Seattle teens, kids join H1N1 flu vaccine tests | KOMO News – Seattle, Washington | Local & Regional — Apparently these people neither read the Dvorak Uncensored blog or listen to the NoAgenda show. Hopefully this poor girl (below) will be ok. I’m for volunteerism, but it needs to be informed volunteerism. Once they passed a law saying the vaccine-makers were indemnified and exempt from lawsuits, I’d say no. Were the volunteers informed of this?

Children and teenagers have joined the volunteers testing a swine flu vaccine in our area – one of eight places around the country doing the test trials.One thousand adults are already being tested around the city. But now it’s time to see how kids react to the different doses.Fourteen-year-old Anna Bennett was one of those young people who took a shot to the arm in the fight to knock out the swine flu.She’s one of about 120 young people in the Seattle area – ages 6 months to 17 years old – who are part of a trial to test the new H1N1 vaccine.”It affects a lot of people, and I know that a lot of people have died, and tons of people are getting infected,” Anna says. “So it’s important to do the studies.”The vaccine itself is already being stockpiled for distribution around the nation, even though the Centers for Disease Control say it’s a month behind schedule making it.The testing focuses on the amount of the vaccine to give people. Experts say that’s why it’s important to have specific studies involving children and teenagers.

Found by Eric Anderson.

  1. bobbo, the persecuted eugenicist says:

    “Hopefully this poor girl (below) will be ok.” /// Which do you think was the biggest risk element by a factor of 3-4000:

    Getting the flu shot, or
    Driving to the school to get it?

    Human beings are TERRIBLE at assessing risk. Good thing most people are rational.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Should these kids have informed consent to get a vaccine? ECA wanted them to have informed consent to go to Sunday School

    ECA said, on August 19th, 2009 at 6:17 am in the Atheist Camp story:

    lets see..

    forcing kids to
    sunday school


    I do not believe in a child being forced to practice ANYTHING until they can make a personal decision..According to LAW thats 16.

  3. GigG says:

    Benjamin said,

    “I do not believe in a child being forced to practice ANYTHING until they can make a personal decision..According to LAW thats 16.”

    Does that include reading, writing and arithmetic?

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Sign me up!

    Maybe I will become some sort of genetically mutated superhero! Something like the Toxic Avenger.

    Otherwise, I and my kids will pass.

  5. Cronjob says:

    Sounds fine to me. If I have to pay through the nose in taxes to subsidize their education and medical care and their parents’ breeding of them in the first place (child and marriage tax credits)… then at least I can get something out of it, by using them as scientific test dummies.

    And before anyone throws around the “but you went to school on the tax payers’ dime, so you have to do it for them in return!” crap… I did not. In fact, I dropped out of school two months into the ninth grade and am a six-figure-incoming autodidact.

  6. Cronjob says:

    “Good thing most people are rational.”

    Uh… People on which planet?

  7. Phydeau says:

    Wow, someone brags about how great they are with absolutely no way of verifying it. Sounds like an advanced case of “truthiness” to me. 🙂

    You think that’s good, well, I’m the Prince of Wales!

    Is there something in the water? Or is it Libertarian week here? They’re coming out of the woodwork…

  8. Phydeau says:

    On a serious note, that’s a tidy little sample to go back and examine lately to see if any autoimmune diseases have cropped up… I wonder if 120 is a big enough sample?

  9. Animby says:

    Autodidact? Is that some sort of speed dialer?


    I think it is almost criminal to test this on kids. I’m sure their parents signed some sort of consent but how informed can the consent be when neurologists fear an upswing in Guillain Barre Syndrome – and adjuvants like squalene are an unknown?

    Yes, I know squalene is generally harmless but that’s when it’s taken orally. When it’s injected you get a tremendous immune reaction so quickly that it has been clearly associated with serious immune disorders for 30 or 40 years!

    So, Cronjob – you don’t like paying for their education? Wait until this trial gives them multiple sclerosis and you have to pay to educate them at home! Not to mention all the medical bills, wheel chairs, nurses, etc.

    As a doctor, I will not give the vaccination nor will I accept a vaccination with an experimental drug UNLESS they can show me the benefits outweigh the risks. And, so far, the flu looks pretty benign. If it comes back in the fall ten times more virulent, I suspect it will still be pretty benign.

    By the way, Cronjob: one success story of an autodidact does not establish a baseline model for a successful education system. I suspect most autodidacts don’t know what the word means.

  10. Animby says:

    Just occurred to me, Cronjob: most college graduates probably don’t know what autodidact means, either. -sigh-

  11. pecker says:

    If there is a problem with the adjuvants causing auto-immune diseases, would this be picked-up in the 6 to 8 weeks between now and when everyone else is forced to take the shots?

  12. Ah_Yea says:

    Cronjob. Looks like you are in good company.

  13. Benjamin says:

    That was in quotes. I only meant it to apply to vaccines.

    GigG said, on August 20th, 2009 at 8:52 am

    “Benjamin said,

    ‘Should these kids have informed consent to get a vaccine? ECA wanted them to have informed consent to go to Sunday School

    ECA said, on August 19th, 2009 at 6:17 am in the Atheist Camp story:

    “lets see..

    forcing kids to
    sunday school


    I do not believe in a child being forced to practice ANYTHING until they can make a personal decision..According to LAW thats 16.”‘

    Does that include reading, writing and arithmetic?”

  14. The0ne says:

    Seriously, those are you posting here and are FOR this should sign up. Come on, you’ve said it already, it’s safe and it’s needed. So now eat your own words and go be the first! This is the moment to prove us, those against, wrong and you to be right!


  15. ECA says:

    Thanks for the Quote from another post on religion.
    If you look into the past you will find that it is Proven that if you wait until about age 10-12, MOST KIDS learn better and faster. But this ascribes that they have had time to LEARN from their parents in the first place.


    Unproven vaccine..
    If something was REALLY BAD, dont you think they would be OUT on the corners Giving SHOTS the 1st day..
    IF the black Plague had come BACK and hit the planet…dont you think we would be wearing MASKS, and killing every FLEA/TICK/… we could..
    as has been mentioned. this Flu is less of a killer then the OLD flu floating around this time of year.

    This is just fear mongering..nothing MORE. it is to keep us distracted while OTHER S(P)IT is happening.
    Its like football..they REALLY dont take alot of pictures of the players in the Huddle, they have people talking OVER that time in the game.

  16. Benjamin says:

    #16 ECA said, “Thanks for the Quote from another post on religion.”

    No problem. I would not let my kid (if I had children) be the first to test this vaccine. Children should get vaccines against such things as smallpox, polio, measles, and other normal diseases that have vaccines, not this untested H1N1 vaccine that might have problems.

  17. Jon says:

    What is with all the hysteria over a flu vaccine? It is the same type of vaccine that is given year after year in response to seasonal flus. It is not “untested” since it is nothing new. The reason for concern by the WHO and the CDC is that this is the same type of strain that have caused major pandemics in the past. Getting GBS is not really a death sentence and is pretty treatable if identified early. If you want to read a neurologist’s take on the risk and benefits of the flu vaccine read this

  18. 4v says:

    Before getting your shot, be sure to get a list of ingredients. Read it, and then get injected with some new ideas of who vaccines are really for.

  19. noname says:

    There is an excessive amount of media hype scaring people. I am not sure, who to fault, the media, or the many gullible people.

    From what I can find, it seems the Mortality Rate of Novel H1N1 is ~5X that of the death rates of the seasonal flu. That is a 0.57% death rate for Novel H1N1 vs. 0.12 % for seasonal flu.

    Given as JD noted, vaccine-makers are indemnified, why would anyone, allow their kid(s), to be used as a human guinea pig??

    It’s hard for me to believe she really understands and has any perspective of what she is saying “”It affects a lot of people, and I know that a lot of people have died, and tons of people are getting infected,””

    More young children life’s could be saved if Over-Exposure to Dihydrogen monoxide (“a potentially lethal chemical if not respected”) could be effectively regulated by the FDA.

  20. hmss007 says:

    Check out the comments on the KOMO website for the article, very interesting. Need to get all of them to listen to No Agenda.

  21. Animby says:

    Bobbo – just plain flushed: Shame right back at you. Yes, the virus does resemble the Spanish flu. So much so that conspiracists are having a field day. But one thing to remember is that even the nasty ole Spanish flu would not have the effects today it had in 1906. You don’t die of the flu, you die of secondary illnesses picked up while you are sick with the flu.

    Today, we are better nourished (no McDs or KFC or Taco Bell back then) and still have access to health care. A jab of penicillin won’t help with the flu but it will certainly help with the secondary pneumonia.

    So, if you have to indemnify the manufacturers against nosocomial sequellae in a bid to rush a vaccine to market before the disease itself has been proven to be any more severe than “ordinary” flu, then I say you are over reacting.

    I believe they should approach this from another angle: start a massive campaign urging better hand washing hygiene and isolation at the first symptoms – i.e. stay home from school/ work. Here is SE Asia, everywhere you go, you run into dispensers of alcohol gel for your hands. And mask, though I think masks are not a good idea except that you wearing a mask protects me from you.

    While a public health campaign is underway, proceed with proper and adequate testing of the vaccines. In fact, give the company that provides a safe vaccine with a bonus in the form of a high price or guaranteed sales. But do not indemnify them against making a dangerous vaccine.

  22. deowll says:

    My nephew in Iraq has it. Seven days off and a little under the weather.

  23. jms says:

    I think the fear and panic is not related to what has happened in the current flu outbreaks, but what might happen as the flu spreads exponentially. The 1918 pandemic started small, crested, declined, and then exploded in a second wave–bodies literally piled up in the streets of New York and Philadelphia. Healthy young adults were dead within 48 hours of first noticing symptoms. (The virus had mutated into something more deadly than before.)

    Few were concerned in the early stages and little effort was made to restrict its spread–there was a war to conduct and troops to move.

    Today, with people even more mobile, controlling the spread of a contagious disease is nearly impossible.

  24. ECA says:

    1% of USA population would be 3,000,000.
    1/2 of that(0.50%) would probably be about 1,500,000.

    Good number.

    As a few have noticed/noted. Its not the flu that will kill you, its the ADDED features. And there is better care, and more hospitals NOW then in 1906.
    The main problems I see is the spread of the flu. HOW MANY low paid employees can take a day OFF.. How many understand that the FLU isnt INSTANTANEOUS.. You carry it about 2 weeks before it gets BAD. After the first 7-10 days you are infectious. WHO would let you take 14-20 days OFF work, and NOT fire you?

  25. The0ne says:

    So those that aren’t worry, who’s up first! And remember, bring your family and friends along too! I want names listed below my post here so we can all track who’s in, and possibly who’s dying sometime later. Thanks!

    1. Your Name Her ^^


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