Yes, I know this is hypocritical since I’m writing about it, but my point is that the mainstream media is talking about stuff like this instead of the country’s issues.

  1. George says:

    Funny how the people that were cheered for bringing back grace and elegance to the Whitehouse seem to be just like the rest of us “Ugly Americans”.

    I suspect that if Cindy McCain were first lady and did this, we’d hear Dave Letterman joking about the trailer trash in the Whitehouse.

  2. Jaws_D says:

    We all know FOX Noise made her wear them. Or maybe is was because Bush is a Nazi…

  3. noname says:

    This is why I dislike the news. American news doesn’t answer or attempt to further an issue, they muddy, confuse and mislead so they can sell the public their next news update after the commercial.

    This is why the typical American is so dumb, they can’t distinguish what is real news, because it has become so rare.

    Thank you Guilherme Cherman for just being another carnival barker.

  4. Guilherme Cherman says:

    #3, you do realize “real news” is ironic.

  5. hhopper says:

    Unfortunately, the only news available nowadays is tabloid news. It’s what sells.

  6. Uncle Walter says:

    What is this “news” you speak of?

  7. John C. Qwerty says:

    Her wearing shorts is pretty hot…much like the Marines behind her, I am standing at attention (as it were). Yah, I went there!

  8. Dallas says:

    This is a red herring for republicans to gnaw on something while democrats fix the nations problems. Repugs get easily distracted with shit like this.

    Brilliant! Obama is out ” Fox News’ing” the sheeple!

    Look for suspenders and a tank top at the next military budget debate.

  9. Luc says:

    Come on, Guilherme. What the heck are you talking about? When did the press EVER not waste readers’ time with that kind of filler? It doesn’t matter whether there are more pressing matters or not, or things are being taken care of or not, the media has always published rubbish like that. How is the US media different from Brazilian media? I see irrelevant news about Lula and his every little move on TV all the time. The guy can hardly fart and not make the news.

    You have a problem: you try too hard to get attention.

  10. what the says:


    Oh dear god please don’t confuse those Air Force dudes with Marines. It will be a very sad day if our Marines ever looked that bad.

  11. noname says:

    # 11 what the said, thank you for pointing that out.

    Dress blues really do make the Marines look as smart and tough as they are.

    The over-sized blue pajamas the Airy-Force wears is really pathetic.

  12. John C. Qwerty says:

    #11, #12 I apologize for the confusion and mistaking the uniforms. I was simply distracted my Michelle’s Summer uniform. 🙂

  13. Somebody says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  14. Dee says:

    WTF??? What was this stupid remark for? Are you not quite there?

  15. Tired Canadian says:

    Hey you guys quit picking on Guilherme and his poor choice of items to report on. He can’t help the fact that there really isn’t anything interesting or important to talk about what with George Bush having fixed every damn problem that the planet had been facing. Also Guilherme is from Brazil were they play lots of soccer and we all know what excessive soccer playing leads to …….. mental laziness !!! So in review Guilherme is blameless but Bush and soccer should be given nothing but the coldest of shoulders !
    Thanks and have a swell day.

  16. Cinco says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  17. Poppa Boner says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  18. Tim Yates says:

    Use to be a time when the affluent would dress up to go to a baseball game.

  19. BigBoyBC says:

    I wonder if the media will spend the next two-three months talking about her legs, just like they did with her arms…

  20. LDA says:

    It would not be ‘news’ if people were not interested. The media wants to make money, this crap makes money. This is not a modern phenomenon. Blame the consumers.

  21. Named says:

    19 and 15,

    seems like the true republicans have arrived.

  22. Amsterdamned says:

    That woman is ugly. Moo!

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    The right wing nuts intellecual height has been reached by most of the comments so far here. The same crowd that worships Sarah “Trailer Trash” Palin and Michelle “Ding-A-Ling” Bachmann for their intelligence once again criticize others on their looks.

    How this country ever survived eight years of this crap is amazing.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    Here, something for all the 12 y/o in the crowd.

    A woman thinks her breasts are too big.

  25. Yoda Did It says:

    Pidgeon-toed and bow-legged – what an ugly *@#%& !

  26. smartalix says:

    Some people are so stupid they’re amusing.

  27. bobbo, as deadly as a samuri sword strike says:

    #24–Fusion==”How this country ever survived eight years of this crap is amazing.” /// USA did not survive BushCo. He killed us, we just don’t recognize it yet==like the laughing foe who think the Ninja missed. As soon as he looks down, game over.

  28. green says:

    This old music vid sums up TV News quite well:

  29. Mr Diesel says:

    #26 Mr Fusion

    Uh what were we talking about again?

  30. Alex says:

    I am big fan of this blog, but since a couple of weeks this guy Guilherme Cherman has been trolling posts on a daily basis. I have googled him and discovered that is a brazilian teenager who has a site promoting a electronic book called “Ganhe Dinheiro Com Seu Blog – Guilherme Cherman” translated: make money with your blog, and is an idiotic manual of dirty tricks to catch clicks and make money with publicity. Please Mr Dvorak or Uncle Dave stop this nonsense.


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