This is a really great show I have just heard about. The host is called Judge Napolitano and one of the guests this week is Congressman Ron Paul.

Freedom Watch is (I think) only available online but rumors are popping up saying that it will get a 30-minute slot on Fox TV.

  1. qb says:

    Holy crap is that boring.

  2. Schleprock says:

    It’s amazing how scared many Republicans are letting themselves get(not real thinking conservatives). They’ll tell you that they are so courageous, yet they have to take an uzi to a bake sale to protect themselves from the teachers union.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Well I made it to 1:59. I tried but my stomach was really getting woozy.

    A specific? Well, telling us that everything the current Administration is doing is unconstitutional is wrong. How can someone pretending to a Judge make such a comment? This may be a favorite line of the right wing nuts but is really just another one of their lies they spout to make themselves feel better.

    I wonder if this is one of those ten strangers Liberty Loser keeps talking about that need medical help.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:


    If this is your idea of a “good show”, you and Alphie have too much in common. Thanks, but one Alphie is 10 too many.

  5. Schleprock says:

    Chris Wallace(reporting from the field) answering a question about the possibility of W. misleading the American public …” This president would never do that!”
    That’s objective reporting… Well, for Fox at least.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Stupid idiot Cuban I see.

  7. Schmuck'r says:

    With a name like Fox, it’s got to be good.

  8. deowll says:

    It would appear that a lot of people posting here like to use smear tactics when they run into people who don’t agree with their views.

    I don’t admire the tactic or the people that use it. Any cause they support is automatically dubious until proven other wise.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #41, doill,

    Now aren’t you calling the kettle black? You, who loves to make up crap, calling others “smear tactics”?

    I have the lowest opinion of anyone who knowingly lies on purpose in order to make the opponent look bad. You aren’t the worst, Alphie really has no competition, but you are bad enough.

  10. bobbo, I got nothing for ya says:

    I keep trying to watch the video and get interrupted, but I’ll get there.

    There is value in watching even pure BS. How do they think. What are their gears and levers. What germ of an idea do they have right and how do they lose it?

    I’ve read/watched/listened to lots of libertarians because I am one, in large measure. It is an excellent touchstone to use when weighing most social issues===where is our personal liberty.

    But when a factor becomes the whole, it loses utility. Thats when Ron Paul and most newsmakers/novelists become LIEBERTARIANS. Just taking a good thing too far over to the Dark Side.

    Freedom is a good thing. Freedom for taxes and everything else. But we live in society, not an isolated island.

    Reality is a bitch. Deal with it.

  11. bobbo, I lie all the time says:

    #43–Alfie==good point. Role model for us all.

    Smear Tactics: See the Video in the Header.

    Hah, hah.

    Candy for the already toothless.

  12. Somebody says:

    #12 – notthatdumb

    Yeah, what’s all this crap about freedom?

    With freedom comes responsibility.

    Nobody wants that.

  13. lividd says:

    #8 douchbag, NOTHING forced about it, learn2 opt in

  14. Cronjob says:

    As Fragalot mentioned, Napolitano used to be a day time TV judge on FOX before FOX NEWS hired him to be one of their commentators/anchors/whatever. Yeah, FOX NEWS is all high class, clearly.

    Actually, despite being on FOX, Napolitano isn’t all that bad. He often disagrees with all of those other idiots when they don’t understand why something as lame as “free speech” is important.

    However, I believe he is actually the brother of Janet Napolitano, too (the former Governor turned… whatever it is she is now).

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, jc,

    A good post except for the screwed up links. A couple of suggestions.

    Put your link on a separate line instead of in the middle of a paragraph.

    Use Tiny URL. This is a free service that will take long (or any) URL and convert it to a much shorter one. It sits as a small icon in your browser. When you are at the site you wish to link to, just click on the Tiny URL icon and it will automatically take you to the TinyURL page with a link you can paste into your selection.

    A very handy tool for those stubborn and very long links. This a link to DU.

  16. Carcarius says:

    I have been watching this show for a while now. I am glad to see someone give it a good mention on this blog.

  17. LibertyLover says:

    #39, Stupid idiot Cuban I see.

    I never considered you a racist before.

    And to think Cuba has socialized HC. I would have thought he would be your hero because of that.

    I mean, Cuba is the model you want to change our system to, right?

    WHY would you save your wife instead of 10 strangers?

  18. dexton7 says:

    Fox news is atrocious, just like Fox’s other mass media cousins.. that it true. Sometimes they will let some alternative show on so that they don’t appear to be 100% pentagon news.

    This show ‘Freedom Watch’ has some very dangerous ideas about America – like freedom, liberty, and never trusting the over-sized parasitic government. I remember reading these concepts about the United States in history books growing up. I think that they edited out those scary parts for the current generation of kids.

    I tend to agree with
    #46 Somebody and #12 notthatdumb

    “Yeah, what’s all this crap about freedom?
    With freedom comes responsibility.
    Nobody wants that.”

    We get the government that we deserve I guess.

  19. tcc3 says:

    #53 Translation: I like it when people agree with me.

  20. LibertyLover says:

    #55, FTW in my book.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, Loser,

    Still around? I notice you haven’t answered my question, why didn’t YOU save my father?

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #53, Alphie,

    You still sound like a statist, budding Nazi, Jesus freak.

  23. noname says:

    Let me summarize Judge Napolitano loooogn non-sequitur

    Government, big, bad, evil

    Business, good, not evil, not too big

    Let’s now let’s review what has happened in the recent years.

    GM, Lehman Brothers, Enron, WorldCom, Health South, and on and on and on

    Unnecessary IRAQ war, and all the other things Judge Napolitano book outlines.

    So who is worse, business or government?? At least we got rid on one common denominator GWB. Now, we need to educate the other common denominator, brain washed and can’t think rationally RePUCKaTons.

  24. LibertyLover says:

    #58, Imitation is the best form of flattery. Thank you.

    Now where were we . . . oh, that’s right. You were trying to find a hair long enough on your ass to answer the question:

    WHY would you save your wife instead of 10 strangers?

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    Why didn’t you save my father?

  26. stalinvlad says:

    Outlaw health insurance
    Make it illegal to pay and provide health cover
    Just leave it up to people to save money themselves for medical emergencies

    In fact outlaw all insurance, as it is in effect a big ponzi scheme (e.g. social security)

    Anything which relies on randomness is in effect gambling, so the moral high ground is mine, you lose any arguments from here on in on my brilliant solution

    You have until monday next week to comply with my ruling

  27. Rick Cain says:

    “Freedom Watch” is a terrible name. It sounds like its a show that monitors freedom and makes sure it doesn’t get too popular.

  28. Dick Dawkins says:


    “You still sound like a statist, budding Nazi, Jesus freak.”

    You still sound like a cool, fun-loving guy who must have lots of friends. Thankfully your Mother allows your friends down into your basement room. HAR!

  29. LibertyLover says:

    #61, Why can’t you be a man and tell us WHY you would save your wife instead of 10 strangers?

    Any other man would tell us if he were asked.


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