Conservatives have strenuously denied that there is any anti-Semitism on display by anti-health reform protesters at town hall meetings nationwide — despite all the evidence to the contrary. Last week, Las Vegas radio station KDWN AM720 sponsored a “contentious” town hall, emceed by conservative morning show host Heidi Harris. At the event, local news stations were interviewing an Israeli man who was praising the “fantastic” “national health care” in Israel. During his remarks, a woman yelled out, “Heil Hitler!”

Thanks Mister Justin.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    #67 – Alfredone – She is a patriot

    There you go again. You’re calling a Nazi sympathizer “a patriot”. It’s like spitting all the American WW2 veterans in their faces.

    Unfortunately, budding Nazis…

    You must be referring to yourself since you’ve told us that you’re in line with her way of being.

  2. MikeN says:

    This is funny commentary coming from a Left that has been comparing Israel to the nazis for decades.

  3. noname says:

    #73 bac, why on earth are you trying to have an intelligent exchange with Alfred1. Face it, it can’t be done.

    Same goes with Obama, why is he trying to have an intelligent exchange with Republicans?

    People deliberately spreading FUD can not be publicly talked too or trusted.

    Because Obama is a lawyer, it seems; he believes that Truth can come from two opposing sides.

    In this debate I do not see that to be true. Please ignore and don’t feed the trolls

  4. Dallas says:

    The Repugs are using the HealthCare issue as a way to unite their party. Never mind the issue, it’s about the party.

    I can see this sliding into more street violence. Observe the Repug nutt case carrying a weapon strapped to his leg at an Obama rally.

    This is the scum that gravitates to the GOP. Glad I’m not associated with this garbage.

  5. holdfast says:

    Stop feeding the troll everyone!

    Alfred1 is talking absolute garbage for al least one of a number of possible reasons, including…

    1. He actually believes the tripe he is coming out with. In this case, don’t mock the afflicted.

    2. He is not taking his medication. Speak softly to him and see if you can find out who his carer is.

    3. He is a professional stirrer who enjoys in annoying normal people. Like I said at the top, Don’t Feed The Troll.

    Not everyone who wants the US health insurance industry to have ever rising profits agrees with everything that he has been saying here. I suspect, many are a little embarrassed by people like him and find him useful but wish he would shut up sometimes!

  6. noname says:

    #75 MikeN, since you popped in late to the discussion (if you can call discussing anything with a Republican a discussion?); do you think, this wig wearing person in the video is a praiseworthy American patriot for trying to silence the Israeli man?

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    I’m sure the Nazi’s also loved their kids. Doesn’t make it wrong or evil.

  8. jccalhoun says:

    Nazis also got the trains running on time. If trains run on time it is a clear sign that the government is a bunch of Nazis.

  9. bac says:

    I am tired of the Nazi term. Too many parties have used the term Nazi in too many ways that now it is meaningless.

    How about comparing the Obama administration to the Roman Empire? Emperor Obama of the American Empire.

    If Emperor Obama has his way, people like Alfred will be fed to the lions. This could be entertaining. Fat people living off the government giving thumb ups or downs depending on who they want to live in a true death panel style.

  10. Improbus says:

    The level of teh stupid on this thread may have reached an all time high for this blog and that is saying something. (golf clap) There is a word for you wing nuts: hysterical.

    Hysteria, in its colloquial use, describes a state of mind, one of unmanageable fear or emotional excesses – Wikipeida

  11. Hugh Ripper says:

    #82 Alfred

    What budding Nazi’s? Your talking bollocks, mate. Parroting the same crap every time you post doesn’t make it any less ridiculous, you know. You are you, George Bush?

  12. Jägermeister says:

    Similar to Hitler and Mussolini, Alfredone will outdo his mentor, Rush Limbaugh.

  13. Rick Cain says:

    So leftists protest our money used to kill people, and rightwingers protest our money being used to save people?

  14. kmach844 says:

    what’s the deal with the black guy dancing in the background. LMFAO This was the funniest movie clip i’ve ever watched!!!

  15. noname says:

    Alfred1 #94 Why do you bring up FDR when discussing Theodore Roosevelt?

    Was this part of your “totality of my comparison” cited in you banal #94 post?

    Then, as to top it off, you make the comment “You both behave similarly to your opponents” … “utilize ad hominem”

    You just “utilize ad hominem” then you criticize it. Doesn’t that make you another stupid republican hypocrite?

  16. bobbo, calling Dr Kildare says:

    Hey Alfie==religious and political nutbags are common in our society, pimping individualism as we do, mental illness is common and the warehouses were done away with by Raygun.

    Still this budding Nazi choice of yours is a minority view. When did you first notice this threat to whatever it is you hold sacred? You tend to disparage both political parties, Dems more than Repugs, so another cut at the answer might be==who would you like to see as President in 2012?

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #99 – Dr Dodd

    Perhaps you should visit Sweden and study their health care system. Is it really that terrible that all people get treated?

  18. smittybc says:

    #100 How about “Lesson from Sweden’s Universal Health System: Tales from the Health-care Crypt,” published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (spring 2008)” hint…. it’s not encouraging.

    But it’s not about quality of standards with the Left. It never is. It’s about an ideology that values and dictates equality of outcome over all else. As long as everyone has equally bad care (or bad fill in the blank) the Left is happy. You can’t have equality of outcome and liberty at the same time.

    When the Left calls you a racist, sexist, Islamic-phobe, Nazi sympathizer, you know they have run out of arguments.

  19. noname says:

    #100 Jägermeister, What Dr Dodd is clearly saying that this complacency of the Status Quo he wants; helps him, establish his self-satisfied sense of superiority. He seems to advocate this by explaining his sense of superiority is all to do with his judgments of peoples relative wealth and poverty, i.e, their right to life.

  20. Hugh Ripper says:

    #101 Alfred1

    The leftists (Social Democrats) were in opposition to the Nazi party until Hitler banned them and all other parties. The Nazi’s also burned the Reichstag and blamed it on the leftists.

    This idea that the Nazi’s were leftists is truly insane.

  21. noname says:

    #107 Alfred1, isn’t this another one of your many ad hominem attacks “When Axelrod gets rich” that you are so quick to claim the Nazi do?

    Discuss the subject merits, not the people, ok?

  22. bobbo, quibbling is for losers says:

    Hey Alfie=====a poll:

    Is healthcare in USA just perfect the way it is or in the richest country in the world (sic) should 50 Million people have access to healthcare?

    Would you take a life saving drug from a Nazi or prefer to die?

    Would you prefer to die if it meant rich internationalists could make another dollar under the capitalist banner?

    Yes, Alfie, lots of poll questions arise. Heh, heh.

    Alfie, can’t parody himself, so he goes for a Mel Brooks shtick.

  23. ECA says:

    ask your mother how much it cost to Birth you.
    NOW DAYS its $2000-5000 IF you have no medical problems. $100,000 and UP if you have ANY problems.
    ASK her about your FIRST emergency.. how much it cost her..In the USA, START at $2000.

    OVER 60% of the USA makes $10 per hour OR LESS..
    ON FULL TIME thats $20k per year. Can you skip paying a bill or 2 to PAY the hospital?? NOPE..
    Unless a family is bringing in $18 per hour FULL TIME in wages into a home. ANYTHING more then BASIC BILLS AND RENT, ISNT going to be paid.
    so GUESS WHO ends up paying for it in the END, ANYWAY..mostly in STATE TAXES.

    Let me add 1 more point.
    ANY injury that is gotten by a Captured person, GOES TO YOUR STATE TAXES, as the subject HAS TO GO to the hospital for Evaluation, and FIXING..
    MIN COST…$1000. And can go ALOT higher..VERY quickly.

  24. jccalhoun says:

    Someone needs to learn that politics is not a line where people can only be left or right. but you shouldn’t be surprised when someone who didn’t graduate from high school is ignorant.

    Nazis wore clothes and walked on two legs! Therefore anyone wearing clothes and walking on two legs might be a Nazi!

  25. O'Really says:

    Dr Dodd said, on August 19th, 2009 at 12:02 pm

    Here 21 years and no health insurance? Just another slug who believes someone else should be responsible and pay for his health care.

    Bet he pays for his own home and car insurance but somehow can’t be bothered with his health insurance.

    I have little doubt that the $8000 dollar bill he claims to owe will be passed on for someone else to pay.

    Interesting, so you pay 100% of your own healthcare.

    I bet if you were offered two similar jobs that paid the same salary but one had company sponsored health care and the other had nothing, you would probably choose the employer that provided health care, correct? You would then be expecting someone else to “be responsible and pay for your health care”. Since it cost the company to underwrite such a benefit.

    BTW, I’m an Active Duty Soldier in the US Army and I love my government sponsored health care. Thank you tax payers! I’m also glad that I’m afforded the opportunity to protect and defend the US Constitution so that people like the lady in the video have the 1st Amendment right to yell “Heil Hitler” and show herself to be a complete ASS.

  26. bobbo, quibbling is for losers says:

    I think labels do control the subject being discussed.

    Thats how I know Alfie is very cruel and dismissive of women, as he is of everything else.

    I don’t know if he walks on two legs and wears clothes, but yes, he too could maybe might be a Nazi.

    Self Hatred is not unknown in this world: see any Repuglican.

  27. noname says:

    # 118 Alfred1,

    “I don’t want to live in an America, where I must beg a bureaucrat for life itself.”

    You already do, it’s called private health insurance and their death panels.

  28. Dr Dodd says:


    Your example is slightly flawed as your employer doesn’t pay for your health care insurance – you do as part of your salary. So naturally I would take the job for the employer that offers to pay my health care insurance since it means he is offering a higher salary.

    By the way, thanks for your service.

  29. maryland157 says:

    I think that women is just jerk period, I would hate to run into her.


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