I don’t like the bill, but it’s not because of this death panel BS.

  1. Breetai says:

    If there were one Bill I could not like, that would be something. But the fact that there are half a dozen bills multiplies my reasons for not liking it by half a dozen. Obama is just doing that so he can get away with NOT passing what he’s preaching the bill is going to do and can blame congress. Otherwise his team would have actually authored the bill instead of having congress pass a six course pork feast.

  2. Rabble Rouser says:

    Betsy McCaughey is a loser and a bitch. She was Pataki’s Lieutenant Governor, and was just a figurehead while in office.

    She’s trying to gain points, now that Caribou Barbie has hit the crapper.

  3. freddybobs68k says:

    She thinks shes the master of FUD!

    I’ll grant you she’s pretty good at it. Her constant ingratiation is nauseating at best.

    Fortunately Mr Stewart is the closest thing you see these days to an actual reporter. He’s actually done his homework – and it is truly a great thing to see.

    I feel in no way sorry for her – didn’t she see Cramer? Ambition? Arrogance? Madness? How did she think she’d come off well is a mystery.

  4. Dale says:

    “I don’t like the bill, but it’s not because of this death panel BS.” -Guilherme Cherman

    So this post was for what? Guilherme Cherman, you add nothing to this blog that the most moronic commentors don’t. You fan flames with emotional hyperbolic entries. Please keep your brand of intellectual input on twitter or myspace where it will fit right in.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    The Democrats have moved to the right, and the Republicans have moved to a mental hospital.
    Bill Maher

  6. Ringo says:

    It’s been my personal opinion for a long while that when given the opportunity to get real answers out of guests, Jon Stewart is one of the best, most well-informed interviewers in the news industry today.

    He asks the right questions everyone wants to hear, he, like freddybob said, does his homework, he doesn’t take a fluff answer, and probably the most important reason, is that because the guest is on the Daily Show on Comedy Central, they don’t expect to being actually interviewed.

  7. Micromike says:

    The only thing I’m sure of is when this is over, insurance companies and congressmen will still be getting rich and millions of Americans (like me) will still be uninsured and have poor quality health care. I expect all aspects of medical care to get worse and more expensive.

  8. dusanmal says:

    Small correction of my post: Canada counting system counts those not as natural causes but “OLD AGE”…

  9. Cronjob says:

    I don’t see what the problem is. If you contributed a LOT to society, then you can probably afford the health care to live forever. If you contributed a good deal to society, you probably have some form of health care with your employer.

    If you contribute very little or nothing to society — you are old and sit around all day watching “programs” or you are an unemployed mooch your whole life — then obviously you don’t have health care, because you haven’t contributed anything worth getting health care (a solid quality job) and you live a shorter life.

    I’m not saying that’s right or wrong, but that’s how it is and I don’t know anything more capitalistic than that. The more value you have to society, the better your health care. If you’re a useless shrub, you get nothing and I get to keep my taxes.

  10. ECA says:

    Who ever BRIEFED/couched this lady, should be shot.

    Jon, wont let her get AWAY from the Question. and SHE hasnt read ANYTHING or doesnt comprehend WHAT IT SAYS, or what Jons asking.

  11. ECA says:

    And I LOVE FUTURE facts from politicians..
    POLL a group, separate them in 2, then ASK the 1 group that AGREES with you, all the questions.

  12. jccalhoun says:

    I had never heard of this woman before watching her on tv last night. I was stunned at her appearance. Despite what the title of the video says, this is not the first part of her interview. This video starts near the end of what they aired last night and leaves out the first 8 minutes. For whatever reason (perhaps because her people called and begged them not to) they don’t have an individual video of that first half of her appearance. I suggest everyone watch it to get the full impression of her appearance. She comes on about 8 minutes in.

    I have no idea if what she was claiming was true or not It was amazing to me how unprepared and incoherent she was. For the first 2 minutes she did ok but once Stewart asks her a questions she goes off the rails. Every time Stewart asked her a question she got confused and started looking at the bill and lost the plot and started flipping through the pages again.

    Because I had never heard of her I didn’t know her position on the issue and I had an incredibly hard time understanding what she was trying to say until about half way through what they aired. It was almost as if she had never seen a television interview before and had no idea what to do in one. My reaction had nothing to do with the health care issue. It was like watching a train wreck.

    [Link fixed — ed.]

  13. ick says:

    JCD dump this Cherman guy…he’s taking this blog further into the weeds than it usually is even on a bad day. Fanning the flamers and feeding the trolls to the point where I’m only checking it once a day and not hanging around long. it’s starting to look like the old Yahoo comment threads.

  14. bobbo, more silly FUD says:

    “I don’t like the bill, but it’s not because of this death panel BS” /// Well, thats a start. Maybe you should consider just presenting the material neutrally, or providing one or two bullets to support what point you decide to make??

    Why don’t you like the bill? Sources and links are always nice and you would be challenged if you ever post in such a manner.

    Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

  15. bobbo, oh for the perfect world says:

    #16–do-ill==You are driving in a car at 60 mph at night and can’t see more than 20 feet ahead of you. You know that if you keep going striaght, you will run off a cliff. You don’t know what is to the left or right of you and you can’t slow down.

    Now, do you continue forward or wait to be told what might be out there to the left or right?

    It would be nice to have “all the facts” before making decisions. But it is a FALSE position because it is rare we ever have the all the facts. Still, deicisons have to be made. The fact you are comfortable in your car right now is not even relevant to your own best interest.

    And thats why you do-ill.

  16. timcat says:

    Omg! what she says about the medicare requirement for doctors is so fracking true! I love Jon Stewart. While I get my news media from several sources the only TV “news” I watch is the Daily show. But Jon just doesn’t have the decades of context on this issue.

    Medicare does pay Hospitals and Doctors differently depending upon whatever criteria is the flavor of the quarter. In the last decade and a half we have seen the creation of an entirely new filed in Health care: Billing.

    In hospitals there is a separate department just for Billing. Medicare is the reason because they change their codes every few months without revealing what codes pay. Private insurance does the same but they lag behind Medicare.

    The latest big carrot on a stick, the ones you hear hospital advertising about is Chest Pain Accreditation. If a person with chest pain comes in and we don’t get a ekg, a chest x-ray, and cardiac enzymes done in ten minutes then the hospital eats the cost! Doesn’t sound like a bad idea right? In practice though, government funded holders, they’ve been sitting an hour or two waiting to be seen, Bam! instant chest pain. It was even on “Hiding in Plain Sight” on USA a few weeks ago.

    I have twenty-nine years in health care. Something does need to be done, I have two sons who can’t afford health care, hell, I can’t afford health care if either my wife or I lost our job, but slamming something, or as Obama seems willing to do, anything through in just a few months? I call B.S.

  17. Rick Cain says:

    Please notice that talking points radical rightwingers offer no solutions themselves!

  18. The Ox says:

    You don’t like “the bill”? Since there is as yet no bill but a series of bills, which “the bill” is it that you don’t like?

    Honestly Mr. Cherman, your posts on a wide variety of subjects leave me with the impression that you more often than not have no idea what it is that you are talking about.

  19. Special Ed says:

    I’d like to be on the death panel, I’d volunteer my time. Alf, get in the box…

  20. Dick Dawkins says:


    “get in the box…”

    Yah Ed that’s what your Mom says to all the sailors on Saturday night.

  21. bobbo, why experts can't be trusted says:

    Here’s the full unaired Daily show segment with Betsy.

    Unfortunately, it takes 2-3 hour close examination to reveal these propagandists for what they are. Fortunately, those with common sense don’t need such a waste of time to correctly assess these nutbags.

  22. McNeally says:

    Sounds like someone is kinda jealous of Guilherme… 😉

  23. scottyb says:

    I guess I’m in the minority here as I think that Stewart was beaten soundly on substance in this debate. Yes, she was disheveled and poorly organized, but when she did finally make her points, Stewart had no real response.

    It was nice to hear someone (beside Adam C) point out the obvious flaw in the life expectancy/health-care argument that’s being trumpeted by supporters of health-care reform. Just because a country’s populace lives longer doesn’t mean they have a superior health-care system. And she made another good point on real substance: Why would we have a law that rewards doctors for having their patients *adhere* to an advance directive they wrote earlier in life? That seems wrong. And if we’re proposing to cut Medicare by 5% during a period of time when boomers will cause the retired population to swell, that means we’ll be cutting something. That might not be the wrong decision, but lets not delude ourselves into thinking this bill won’t cut some services to seniors.

    In this debate, she came with the facts and Stewart came with bluster and misdirection as he couldn’t contend with her arguments. At least that’s how I saw it.

  24. Weary Reaper says:


  25. The0ne says:

    Short of running out of time, I think they would’ve have done the same regardless; that is to pull the plug on the whole talk between her and Jon.

    Was nauseating to hear her talk. Can’t shut up, can’t back up her talks and keeps referring to pages she can’t find…priceless.

    Great show btw 🙂


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