Congress doesn’t want to join its own plan.

Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., told colleagues Thursday that members of Congress should be required to join any federal public health benefits plan created by Congress.

“I do not believe the federal government should be running health care in our country and levying massive tax increases on America’s small businesses,” said Heller in urging support for an amendment to the proposed plan. “However, if this administration and the majority party are going to force government-run health care on the American people, then members of Congress should be required to enroll in that plan. “If the government-run ‘public plan’ is good enough for millions of our constituents, then it should be good enough for members of Congress,” he said.

He asked the committee reviewing the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act to adopt the amendment requiring Congress to participate in the plan. The amendment, however, was rejected by the committee 21-18.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    Eideard, Uncle Dave, hhopper… fuck, even Marc Perkel… please post some good posts… the site’s currently suffering from a severe case of Guilherme Cherman…

  2. Bob says:

    would be interesting to know who voted yes or know on this one.

  3. mlubb says:

    Sounds like it would have been a dandy of an idea to have them eat the same crap they feed us. Too bad it did not pass.

  4. jbenson2 says:

    I have not seen a single video of any congressman giving a legitimate reason why they refuse to go with their proposed public option.

    It is ironic that they will continue with their private insurance plans (paid for by taxpayers) while trying to equate the insurance companies with pure evil.

  5. cornholer says:

    enough said. only the progressive paste eaters who’s kin followed jim jones would still believe that the fools in washington believe in what they are trying to force on the rest of us.

  6. Thinker says:

    Hey! If its good enough for Congress then its good enough for me! 🙂

  7. eaglescout1998 says:

    If the Hero of Chappaquiddick were on the public plan, he would be dead by now.

  8. LibertyLover says:

    Good entry Guilherme Cherman. Very informative and factual.

    #2, Agreed.

  9. LibertyLover says:


  10. LibertyLover says:

    Here is a video of this

  11. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #1 is getting owned by the community 🙂 thanks.

  12. ECA says:

    WHERE’s the proof.

    Massive TAXES?? if your company makes less then $100k, you spend 8% per employee.
    How much do you pay for Workmens comp?

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – LibertyLover – #1, CENSORSHIP!

    Where did I say “Remove the post?” But then again… Republicans and their dogs (pedro) no comprende.

    #12 – Guilherme Cherman – “#1 is getting owned by the community”

    LibertyLover and pedro is “the community”… LMAO Good one, Cher. 😀

  14. Sam says:

    Keep up the good work Guilherme. Although I mostly don’t agree with your viewpoints, I am always in favor of seeing both sides of the issue.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    This is just funny.

    “please post some good posts”.

    What’s wrong with this post? It’s interesting and makes a good point.

    More info: “If the government-run ‘public plan’ is good enough for millions of our constituents, then it should be good enough for members of Congress,” he said.
    Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee rejected Dean’s amendment to their health care bill.”

    It’s simple enough. Join the public option.

    But noooooo, couldn’t have THAT!!

    Smug Democrats looking down on us little sheeple again.

  16. Cronjob says:

    Christ, I just subscribed by RSS to see Dvorak’s articles. I didn’t know I was going to bet getting some random guy’s personal agenda points and videos fifty times a day.

    Google Reader ==> Unsubscribe Feed.

  17. stalinvlad says:

    I am all right Jack
    Fuck you, not quite poor people, fuck you and all you stand for
    I hope you die

  18. raster says:

    If government reps can’t eat only the food given to starving people, feeding starving people is a bad idea.

    If government reps can’t be bothered to collect trash, collecting trash is a bad idea.

    and on, and on, and on.

    wake up #16 – a site that posts stories like this ‘look[s] down on you’. Thanks for saying so #1.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Raster, wow! You’re nearly as crazy as Jägermeister.

    How about this? If government reps can’t eat the food, make the food edible.

    If the government reps won’t take the health insurance, make it better.

    If the government reps think they are too good to eat at the same table as the rest of us, then…

    Does “Let them eat cake” mean anything to you?

  20. raster says:

    Ah_Yea, you’re nearly as crazy as Pedro.

    Millions of Americans (like our reps) have great insurance, which they pay for, and don’t need anything done.

    The ‘government’ portion of this plan is there to get insurance to the millions of under and uninsured Americans (unlike our reps), who do need something done.

    BYW: 22,000 Americans die every year because they have no insurance.

    Does “Let them eat cake” mean anything to you?

  21. bobbo, more silly FUD says:

    I think “by law” no law applies to Congress unless it expressly states it does? Something like that.

    Anyway, why would any self interested corrupt power seeking parasite substitute a better program for a worse program?????

    And why should anyone choosing the best they can get be a rationale for providing those lowest on the rung who have nothing with something?

    Its like saying unless those in Congress want to eat only food you can get on Food Stamps, they shouldn’t eat at all.

    You know, their is a wide and long playing field for conservatives and libs to play on. Why so often a select too many choose to go off the field, into the clubhouse, and argue in the toilet is beyond me.

    And yes, in my objective view because it is so jaundiced, the right wing does it almost uniformily over the libs.

    Now, where is that turd I saw floating by a few minutes ago?====there it is-arguing about whether or not Bush played politics with the Color Coded Thread System. Hah, hah. Well done. The entire system was created and a creature of playing the terrorist card against we the sheeple. Arguing about specific examples really is hiding the sausage.

  22. ECA says:

    I hope you ALL know..
    That WE THE PEOPLE, can decide this issue..

  23. Ah_Yea says:

    raster, said:
    “22,000 Americans die every year because they have no insurance.”

    Seems I know more about this than you do.

    “When Democratic Rep. Bill Pascrell of New Jersey said on July 30 that “as many as 22,000 Americans die each year because they don’t have health insurance,” the number he cited was an updated version of one originally calculated by the federally chartered Institute of Medicine. … The IOM then used annual statistics on insurance rates and deaths to determine an estimate of extra deaths attributable to the lack of insurance.
    But a more recent paper raises questions about the IOM’s conclusions. The paper, published online in April in HSR: Health Services Research … which is a part of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, concludes that the Institute of Medicine’s estimate is ‘almost certainly incorrect.’
    In other words, once you compare death rates in an apples-to-apples fashion — comparing insured smokers to uninsured smokers, for instance — the likelihood of dying evens out. This, in turn, would mean that IOM’s estimate of deaths would drop essentially to zero.”

    Ok, so now you are enlightened. On to other news.

    Nowhere do I see Obama stating that his program is specifically targeted to the uninsured or underinsured. He and his ilk is specifically stating that ObamaCare is intended to be competitive with all other insurance plans to “keep them honest”.

    Therefore, if this plan is competitive, as has been portrayed, why don’t those backing the plan use it?

    Is it a first-rate plan, or is it only for second-class citizens?

    Where did Obama say this plan was inferior?

    Back up your answer with specific references.

  24. m.c. in l.v. says:

    So this Guilherme posts an over month old article as proof the current plans being negotiated “suck”? Nice try passing off old news as something relevant.

    Rep. Heller was just toeing the Rushpublican line and parroting back the talking points dictated to him in a further attempt to spread more of the misinformation and fear instead of proposing an actual solution other than tax cuts for the rich and keeping the status quo for his insurance industry masters.

    Glad I live here in Vegas and will be able to help vote him and Ensign out come next election cycle.

  25. deowll says:

    Thank you #10. It isn’t good enough for Obama or Congress. That much is obvious but then they are better than the people they work for or maybe they see having a better plan as being their just due for the fine job they are doing running the nation? Cough.

  26. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Congress doesn’t want to participate for the same reason the top-level corporate bigwigs don’t participate in the same 401k as their employees.

  27. RSweeney says:

    Actually, the 401K laws forbid larger income executives from participating. For those of us in upper middle management, the 401K limits are always painfully close.

  28. Rick Cain says:

    Republicans want to have it both ways, from the C-street cultists like Tom Coburn to the fake fiscal conservatives, they want to enjoy federal single-payer insurance they already get, but deny americans the same thing.

  29. timcat says:

    Harry Truman said “The Buck Stops Here.” Anyone remember what he meant by that?

    Why in the hell do you think that anyone in government is inherently more valuable than me or my family? Come on, you said it, give me facts, facts you suckbag as to why some bottom feeding professional rhetoric is better than anyone who lives in my neighborhood you buttwipe?

    Truman said that he would be making a step up! from president to Citizen. Sure am glad to know that some of us anyway are holding to the original intent of the office as a place of servant, as opposed to a place of privilege for the self appointed royalty.

  30. The Ox says:

    “This” health care bill sucks? Same point as in my post in the other thread. Given that there is no bill as yet, which “this bill” is it you are (not) talking about? GEEZ!


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