Conservatives have strenuously denied that there is any anti-Semitism on display by anti-health reform protesters at town hall meetings nationwide — despite all the evidence to the contrary. Last week, Las Vegas radio station KDWN AM720 sponsored a “contentious” town hall, emceed by conservative morning show host Heidi Harris. At the event, local news stations were interviewing an Israeli man who was praising the “fantastic” “national health care” in Israel. During his remarks, a woman yelled out, “Heil Hitler!”

Thanks Mister Justin.

  1. mika. says:

    That woman is ^a disgusting piece of trash,..

  2. poisontap says:

    Its a good thing I was not there. I would have put my foot so far up her ass that it would have taken an archeologist to discover it.

  3. kolby386 says:

    The remarks and attitude this woman has should show everyone exactly why every other country in the world seems to hate America. We breed insensitive, apathetic, pseudo-intellectuals who believe they are experts on everybody’s business but their own.

  4. she's kidding says:

    I think she’s kidding; i.e. look at how she faked her sobbing at the end… The problem with the charge of antisemitism is that the Israeli government surly hates muslims and tells us that “it’s OK to hate muslims” and ohhh… “by the way,” “bombing them is a positive thing.”

  5. mika. says:

    @167 The fake sobbing was a disgusting display of “compassion” for the man having to spend $8,000 for a 2 hour stay at the hospital, which is an outrageous amount to have to pay. As to bombing muslims, I’m all for it. The less of these lying murderous retrograde savages with their fantasies of jihadi world conquest, the better.

  6. Wow…that woman is bent on hate speech. I’m sure it must have something to do with the fact that she has a very unhappy life, and she is full of fear about her own future. Instead of bashing her..lets take a minute to pray for her and that man who was totally insulted.

    I don’t recognize this country anymore because people think freedom of speech is entitlement to act like jerks. Would you want her as an employee at your company? Think about it!

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #169, Pompous Asshole,

    I don’t recognize this country anymore because people think freedom of speech is entitlement to act like jerks. Would you want her as an employee at your company?

    No, because you are a pompous asshole that only wants things his way. It doesn’t matter if she is being a jerk, she is ENTITLED to act like a jerk. That is one of the basic rights in this country.

    If you want to or don’t want to hire her is no one’s business but yours. She isn’t asking me to work with me or for me. Whether I would hire her is totally between her and I. If you don’t like America’s freedom of speech, eff off. Stick your head up your ass so your ears are covered.

  8. poisontap says:

    #169, Pompous Asshole,

    I don’t recognize this country anymore because people think freedom of speech is entitlement to act like jerks. Would you want her as an employee at your company?

    No, because you are a pompous asshole that only wants things his way. It doesn’t matter if she is being a jerk, she is ENTITLED to act like a jerk. That is one of the basic rights in this country.

    If you want to or don’t want to hire her is no one’s business but yours. She isn’t asking me to work with me or for me. Whether I would hire her is totally between her and I. If you don’t like America’s freedom of speech, eff off. Stick your head up your ass so your ears are covered.
    You’re right to a certain degree. You can walk up to a Jew and call him a ‘kike’ but you have to be prepared for dire consequences. In the end, its about common sense. If you don’t have any and you choose to hide behind “your rights”, then you deserve the consequences.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #171, poison

    If you must remove someone’s rights because you don’t like what they have to say, then you don’t that right either. We either accept that not all is nice or accept none of it.

  10. Kevin says:

    Actually, I give the guy credit for showing restraint. He should have just decked her. That would have made for a much better You Tube video. People, and that includes women, need to be careful what they say. Too often we don’t experience consequences when we should. If he had broken her jaw, she could have then experienced first hand how great the healthcare system in America is.

  11. Rick Cain says:

    She was just joking.

    Heck when I’m drinking with friends in public I just blurt out “Heil Hitler!” and we laugh it off.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #173, Kevin

    Good point.

  13. Somebody says:

    # 145 bobbo, you don’t need Oxford to call BS said, on August 19th, 2009 at 10:30 pm

    “#144–Somebody==way to hide the sausage. I could go line by line because everything you say is utter nonsense, so you are right, this is NOT Oxford, but even identifying the subject of a issue would be a stretch goal for you. What happened?

    I’ll give the first sentence as the exemplar: “There is really only one important political question and that is whether or not the people will be free.” /// No. The question is how can the richest nation (sic) on earth provide healthcare to its people. Being free has nothing to do with it.

    The rest of your dribble is equally vapid. I could go look, haven’t you posted rationally here in the past?”

    This is not the first time you’ve missed my point and surely won’t be the last.

    You should spend a little time to actually think about freedom and whether or not you see any practical value in it. If you think the most important political question is getting the trains to run on time, you are not ready for this conversation.

    If you think “the nation” should provide health care for “the people”, it’s probably because you have gone blindly past that first question without a clue.

    What a wonderful world this would be if ordinary people could think about the people providing health care for themselves. I mean to think about it clearly with the responsibilities and rights properly assigned. It would be great if people could ask themselves if “health care” is or should be a political question and stand a decent chance of coming up with the right answer.

    Had that been so, we would not now be contemplating more government intervention to remedy problems caused by government intervention in the first place.

    Yeah, I know, you still don’t see it.


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