23. Cuyler says:

    I don’t understand the issue — Obama was born on U.S. soil (doesn’t matter if it’s a territory or state) and is also the son of an American citizen. So how would he not be considered a natural born citizen? Please explain, because it is not clear.

  24. smartalix says:

    That’s the point, Cuyler. That’s the entire point. To chase this issue any further can only be attributed to blind hatred on a visceral level.

  25. Glenn E. says:

    This stupid trivial argument never came up when Obama ran for the Senate. So why now? Just because the Republican party are a bunch of sore losers. And they’ve got nothing better (aka no one better) to compete with Obama. McCain & Palin? Were they serious?! Yeah, they picked one of the oldest Senators, who was a bit dirty from that old “Keating Five” debacle. Ya know, that Real Estate fraud, in Arizona. I guess Jeb and Neil Bush just weren’t interested. Or were still too “HOT” from their prior bad business dealings, or political fiascoes (ya know, Silverado S&L and Floridah?), to pass the scratch test with the public.

    Frankly, I think the GOP secretly wanted Obama to win. Because they didn’t want to deal with the economic mess that Bush II, left behind. And then blame everything they can think of on Obama. Apparently they stopped counting on real assassinations, and have taken to character assassinations, since Bill Clinton.

  26. Uncle Patso says:

    #88 Dr Dodd:
    “I’m sure it would be beyond fascinating to hear why you don’t have a problem with Obama appointing a hoard of Czars for the expressed purpose of overriding elected representatives.” [Emphasis addded.]

    President Obama actually expressed that purpose? Huh. Musta missed that press conference…

    (BTW, I think you meant HORDE.)

  27. Dr Dodd says:

    #95-Uncle Patso-I think you meant HORDE

    Quite right – hate it when that happens.

    Obama’s horde of Czars should trouble everyone especially Obama supporters. I know there must be some fair minded Democrats out there somewhere who are troubled with this unnatural installation of power.

    I would also hope that this is one issue Republicans and Democrats could agree. After all it’s a presidential abuse of power that if allowed to continue will eventually bring the hammer down on every citizen.

  28. Ah_Yea says:

    Obama’s birth a non-issue. The original debate was whether he was born in Kenya or not. Well, no one has been able to prove he was, so that issue is dead.

    Not to mention Hawaii has been a US territory since 1896. I’m pretty sure Obama isn’t over 113 years old…

    McCain. Also a non-issue. For everyone who knows basic US history, that is.

    McCain was born in Panama. OH NO!

    Wait!! McCain was born in a US hospital in the Panama Canal Zone, which at the time was a US territory until good’ole Pres. Carter gave it to Panama.


  29. smartalix says:


    Abuse of power is a completely different issue, I suggest that discussion be pursued elsewhere.

  30. noname says:

    # 94 bobbo, I love this blog,

    “390–noname==cracks me up. But where are the leather clad nice Aryan ladies–or are the Boys from Brazil ((nice Guilherme connection by chance)) just salivating for the time Alaska Barbie twitters here?”

    I know I haven’t been as productive in my number of blog posts, I ‘ll try to work my way back up to over a 1K posts. It’s difficult when you have to work and sleep. I know, those are just excuses.

    I’ll be sure to take Animby off the list. I don’t want him to appear on the governments no-fly list with the other Aryan boys.


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