This is from the Huffington Post. More after the break.

  1. ArianeB says:

    From what I can tell #2 #3 and #4 are just trying to be funny.

  2. Satchmo Bevins says:

    I guess #1 was just sending a message to any potential suitors.

    “No pubic option for you!!!”

    Poor guys….*emo tear*

  3. Benjamin says:

    They only show the signs with misspellings. They don’t show the correctly spelled ones.

    I had to read that first sign a few times to see that it was misspelled. Psychologically, you read something as what it is supposed to be, not what you actually see. Thank goodness for spell check. Unfortunately ‘pubic’ would be spelled right according to Microsoft. Also, poster board has no spell check.

  4. tj says:

    No public option! I don’t want the government in charge of my healthcare.

    And while we’re at it,
    No public schools! I don’t want the government in charge of my children’s education… I mean they can’t even run the cash for clunkers program.

    No more military!!! Why do we have this socialized military anyway? The government can’t be trusted to protect our safety.

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    “No Pubic Option”.

    Maybe, hopefully, these crazy’s will follow this option and disappear in a generation or two.

  6. Dallas says:

    This is the polluted environment that allows the repugnant party to live on.

    It’s also the same environment that allows the filth money and special interest groups to live on.

    See the connection?

  7. Phydeau says:

    I’d have hit that, if not for that sign… 🙂

  8. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Why should Obama bring back “Arrested Development”? It was a great show that was under appreciated but, come on, get a life.

    Or maybe half of these protesters were mocking the others in the “crowd”. If so,why? I bet those being mocked did not even recognize the mocking. What’s the fun in that?

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    Dallas said: “This is the polluted environment that allows the repugnant party to live on. ”

    Really? You’re assuming these are all republicans. Except for what’s printed on the signs, these folks look just like those protesting GWB for the last eight years.

  10. Dallas says:

    I think this is the daughter of the republican who warned McCain that Obama is a Muslim.
    ” proposals would force people to let the government access their bank accounts”

    Again, Repugs steal a page from Heinrich Himmler.
    “The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don’t ask for their love; only for their fear”

  11. RTaylor says:

    The Democrats are blowing like they’ve done so many times before. If they could pull themselves together as a party, it would be a done deal. A lot of these protestors are plants, just to keep the damn news cameras focused on them. The message gets through, no matter how wrong it is. We need a speaker how can threaten, kick ass, and deliver on threats to get the house in line. Nancy is no Tip O’Neil.

  12. Phydeau says:

    Agreed, RTaylor, the D’s are their own worst enemies, and the best thing the R’s have going for them is the D’s. 🙁

  13. Named says:

    10 AlfredENewman,
    “Otherwise, I only see your irrationality, once again, manifested.”

    You’re talking about yourself again… Get some help.

  14. MikieV says:

    #15 “… irrelevant and immaterial to the actual part of the bill which DOES give Government access to bank accounts…or did you think its free?”

    What is this “Government access” that I am supposed to be concerned with?

    Something like the US just got from UBS, to check on people evading their taxes?

  15. Dale says:

    Alfred E. would be insulted by the connection Named (#18)

  16. Improbus says:

    Youth in Asia … (snort), smirk

  17. DHZ says:

    #8 I see from your comments that your belong to the peace and tolerance party.

    If the Democrats want health care all they have to do is pass it. They don’t need any Republican votes to do it. Or is it that they don’t want to be the only party to get blamed for passing it.

  18. Howard Beale says:

    I’m willing to let the outfit that will pick up a piece of mail from a house in Key West Florida and deliver it to a house in Barrow Alaska for only 44¢ have a crack at health care. I’d much prefer my taxes went to keeping my neighbors healthy then to killing people in wars we had no business starting.

  19. bac says:

    If the Health Care Reform dies because the people do not want it, would the people object to the health insurance companies raising customer premiums 2 to 3 times before the years end?

  20. brm says:

    How can anyone look at these signs and say this movement is astroturfing? Especially while all the Obama supporters have professionally printed signs.

  21. eaglescout1998 says:

    You could fix 90 percent of the problems with health insurance by ending the federal law allowing states to ban health insurance sales across state lines.

    When John McCain called for ending the ban during the 2008 presidential campaign, he was attacked by Joe Biden — another illustration of the ironclad Ann Coulter rule that the worst Republicans are still better than allegedly “conservative” Democrats.

  22. noname says:

    What are Republicans afraid of?

    If they like, what they have, they keep it.

    If they don’t like, what they have, they don’t have to take the public option.

    What are Republicans afraid of, the truth.

    The truth is more people will choose the public option, because; it is more affordable and will give better health outcomes.

    Democrat’s population will therefore grow larger and healthier, voting out RePUCKaTons before they die off.

    Of course, this only accelerates RePUCKaTon already dwindling size, not unlike their collective IQ.

    It’s the “final solution” the RePUCKaTons have been wet dreaming of.

  23. ikapuza89 says:


    Well said.

  24. ikapuza89 says:


    I couldn’t have said it beter myself.

  25. noname says:

    # 26 Benjamin, au contraire, construction of our highways had nothing to do with mail delivery. Another RePUCKaTon lie uncovered.

    The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, popularly known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (Public Law 84-627), was enacted on June 29, 1956, when Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the bill into law. Appropriating $25 billion for the construction of 41,000 miles (66,000 km) of Interstate Highways over a 20-year period, it was the largest public works project in American history to that point.[citation needed]

    The money was handled in a highway trust fund that paid for 90 percent of highway construction costs with the states required to pay the remaining 10 percent. It was expected that the money would be generated through new taxes on fuel, automobiles, trucks and tires.

    Eisenhower’s support of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 can be directly attributed to his experiences in 1919 as a participant in the U.S. Army’s first Transcontinental Motor Convoy across the United States on the historic Lincoln Highway, which was the first road across America. The highly publicized 1919 convoy was intended, in part, to dramatize the need for better main highways and continued federal aid.

  26. deckered says:

    FYI, the misspelled signs are Photoshopped. Just Say’in. Still funny though.

  27. noname says:

    # 34 deckered, do you have, a non-PhotoShopped picture you want to show us??????????????

  28. right says:

    I think we have to make sure that when the public option becomes available, Alfred1 does not sign up.
    We need for him to pay exorbitant fees……..sorry, I made a big mistake.

    It’s obvious that he doesn’t have any health insurance today because of his “pre-existing” condition.
    Odds on him being the first in line once it’s offered? Har!

    Alfred1 in the lineup – “I never said I was against it, you loons.”

  29. ridin the short bus says:

    These signs are quite funny… although the subject matter is not. And the Question has been asked…why are republicants so objecting to a public option? If they are happy with what they be it… I am for public option single payer universal health care, I have seen it in action and I will say that a friend of mine is alive a well to day because if it. And he is not in debt, he can spend the rest of his life not worrying about being in debt, (he is from te UK) unlike the American System, you may want to commit suicide after getting the bill from your survival!!! If we downsized the military, (700+ installations over seas) started to look after our own interests at home, concentrated on manufacturing and looked after our selves, created a fair and flat tax system, the dollar would become stonger and we would be respected again, sort of the opposite of todays america… everyone is laughing at us…. if the Russians get their stuff tofether, watch out…they will be ruling us… they have the oil the money the will,…and justified.. it seems… thanks to the Republicants…again and again… me me me me me oh look I made another dollar!!!…. we are in a death spiral…

  30. Ah_Yea says:


    “What are Republicans afraid of?”


    The real question is,
    “What are the Democrats afraid of?”

    The Dems control the government, the Dems have the majority, so what’s the problem? Just have the balls and do it!


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