‘Multisensorize’ here and on the company website.

  1. Mike in Newark says:

    I hate to say this Uncle Dave, but this video player is not exactly thin enough to fit on a magazine page (I doubt that anything with a connector could be construed to be). I will admit that it is pretty thin though, but I am not sure it is really ground breaking (yet). To really take advantage of the thinness of the display they will probably need to use CSP (Chip Scale Packaging) for the support electronics which, considering the thickness of the “box” in the example, I doubt was used.

    I should point out that it looked like the thickness of the promo video player used in the video is getting close to the thickness of some of todays major newspapers (and that is not a rip on this “Ultra Thin Video Player”).

    [Crap. I wrote the headline before I read all of the article and website and then forgot to add the ‘almost’. Fixed. — UD]

  2. noname says:

    Ok, hype aside, this will not provide any more useful buying decision making information then a typical pamphlet does. And, the more glossy and glitzy the presentation (with more emotional tugs) the more useless it will be in making car buying decision.

    It’s will be no more useful then a television commercial or even an TV infomercial.

  3. Hugh Ripper says:

    Excellent…now Montgomery Burns can peruse an animated ivory back scratcher catalogue instead of the normal glossy colour one.

  4. Luc says:

    What a teensy tiny screen!

  5. Cuecat says:

    Introducing my doomed offspring, :ViewCat

  6. Improbus says:

    Wow, that was pretty lame. Like a multi-media cd-rom lame.

  7. Awake says:

    That’s the trick… embed a small screen advertising stuff on a dying media form (printed media). Brilliant idea!

  8. Ah_Yea says:

    Let’s take another look.

    Why not gang the screens together to make an actually useful, reasonably priced Kindle?

    8×10 screen, full color, thin, hooks to computer for new content, etc.

  9. Cursor_ says:

    This would have been awesome in 2002.

    Nearly 2010 and the Kindle (despite being grayscale) makes this look like Encarta.


  10. ridin the short bus says:

    A waste of resourses to create a display that is for use one time only in a periodical magazine… this will hit the news stands with “Entertainment Weekly”…. another waste of time…. it will be a very short lived novelty

  11. pecker says:

    I read the blurb about the device and it actually sounds quite cool.
    The big turn-off is that it’s just being used for advertising. We really need to find new applications for this techno-stuff other than just trying to brainwash people into buying crap they don’t need.

  12. waltersobchack says:

    Sorry but not impressed. My phone is thinner and has a bigger screen.

    Looks like its thin enough to fit in cardboard box maybe.

  13. killer duck says:

    Just what we need to see the land fills fill up with.

    What a waste of effort and resources.


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