Something tells me: fake. Generally when someone does something this wild there are multiple camera shooting it with different angles.

  1. qb says:

    I heard that the site was a viral marketing thing for MS Project.

  2. Dvorak says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  3. laxdude says:

    Totally fake, at that speed an inflatable pool would explode, let alone the amazingly perfect aim which could only be replicated in a totally locked down environment without the influence of wind. Too many variables, too small a margin of error.

  4. noname says:

    From a physics perspective, he can’t go any higher then the height he started from.

    The angle of the camera, makes it hard for me to see if that indeed occurred.

    Interesting how the flight arc, seems to match the shape of the slide arc. This is not a physics requirement, which neither refutes nor supports the event possibility, but does; make it looked PhotoShopped for believability.

    With out accurate speed, distance and height measurements I am not sure you can rule fake or real.

  5. storm says:

    What is that blue object in front of the jump? Looks like a manikin to me.

  6. twisted says:

    It is a German promotion from Microsoft for Office Project 2007, here’s the German website for it.

    Bruno Kammerl`s Punktlandung!!

  7. Special Ed says:

    Shopped, I see pixels…


  8. jobs says:

    How it was made.

  9. Rob Alter says:

    This is a Microsoft Promo from Germany.

    From Gizmodo.

    Remember that insane water slide jump video? Unsurprisingly, it was a fake viral video. Surprisingly, it was made to promote…Microsoft Office?

    The site is still in German, but now it’s covered in Microsoft Office Project 2007 branding. I don’t get it as I don’t speak German, but I can only imagine how well this makes a potential daredevil realize that they need a Microsoft product to complete their most ambitious of stunts.

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    what does this video have anything to do with Microsoft Office? Why are advertisers doing so much random bullshit and not even mention whatever they are promoting?

    Fun video, fake but so what? how is this gonna draw ppl to buy Microsoft Office? Especially now since you can’t buy Word anymore.

  11. Rob Alter says:

    This was on Yahoo Finance last Thursday as a fake.

    Guess that is why I always use Yahoo!

  12. Buzz says:

    If you ever seriously entertained the notion that this could actually be real, I have some nice mid-Atlantic real estate to sell you.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    Saw the video posted by jobs #8, and it struck me as funny that I was watching a viral video explaining how they made a viral video.

  14. ECA says:

    I caught the site before it went to MS..
    Its fake..
    THINK about the force of hitting the pool.
    The person would SPEAR right thru it or be CRUMPLE along the side.

  15. Kanjy says:

    Yeah, my water slides have always needed a lot more water than that…

  16. noname says:

    Regardless of what seems common sense, I wanted to find; something more mathematically definitive and less subjective (opinionated) to prove/disprove.

    Unfortunately without accurate speed, distance and height measurements I will have to defer to FOX NEWS and says it’s a FAKE.

  17. Dale says:

    Fake. Basic physics aside, the two buckets of water isn’t nearly enough to lube the slide. And gravity alone wouldn’t induce that much acceleration in that short a distance. Even if the video were real, which it isn’t, the audio is obviously dubbed.

  18. Chris Mac says:

    Did you even need to ask?

  19. JFStan says:

    “Something tells me: fake”

    Yeah, something tells me, too, it’s called …

    Please check this site before posting (or believing) ANYTHING!!

  20. Zybch says:

    For eff’s sake, how could anyone question that the video wasn’t a complete fake. Well done, yes, but as fake as Cher’s waistline.
    The most telling part is right before impact where the trajectory doesn’t quite match up with how the object had been traveling so far. That and the unrealistic speed.

  21. Chris Mac says:

    that and the total bullshit concept..

    get real;)

    although i am starting to enjoy watching the unwashed masses watch the unwashed news.

  22. Someone Else says:

    Not to mention the fact that this was not a graded hill, this was just a regular hill with normal bumps and contours. Any slight contour would have sent the guy flying off the side.

    Correct. Fake.

  23. deowll says:

    # The pool either wasn’t inflatable or it was very tough stuff. It didn’t move due to body contact at all but the impact would have taken him out. The water was way to shallow.

    Use a dummy then have the guy get out. Problem is you could see the guy moving during the trip.

    You could use a dummy with the right weight to work out the point of impact but there just wasn’t enough water.

    I’ve seen movie special effects that were much worse.

  24. alex says:

    The first guy who comes to the “jumper” is such a bad actor 😀

  25. Wretched Gnu says:

    It should have been obvious to you on the first look this was fake.

    Why would the clip include extended footage of the jumper being congratulated?

    I mean, forget the fact that the acting there was so bad. And forget the numerous physics/mechanics problems with the way the landing was depicted…


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