Stan Romanek is said to have had the most scientifically documented human/extraterrestrial encounters case in the world.

Romanek’s encounters date back to December 27, 2000. He has had over 100 individual experiences.

Romanek has, in the past, produced photographs of marks on his body, purportedly inflicted by aliens during abduction. He has also released photographs of burn marks in his yard and of a UFO leaving Earth.

He has also produced strange equations and predictions, the authenticity of which have caused considerable controversy.

In 2003, while living in Nebraska, Romanek set up a video camera to catch, what he suspected, was a peeping tom. The resulting video allegedly shows the head of an extraterrestrial looking through the house window.

Submitted for your approval… or not.

  1. Greg Allen says:

    I can’t believe ABC ran this video.

    And TV execs are dismayed that people don’t take their news shows seriously!

  2. dave says:

    Aw, he’s shy…

    Am I the only one that filled in the time between seeing the guy set up the camera and the zoom to the window with him running outside and putting a puppet on his hand?

  3. ikapuza89 says:

    @Greg Allen

    Good call.

  4. valcs says:

    awesome! i love when aliens behave like humans. I just love peeking aliens, especially those who kidnapped him before and performed surgery and suddenly they became peaking cute creatures. as dave said. they are so shy.

  5. Thinker says:

    🙂 Best one yet! Amazing what you can do with modern technology.

  6. Mac Guy says:

    I love the little pirouette he does after checking the window.

  7. ren says:

    Was there any other evidence at the scene?

    Like… a burrito wrapper or something…

  8. newglenn says:

    I heard “Okay, I’m gonna go to bed now”
    Would that be your reaction after seeing a peeping alf in your window?

  9. Animby says:

    At last! Proof positive. I can finally admit my belief.

    There really IS an ABC news.

  10. dm says:

    I Want To Believe.
    But this video makes it pretty difficult.

  11. NancyDisgrace says:

    Anyone remember the book “Communion”.
    It was about alien abductions.

    It was a #1 New York Times bestseller in the >>>NON-FICTION<<< category.

    People are something else!

  12. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I’ll sneak up to this fellows window to peek in because even with an interstellar spacecraft to my credit, I never thought to invent binoculars.

  13. Jim says:

    hey guys! lets fly 100 billion miles and peek in some windows!

  14. RRD says:

    #7 Thinker – said “Best one yet! Amazing what you can do with modern technology.”

    Or with 6 year old technology too, cause that’s how old this idiocy is.

    Puppet making has advanced far since this vid though. He should maybe put out a newer version.

  15. rbitting says:

    Shortly after this the aliens discovered the females species and the girls shower at the local high school. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

  16. ScotterOtter says:

    Said it before and I’ll say it again…if any being has the technology to visit this planet, they also have the technology to avoid being caught on camera

  17. KAMV says:

    I always thought muppets were aliens.

  18. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #18 “Aliens meets Porky’s”

  19. Dallas says:

    What’s more shocking is this didn’t show on Fox Noise.

  20. Kim Helliwell says:

    ScotterOtter says:
    “Said it before and I’ll say it again…if any being has the technology to visit this planet, they also have the technology to avoid being caught on camera”

    My response: More to the point, such aliens (if they exist) probably are MUCH too smart to bother with us at all.

    My solution to the “where is ET” “dilemma” is: our solar system (or Earth at least) is under quarantine by them (if any exist). Kind of a super version of the Prime Directive.

  21. pwuk says:

    He’s only got little legs…

  22. opcow says:

    They fly across the galaxy to study us and apparently the surveillance technology they brought with consists of just a stepladder.

  23. Robart says:

    Wow! That was soooo not convincing. All I could see was a guy under the window with a broomstick stuck in a alien mask giggling.

  24. Paul says:

    If you look closely you can tell that it is bigfoot in an alien suit. I mean aliens, like yeah right…

  25. Miguel says:


    Cute alien! Seemed kinda furry.

    File it under ‘Humor’

    Reminds me of my cats sometimes 🙂

  26. 9yo says:

    i liked Alien Autopsy better

  27. Mr Diesel says:

    # 9 ren said,

    “Was there any other evidence at the scene?

    Like… a burrito wrapper or something…”

    Yes, there was a tiny condom wrapper outside the window and some blotches of green slimey stuff.

    Of course aliens would travel billions of light years just to get busted as a peeping pervert………..totally believable.

  28. Are you kidding me..?
    it must have been filmed on Halloween as that’s about the level of complexity in this kids suit.

    I believe in Aliens… but this is nowhere near real.

    Who is the sideshow at ABC that let this get on the air? Unless of course, they’re trying to make their sci-fi budget look that much better by showing this crap.

  29. bill says:

    Burning bag of poop left at the back door!

    Those Aliens are a hoot!!!!


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