Conservatives have strenuously denied that there is any anti-Semitism on display by anti-health reform protesters at town hall meetings nationwide — despite all the evidence to the contrary. Last week, Las Vegas radio station KDWN AM720 sponsored a “contentious” town hall, emceed by conservative morning show host Heidi Harris. At the event, local news stations were interviewing an Israeli man who was praising the “fantastic” “national health care” in Israel. During his remarks, a woman yelled out, “Heil Hitler!”

Thanks Mister Justin.

  1. J says:

    Ha! That is the pot calling the kettle black. Reverse Psychology only works dumb people like Republicans. Perhaps that is why you are convinced you are right?

  2. Dr Dodd says:


    You present too many maybe’s in your argument to complain about my leap of logic given the available facts.

    Excuse me while I laugh as your credibility because it just slammed it’s pitiful head into a brick wall.

  3. John C. Qwerty says:

    Clearly she was a plant from the David Axelrod/Rahm Emmanuel school of dirty politics.

    [Incidentally, that’s a great username! – ed.]

  4. noname says:

    What is a REPUKaTON?

    REPUKaTONs are “pure ignorance and hatred”.

    REPUKaTONs will allays lie.

    REPUKaTONs walk funny because they have Rush Limbaugh head up their ass.

  5. J says:

    # 32 Dr Dodd

    I didn’t make an assumption like you did and there was no leap of logic on my part because I make no claim. I only presented alternatives to disprove your assumption. As long as my alternatives are possible your assumption is nothing more than that. Since your entire post was based on your assumption it has zero credibility so for you to be questioning mine is laughable.

  6. RTaylor says:

    They should stop these ridicules meetings, return to Washington and fix the damn thing. I don’t give a rats ass what these town hall circus assholes are shouting. They’re not intelligent enough to understand the situation. And for the Nazi broad, let her try that in Tel Aviv. This is a dumb strategy that’s not working. Pull the plug like you would on grandma.

  7. Dr Dodd says:


    You should probably lay off the Crack for a while. I doubt you have noticed but trust me it is doing strange things to you.

  8. Improbus says:

    At his point, if I traveled over seas, I would tell everyone I was from Canada. I am embarrassed to be an American.

    America: home of old, stupid and scared white people.

  9. Dr Dodd says:


    You’re talking gibberish. Next time try English so we can understand what is flying around in that confused brain of yours.

  10. J says:

    # 40 Dr Dodd

    Sure. Ok. Anything else?

  11. J says:

    # 42 Alfred1

    Just in case you are confused. Implementing wiretapping programs and restricting the legal rights of American civilians is Hitler like. You dolt!

  12. noname says:

    #41 Alfred1, I am sure everyone agrees, Hitler is very proud of you. Some day, you may meet him.

    Alfred1 and ilk, please decorate yourselves in brown shirt regalia so all can be proud of you and further promote your causes.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Alfred, she’s welcome to say what she wants, but we’re also allowed to ridicule her just like Barney ridiculed the alien table-girl.

  14. ScotterOtter says:

    Rationalist should work for Fox News. Saying the Nazis were “very much involved” is factually correct but completely ignores the fact that Germany had nationalized health care even before the Nazi party took over. Nice try though

  15. Potenza says:

    It’s sad that the real issue of fixing health care is getting derailed.

    To those that say health care is great in the States that’s crap. In 6/06 I screwed my knee up. My health insurance that I got through work didn’t want to cover my surgery. It came down to getting a lawyer & start fighting the insurance to get my surgery. Finally the following May I got my surgery. For 11 months I wasn’t allowed by Dr orders to walk. Yet every month the same Insurance carrier wanted the premium paid.

    I was getting some money during this time via my disability insurance. The carrier of my disabilty insurance was the same company. So the health coverage side said I didn’t need knee reconstruction while the disabiltiy side said I couldn’t work let alone walk cause my knee was trashed.

    So I had to wait 11 mnths to get my knee fixed cause the company was to cheap to pay for my surgery. This country has been screwed for to long due to unfettered capitalism. Companies need regulation or you have run away greed by companies. Corners get cut by food producers, manufacturers, insurance companies, & etc to save a dime screw it if people get sick or die.

    It’s said the health care debate is getting railroaded. I’m not surprised this country is being bought & sold down the drain by out of control businesses, corrupt politicians, & the public not standing up. I don’t by mean people standing up screamin others down or calling people Nazi’s, etc. People really need to start having discussion & making hard decisions or this country’s time really has passed

  16. dusanmal says:

    Nut is a nut. She claims in earlier interview to be conservative. But than, her husband did domain squatting against McCain/Palin ’08 on several easiest domains with their names… I’d say provocateur family by trade.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #41 – alfredone – …its likely more will do as this courageous woman did.

    Are you telling us that being a far right-wing Republican is just one disappointment away from being a Nazi?

  18. Jimm says:

    Is there ANYTIME when praising Hitler is considered a good thing to do? If he wasn’t jewish would she have evoked Hitler’s name? I doubt it. The only good news is she probably believes in hell. See ya there!

  19. Improbus says:

    Alfred, your heart is in the right place but your brain is on Nibiru.

  20. ECA says:

    Only way to have a discussion is to have 2 sides.
    Having 2 sides that LISTEN TO EACH OTHER
    to find a MIDDLE GROUND.

    Going to emergency, and charged $8000
    and the women is doing WHAT?? I wonder how much she gets paid.

    EQUAL respect, EQUAL understanding..
    Otherwise its just 2 groups yelling at each other, and NO ONE LISTENING.
    There is NO “Im right you are WRONG”.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #53 – Alfredone – she clearly is a patriot.

    You scare me… Yelling “Heil Hitler!” proves to us that she’s a Nazi sympathizer and you call her “a patriot”. Shame on you.

  22. no says:

    And that bitch’s vote counts 100% as much as the smartest person in the country. Yay democracy. :/

  23. Hopelesssss says:

    Isn’t it obvious that this was a setup? I mean c’mon. I smell Rahm Emmanuel all over this.
    Politics are getting really dirty these days.

  24. grass4 says:

    Does anyone find it strange at all that not one other commenter agrees with Alfred1… or ever has agreed with Alfred1? That must tell you something.

  25. joaoPT says:

    Didn’t bother to read all comments.

    The guy is a bit accelerated… but she is a CLOWN.
    There will be no end to the debate about health. Try to live in America without health insurance…then go to Canada and try to live there without health insurance. What is more crappy?

  26. fucklibtards says:

    Of course, the fact that most Leftards can’t wait for the Palestinians to kill off the Israelis is forgotten.

    One idiot woman, who may in fact have been making a stupid comment on the fascist nature of this administration, makes all conservatives Anti-semetic.

    And you wonder why we don’t want to negotiate.

  27. bac says:

    If Alfred is not against Medicare and the VHA, he should be. Especially if he is a true patriot.

    So, Alfred, when your time to collect Medicare is here, you are going to refuse it right? You wouldn’t want to be called Nazi now would you?

    A patriot should refuse Medicare.

  28. noname says:

    Oh Alfred1, our budding little Hitler.

    You are just so so cute, yes you are.

    Now, don’t play with those guns, you might hurt yourself; and then what, who would pay for those hospital bills?

    I know, it’s hard not having someone you can kill, but please keep at it.

    Someday you can have your own little Genocide. You can call it, Republican Health Care Reform, or maybe Sieg Heil, even better; call it Heil Hitler for short!

    Sounds really good to you, dosn’t it!

    You can tell people, it’s the American way and they will love it, vote for it and die for it!

  29. freddybobs68k says:


    Well you’re response is hardly inspiring.

    Bottom line is the whole ‘nazi’, ‘hitler’ rhetoric, is retarded and can only really be entertained by people who can’t put forward a coherent argument.

    So let’s not do that. It’s just a distraction from the real issues.

    The amount of responses that read like people trolling is a real eye opener. Yet I guess at least some of them believe what they said.

    Alfred unfortunately seem to always look like he’s trolling.

  30. bac says:

    Alfred, you are reading it wrong.

    I said: “So, Alfred, when your time to collect Medicare is here, you are going to refuse it right? You wouldn’t want to be called Nazi now would you?”

    Which means as a patriot you will refuse Medicare otherwise you will be called a Nazi because you like receiving government social programs.

    Do you understand now?


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