Yesterday news broke that the White House has sent millions of unsolicited email messages in the last couple of days.

After insisting no one was receiving unsolicited e-mails from the White House, officials reversed their story Monday night and blamed outside political groups for the unwanted messages from the tech-savvy operation.

Look at what the WH online director said:

“It has come to our attention that some people may have been subscribed to our e-mail lists without their knowledge — likely as a result of efforts by outside groups of all political stripes — and we regret any inconvenience caused by receiving an unexpected message,” Phillips wrote.

“We’re certainly not interested in anyone receiving e-mails from the White House who don’t want them. That’s one reason why we have never — and will never — add names from a commercial or political list to the White House list,” he wrote.

Unfortunately, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 “does not require e-mailers to get permission before they send marketing messages”. On the other hand, it requires that the emails give recipients an opt-out method. If anyone here received the spam emails, tell us in the comments if they had a link to opt-out..

I realize that spam is not a huge problem, but the recent White House spam-fest just seems, in their own words, “fishy”. If the current bill Health Care was good, they wouldn’t need to convince the public or the so-called blue dog democrats of anything.

Shame on you, Obama. We all hoped for lower taxes, no giving money to banks, more freedom and liberty, less wars. That’s certainly not what’s happening.

  1. bobbo, from the mouth of babes says:

    ““We’re certainly not interested in anyone receiving e-mails from the White House who don’t want them.” /// Seems the evidence only mounts that politicians have some deep seated drive to give the American Public the finger.

  2. BigBoyBC says:

    “Shame on you, Obama. We all hoped for lower taxes, no giving money to banks, more freedom and liberty, less wars. That’s certainly not what’s happening.”

    Oh dude, you’re just asking for the lefty Obama-bots to flame you. You’ve insulted their patron saint Obama…

    Brace yourself…

  3. Phydeau says:

    #2 BigBoyBC, you think that Democrats worship Obama as much as you wingnuts worshiped Bush. Wrong. You wingnuts are more into that black/white thing. You worshipped Bush and now you hate Obama. Us liberals are more able to see shades of gray. We like Obama overall, but there are some things we don’t like about him. There are plenty of things not to like about him. But you wingnuts hate him so much, that you take every tiny little thing and blow it up into something huge.

    Thus we have someone in the White House staff sending spam turned into The Total Failure Of The Obama Administration. Typical for you wingnut commentators, but it’s too bad our new moderator Guilherme Cherman has joined the cheap shot crowd.

  4. Weary Reaper says:

    Shame on you, Obama. We all hoped for lower taxes, no giving money to banks, more freedom and liberty, less wars.

    I don’t consider this a flame because the statement above is obviously absolute, unadulterated bullshit and I don’t believe, even here in this black pit of blatant and obvious lies, anyone could even attempt to say it isn’t.

    Who are you trying to kid here? Young children? How old are you? Twelve?

    What you listed is EXACTLY what you wanted, even before the man was declared winner of the Presidential election.

    It would be nice if at least one person around here, even a so-called ‘editor’, displayed at least a hint of intellectual honesty for a change. Just one time would be gratifying.

    OK, right wing nutjobs! Have fun with the intellectual hatchet job. The man’s not here to defend himself (thank goodness for YOU!) and all of you can mouth off to your heart’s content, perfectly safe and anonymous in JCD’s loving arms.

  5. Robart says:

    One of these things is not like the others,
    One of these things doesn`t belong.
    Can you tell which thing is not like the others
    By the time we finish our song.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    #3, Us liberals are more able to see shades of gray.

    So, does that mean you would choose to save your wife over 10 other women or the other way around?

  7. BigBoyBC says:

    See what I mean Guilherme,

    They went after me and you, calling names, point fingers, ad hominem attacks…

    and let us not forget their hypocrisy and self-righteousness. They have no memory for the nasty bigoted things they say…

    Ha Ha Ha, bunch of petty little people with worthless petty little lives… Ha Ha HA!!

  8. BigBoyBC says:

    #3: I said “Lefty Obama-bots”, are you saying that Democrats are lefty Obama-bots?

    Let the cat out of the bag on that one dude…

    What’s with this “WE” crap? You got a mouse in your pocket?

    Ha HA HA!!!

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Hmmm, would I rather get wrongly put on Obama’s e-mail list or on Bush’s terrorist watch list. Tough choice, I’ll have to sit and ponder this a while.

  10. st.francis says:

    “We all hoped for…”

    What hypocrisy. Y’all were hoping for McCain and Palin (har) to be elected.

    Same as it ever was.

  11. Benjamin says:

    On TWiT Sunday one of the TWiTs said a big bruiser should be sent to the spammers to teach them a lesson. Think that would apply here?

  12. Weary Reaper says:

    BigBoyBC said,

    Ha Ha Ha, bunch of petty little people with worthless petty little lives… Ha Ha HA!!

    Ha HA HA!!!

  13. MikeN says:

    >less wars

    The campaign in Iraq is winding down, so you have to give Obama a checkmark on this unless he opens a new battle, like Sudan, Iran, or somewhere else.

  14. Pmitchell says:

    I find it amazing that if the Bush administration had only done the first half of this fiasco less the spamming the leftwing democrats would have called for a full congressional investigation and independent council. But not only does the Obama adminsitration ask you to tell on your neighbors, it then spams every one on the forward list with propaganda and the main stream media barely gives it a notice, it takes the “evil” fox news to actually call the white house on their behavior to get any thing changed

  15. Thinker says:

    I like the bumper snicker I saw recently…”I already have a Messiah, I’m looking for a president”

  16. Thinker says:

    And this from the same group thats presenting Health Care reform as a fait accompli…discussion is getting together and agreeing with them.

    What did Obama and Pelosi expect ?????

  17. Faxon says:

    What’s a little more spam amongst Americans? If I can put up with the clowns from Nigeria, I can put up with the clown from Kenya.

  18. Faxon says:

    I don’t have time or the skill, but somebody PLEASE put together the Nigerian scam letter from the White House, complete with the proper misuse of language.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, faxon,

    I can put up with the clown from Kenya.

    Which is exactly why the Republicans will fare even worse in 2010 and 2012. Keep up the bullshit, it can’t hurt us.

  20. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #14 I find it amazing that Fox News ignored that the “Death Panel” part of the bill was put in by a Republican congressman from GA. So ex-Governor Sarah Palin was complaining (and misrepresenting) something put in by a member of her own party.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, faxon

    You see, this is exactly the point in my post #20. The Republicans have to invent shit to denigrate the President and Democrats. Since they don’t have anything honest they even stoop to asking others, more talented (imagine that, asking liberals), to do this for them.

    What a sleazy phuk.

  22. hhopper says:

    I realize that spam is not a huge problem,

    What? Spam is tying up 90% of the bandwidth available on the Internet.

  23. madtruckman says:

    finally i can say DVORAK.ORG/BLOG-FAIR AND BALANCED!!!

  24. schaffer970 says:

    I wrote to the White House opposing the stimulus bill. Since that time I have received at least 8 emails from President Barack Obama, David Axelrod and John O Brennan combined. I did not ask to be placed on any mailing list, only sent an email.

  25. soundwash says:

    spam, spam, spam, spam, spammity spAAAaamm…!

    (long live Monty…)


  26. MikeN says:

    How about we let them send all the e-mail they want, but take away Congressmen’s privilege of having the government pay for all their regular mail to constituents?

  27. chuck says:

    We all hoped for:
    1. lower taxes,
    2. no giving money to banks,
    3. more freedom and liberty,
    4. less wars.

    At this point, I’d by happy for having at least 1 of these.

  28. Benjamin says:

    #28 Chuck, I am not sure how you can have 3 with out both 1 and 2. High taxes and giving our grandchildren’s money away will not give you freedom and liberty.

  29. Phydeau says:

    #28 We all hoped for:
    1. lower taxes,
    2. no giving money to banks,
    3. more freedom and liberty,
    4. less wars.

    How would we have done here if McCain won? Hmmm…

    1. Better under McCain, definitely. The Democrats are the tax and spend party, the Republicans are the borrow and spend party. They would have spent just as much as Obama, but they would just have borrowed the money rather than taxing us for what they spent. Much better under Republicans. [end sarcasm]

    2. Are you kidding? Republicans are even more in the tank for the banks than the Democrats, always have been. They would have given more money to the banks. Crony Capitalism, raised to an art form under Bush.

    3. Hmmm… well if you consider torture, spying without warrants, and throwing people in jail without charges to be “more freedom and liberty”, then you’d have been better off with the Republicans.

    4. Less wars? Sorry bucko, there’s still two members of the Axis Of Evil ™ to attack! The Republicans would have been on the warpath there.

    Final score: Democrats 4, Republicans 0. Count your blessings Obama won.

  30. Timuchin says:

    #30, Obama is still in the hot seat for what happens from now on. In the very beginning he wanted everyone to give input and be responsible for the impending crash.

    But his leftist minority constituency demanded he throw out all rich capitalists and the bourgeoisie immediately. The big one hasn’t happened yet and he has acted against the interests of the majority. He’s hung when it blows.

    Hillary will be the candidate in four years, with Rahm Immanuel being her VP.


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