Stan Romanek is said to have had the most scientifically documented human/extraterrestrial encounters case in the world.

Romanek’s encounters date back to December 27, 2000. He has had over 100 individual experiences.

Romanek has, in the past, produced photographs of marks on his body, purportedly inflicted by aliens during abduction. He has also released photographs of burn marks in his yard and of a UFO leaving Earth.

He has also produced strange equations and predictions, the authenticity of which have caused considerable controversy.

In 2003, while living in Nebraska, Romanek set up a video camera to catch, what he suspected, was a peeping tom. The resulting video allegedly shows the head of an extraterrestrial looking through the house window.

Submitted for your approval… or not.

  1. pguyton says:

    maybe the alien was high on some sort of alien drug; humans do mega stupid things when we are wasted; maybe aliens are the same way; the only ones we see are the ones who are out of it. (I wonder what adam curry thinks?)

  2. circuitsmith says:

    # 9 ren said,

    “Was there any other evidence at the scene?

    Like… a burrito wrapper or something…”

    Actually, it was a tiny bottle of lotion from the Jupiter Motel and some blotches of green slimey stuff.

  3. circuitsmith says:

    Oh, and props to Mr Diesel.

  4. noname says:

    It’s the ghost of Walter Cronkite making a cameo on ABC news.

    If it’s on ABC you know it real!

  5. Cursor_ says:

    To this I say the only thing I can say…

    ROGER! You come out here this instant!


  6. Wightout says:

    I told you Ghosts were fake!

  7. Awake says:

    Peekabooo…. I seee you… lalalala… I see you….

  8. Uncle Don says:

    If it was in Arkansas I’d say it was Bill Clinton looking for interns.

    Oh wait …

    I was just reminded this is 2009, not 1999, so jokes about Bill don’t work anymore.

  9. noname says:

    Why didn’t he open the window and invite it in?

    Milk and Cookies is the Intergalactic Space Federation recognized way to greet our intergalactic friends.

  10. Satchmo Bevins says:

    Never ever trust what you see on video.

    In unrelated news, I am not R.Kelly.

  11. hhopper says:

    That was obviously fake. If you want to see some REAL alien video, check this out.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    Its people like this that make folks who actually had alien encounters look like total idiots.

    I’ve seen better aliens on Stargate SG-1

  13. Hugh Ripper says:

    Mum? Come in out of the cold will ya!

  14. Miguel says:

    #44 Real aliens are actually more likely to look like those than the one in the original video. Really!

  15. Carcarius says:

    I bet Miss Piggy had a crush on the peeping tom alien too.

  16. Mr Kanamit says:

    On behalf of the people of Kanamit, I am greatly sorry, Cusack didn’t properly introduce himself, as is proper Kanamit’s custom.

    He was told to introduce himself and give those nice people one of Kanamit’s popular books “To Serve Man”.

    Because of this, Cusack has been called back to Kanamit for additional training. When the time is right, he may again revisit Earth.

    In the meantime, all governments of earth should ensure all their people eat right and stay healthy (free heath care).

    Best Wishes from the people of Kanamit
    Mr Kanamit

  17. Buzz says:

    Re re re re re re re re resubmitted for your approval.

  18. deowll says:

    Um, they must be very low tech aliens who lack sophisticated equipment for observing others.

    No need to risk a member of the crew and all that or even a large and obvious construct. A nice little remote control blimp or mechanical insect could have done the job much better.

    If you want to continuously observe the local wildlife, humans, well you just bug the place.

  19. noname says:

    # 51 deowll, you are taking the fun out of it!

    We need our Aliens to be our benevolent Santa Claus. Who else, can save us from global warming, unemployment, health care crisis…

    # 49 Mr Kanamit, please don’t listen to # 51 deowll. He knows not what he says. We need you, we want your benevolent graces. Please don’t leave us.

  20. Improbus says:

    Yeah, that doesn’t look like a movie prop at all. Jeez.

  21. Duh says:

    Always nice when these videos are shot with the crappiest camera available… No zoom in? No flashlight to illuminate the subject? Next time pull out your shotgun and fucking shoot the piece of shit and carry it’s carcass to ABC news…. Until then, you’re a lying sack of dog crap.

    [I guess that pretty much says it all. – ed.]

  22. noname says:

    # 54 Duh, It well known (at least that’s what my many Intergalactic friends tell me), that all aliens have an anti-ballistic force shields that protects them from all gun shots.

    Some are designed to reflect the projectile straight back to the shooter, i.e, you shoot yourself.

    In the back of Mags like Popular Mechanics, Aliens have been selling these.

    If you like, just sent me $9.95 and a pre-stamped addressed envelope and I will send you the plans.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    You guys are so skeptical!

    Sure aliens have ultra-advanced technology but to they understand about glass? Maybe they are like birds, that way.

  24. Fancy Displace says:

    In Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy they say
    there are adolescent aliens, called teasers.
    They deliberately land in the middle of nowhere, in some half-wacky humans back yard. They get out and walk around making BEEP-BEEP noises then leave.

    The aliens can hide, they just have an
    odd concept of humor.

  25. Rick Cain says:

    Alien encounter checklist:

    1) Crappy camera – check
    2) Shortest tape loop possible – check
    3) Rubber puppet – check
    4) Fat guy living at home with his mother who is bored from masturbating too much and desperately wants attention – check
    5) Phone number of local naive news affiliate – check

  26. TJ MORIS says:

    The ones I know blink just like this one does. He probably saw this being and then went to tape. He apparently had his camera on a tripod. Would like to know the story of the one who caught this on tape. Being that I have a close encounter contact I would enjoy seeing this presented at the ACE FOLKLIFE EXPO. Being a public folklorist with my own ET contact experiences, I would like to see more people come forth with their experiences, thus the paranormal conference or PARACON for the ET UFO COMMUNITY and any of the public that wants to attend on OCT 23-25 at the Grand Resort Hotel & Convention Center. Call ahead to make reservations 1-800-251-4444. I want to see a a forum -town hall if you will to discuss the change in our overall awareness of extra terrestrials. They are told not to be seen and not to get caught but like some people I know they just are curious as we are on earth. Guess this is for the record now. TJ


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