If a child, even if they are illegal immigrant, shows up in an emergency room with tuberculosis and nobody is giving them treatment and then they are going back to the playground and playing next to our kids.

So, I think there is a basic standard of decency where if somebody is in a death situation or a severe illness that we are going to provide them emergency care. But nobody has talked about providing health insurance to illegal immigrants, I want to make that absolutely clear.

Obama basically contradicts himself — care for severe illnesses or life-threatening situations is what health insurance is for! Every time you go to the hospital, you are arguably in a life-threatening situation.

The best part is that one second later he says that his plan does not provide health care to illegal immigrants.

I want to point out that I am not particularly opposed to universal health care, I’m just what the President said.

  1. Improbus says:

    How can you tell when a politician is lying? Their mouth moves.

  2. Jeanne says:

    I know that some politicians are saying that illegal aliens will not get access to the new U.S. Universal Healthcare, but I have my doubts. They now get education, E.R. care, etc. for free. I think that any type of citizenship test will not be employed because the Hispanic lobby will charge discrimination.

  3. tj says:

    This isn’t a lie or a contradiction. Hospitals and doctors cannot refuse care for people who will die otherwise. Not only are there laws that govern this, its pretty much human decency right?

    I can understand long term treatment for disease being controversial, but he’s talking about an emergency room visits for people on deaths door.

  4. Wretched Gnu says:

    Huh? What is the contradiction, exactly?

    He simply states the facts: Provisions for illegal immigrants are not in the bill — and non-covered kids in emergency rooms (illegal or not) will be taken care of anyway *as has always been the case*.

    As has always been the case, illegal immigrants and others too poor to pay are not kicked out of emergency rooms, and the hospitals absorb the cost as “indigent care”.

    Nothing new here, wingnuts.

  5. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #3, Obama said when it was a death situation. All visits to the hospital are death situations.

  6. SparkyOne says:

    The “Gold Standard” for heart care was on bypass to another hospital without such standards because their trauma was filled with illegals following a coyote’s van rollover. That is what my health insurance and the US immigration policy got me!

    That is access to “free” US health care – that is reality. I could have saved myself a lot of money if I was “un-documented”.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – tj

    You nailed it.

  8. Rider says:

    How the hell are all hospital visits “Death Situations”?

    Jesus Christ you are fucking stupid.

  9. Rabble Rouser says:

    Wouldn’t the best way to deal with an illegal immigrant who had some highly infectious disease be to treat that person, and send them back to their country of origin, as a matter of public safety?

    Or what, shoot him, and let the body infect others? Let them go around with their infection and infect others? Lock the person up, so that he can infect others? I don’t think so.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #5 – Guilherme Cherman – All visits to the hospital are death situations.

    Now, that was a dumb statement.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – pedro – What? Obama flip-flopping or contradicting himself? Nevah!

    What? Pedro not grasping the meaning of what was said. Anyone surprised?

  12. GigG says:

    If they do come up with some version of universal care that doesn’t also put a end to people using the ER as their primary care doctor then in my book the program is a failure before it starts and should not be voted in.

    If you, I, Jose the gardner, or Joe the plumber walks into an ER with anything other than an emergent condition they should be told to hit the road.

  13. Where’s the contradiction?

    Today, illegal immigrants go to a hospital emergency room and get care.

    Tomorrow, Obama promises exactly the same.

    No health insurance, emergency room only care, just like today.

    I would hope for better, personally.

    Something many of you forget is that illegal immigrants actually are human beings. If we are too, they should have health care.

    But, Obama remains consistent on the subject, no health insurance, emergency room only.

    Someone tell me the contradiction.

  14. Howard Beale says:

    Obama basically contradicts himself
    really? He’s just being sensible?

    so Guilherme you would just let the TB kid go back to the playground? Or would you call the black helicopters and have them airlifted over border and left in the wilderness, or on a playground in there native country?

    Lets hope if you ever need health care out of the US you have your passport and visa ready and not in the safe at club med

  15. Awake says:

    Yeah, let’s refuse health care to sick children…. that’s really the Christian thing to do.

    The hypocrisy of some people is really depressing.

  16. Beale says:

    Henery he’s not its just more of the sore losers grasping at straws. There man Bush was so bad no one had to make things up when you heard the stuff they would say about his administration you could only wish it was embellished.

  17. Bob says:

    Hasn’t the Obama handlers learned by now, that its just not a good idea to let the Messiah talk without a teleprompter? You would think they would learn their lesson by now.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #19 – Bob

    Comprehension problems?

  19. audion says:

    I don’t know know if the world benefits from this incessant shit-stirring.

    Maybe you can make some leading comments about his nationality, too.

  20. raster says:


    100% of corpses surveyed had no objection to the health care they were provided

  21. Angus says:

    These comments help to show that the difference between health care and health insurance are now totally blurred.

  22. RTaylor says:

    Skip all the rhetoric and it comes down to one thing, funding. We all know to do it right, it will run in the trillions of dollars. Congress critters with defense companies in their district will not allow a major cut in DoD. There are too many people that think throwing increasing amounts of money at education is helpful. I have never observed that to be true, but another that’s another argument. Taxes, we’re talking about a significant revenue sources, combined with a crippling deficit and an anemic economy at best. Does anyone remember in the 1970’s NASA claimed the shuttle would make money carrying commercial payloads? You need to double the upper estimates on healthcare reform to be realistic. Most of us will end up in the 50% tax range. Is it worth it, who the hell knows.

  23. Howard Beale says:

    time for Howard(Alfred1 only friend) to help him with some self-improvement again. Please Alfred1 take a Statistics Class so you can’t be so easily mislead by the fox/rush pundits.

    Love ya man.
    good luck on getting Raptured

  24. MikeN says:

    I continue to support a public option. I think it’s important. But it’s just one component. Insurance reforms are also needed. Insurance reforms are the belt, the public option is the suspenders.

    Barack Obama

    How can you trust a man who wears both a belt and suspenders? The man can’t even trust his own pants.

    Henry Fonda

    a belt-and-suspenders man is “a man with something to hide.”

    Urban Dictionary

  25. ascot says:

    I’m a conservative, and I don’t see any contradiction…insurance and treatment are not the same thing.

    Emergency rooms should certainly treat emergency and cummunicable diseases no matter what. What he’s saying is that they won’t get into the new healthcare plan.

    For what it’s worth, he’s lying (I can tell because sounds are coming out of his mouth), but this statement was not a contradiction.

  26. ascot says:

    That’s “communicable”.

  27. bobbo, you just don't understand says:

    Hey Guilherme–you are setting a new standard here. Normally, the editors are only stupid and misleading in their self-composed headlines and tags.

    When you enter into the thread, you are not supposed to be so obtuse or ignorant==whichever it is.

    The key will be, are you willing to learn?

    Even if you just read this thread you will see the error you have made==yet you continue to obfuscate the distinctions made.

    It was well said above, but I will rephrase hoping the meaning becomes clear to you.

    If you have no insurance, like most illegals, YOU DON’T GET HOSPITAL CARE. You get Emergency Room Care. That might result in an admission to the Hospital until you are stablized, but then you are discharged. No followup. Wait for another Emergency before “care” is provided. So, it doesn’t matter that equating hospital care with death care is another level of stupid.

    Here is a real world example that might make this clear for you: unconscious patient ((ie, a no-pay status-same as indigents and illegals)) presents at the EMERGENCY ROOM with a bullet in his brain. EMERGENCY CARE provided, the bullet is removed. Patient is now “stablized.” Able to talk, he reveals he has no insurance and cannot pay for care. Being stablized, he is discharged from the Hospital to a local motel. Extra compassion is shown for his stablized but tender condition by authorizing a visiting nurse to call him once per day to see how he is recovering.

    Good system—-No?

  28. jescott418 says:

    Obama flip flops like any other politician. Wake up Democrat’s!
    What the health plan wants to do is give poor people health care on the backs of everyone else. You don’t have to work for it. You don’t even have to be here legally. The health care industry wants to be paid for these free rider’s and that’s going to be the tax payer. But I agree with many that we are already paying higher medical bills from this practice.
    If you really want to cut costs, real costs! Then you have to consider how much you want to spend on aging care. Do you spend millions on terminal ill patients? Do you spend millions on high risks surgeries with low percentage success rates? That’s is what is costing us. We are not solving that, heck I don’t think Congress is even talking about that! All I here about is getting more people on health care? Excuse me but how is that going to save anyone money? We have less people having car accidents but my rates keep going up? So is more people on health insurance going to make my health premium go down? I don’t think so!

  29. bobbo, you just don't understand says:

    The example at #30 is real. Its when I came to learn what “stablized” really means. But here’s another one that has made the general news a few times.

    No pay patient has renal failure and need dialysis every 3 days. Is the patient given HOSPITAL CARE and allowed to schedule a 3 hour visit with the dialysis machines on the ward?===NO.

    What do they get??? – – – EMERGENCY ROOM CARE.

    They have to wait until they are in or very close to renal failure ((ie–an Emergency Exists as opposed to a Chronic Condition)) and then get processed thru the Emergency Room to get to those same dialysis machines.

    Those with HEALTHCARE get regular dialysis until a kidney becomes available. Those with EMERGENCY ROOM CARE average about one year before they die from some delay somewhere.

    Good system—No?

  30. chuck says:

    I’m confused. Is Obamacare about providing health care, or providing health insurance?

    As far as I know, illegal immigrants have no problem getting health care – they just go to the emergency room and they get it.

    And, there’s nothing to stop them buying health insurance (other than not being able to afford it). Insurance companies will take money from anyone, they aren’t picky about someone’s legal status.

    Getting back to my first point: Is the debate about health care, or health insurance? I thought it was just about insurance – you know, those 40 million who don’t have health insurance. Although something like 20 million of them do earn enough money to afford insurance – they just choose not to get it.


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